Jack Mitchell Invitational 2017

Hodgenville, KY
Hosted by Larue County

Meet Information

Times: (Eastern Standard Time) rolling schedule

Girls/Boys Elem. (5th and under) 2.5K 5:00 PM -- top 3 in each gender

receive medals/ 4-10 receive ribbons

Girls Middle (6-8) 2.5K approximately 5:20 PM -- top 3 receive medals

Boys Middle (6-8) 2.5K approximately 5:40 PM -- top 3 receive medals

Varsity Girls 5K approximately 6:00 PM -- top 3 receive plaques

Varsity Boys 5K approximately 6:30 PM -- top 3 receive plaques

Trophies will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place teams in both boys and

girls varsity only.

For Questions -- email Jim B. Phelps jim.phelps@larue.kyschools.us


Entry Form

TEAM NAME:_______________________________________________

Check off teams you will be bringing or write the number of

individuals you will be bringing for that race. We are limiting schools

to 1 team or 12 runners in the varsity race.

________Girls Varsity 5K ($25 Team/$7 Per Individual) (up to 12


________Boys Varsity 5K ($25 Team/$7 Per Individual) (up to 12


________Middle School Girls 2.5K ($20 Team/$5 Per Individual)

________Middle School Boys 2.5K ($20 Team/$5 Per Individual)

________Elementary Girls 2.5K ($15 Team/$3 Individual)

________Elementary Boys 2.5K ($15 Team/$3 Individual)

_____________Total Cost For_______________________

Amount School

Make checks payable to: LCPSABC, INC

Payment can be sent early or the night of the event.

Mail checks to

Jackie Harley

Abraham Lincoln Elementary

2101 Lincoln Farm Rd.

Hodgenville, KY 42748