Recap of the Race action from Greater Louisville Classic yesterday
Today was another beautiful day for racing in the Northern Kentucky area, sunny clear skies and temperatures in the low 70s.
The weather for the race was perfect: sunny, with temperatures in the mid 60’s. Nothing could be better with the day… except the course itself. The trail through Devou Park awaiting the girls was filled with formidable hills that had more than a few girls nervous.
Recaps of the Varsity & Middle School races from Grant County
Interview with Class AA Coach Brian Alessandro
Interview with Class A Runner Michael Caldwell after winning the Ryle Invitational.
Interview with Girls Winner Christine Frederick
Interview with the Coach Rachel Bea of the winning girls team, Urusline Academy.
Interview with Cooper Boys Coach Eric Vanlaningham
Interview with Girls Coach Tony Harden of Class A #1 St. Henry.
The weather today was perfect for racing: The temperature was cool, without being cold; I would guess around mid-60’s and sunny for the girls varsity race. A light wind was blowing across the course.