Woodford County Beat the Heat 2011

Versailles, KY

Complete Results

Licensed to Woodford County High School
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 8/23/2011 07:46 PM
                          Beat The Heat! - 8/23/2011                           
                            Woodford Co, All-Comers                            
                   Woodford Co.  XC  Course/ Falling Springs                   
Event 1  Girls 7 Mile Run CC .7 Miles/ El
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results - Women
  1 Taylor, Kristen              WCMS                   6:51.73  
  2 Hall, Rebekah                WCMS                   6:55.16  
  3 Davis, Paige                 WCMS                   7:18.02  
  4 Jobe, McKenna                WCMS                   7:25.43  
  5 Hall, Molly                  WCMSG                  8:03.34  
  6 Keith, Ellie                 WCMSG                  8:14.47  
  7 Murray, Caroline             WCMS                   8:32.86  
  8 Martin, Dorrah               WCMS                   8:33.15  
  9 Weatherly, Anmei             WCMS                   9:17.41  
 10 Bleuel, Abbey                WCMSG                  9:24.45  
 11 Murray, Morgan               WCMSG                 10:31.20  
Event 2  Boys 7 Mile Run CC .7 Miles/ El
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results - Men
  1 Thompson, Everett            WCMS                   6:29.92  
  2 Hall, Jonathan               WCMS                   6:30.68  
  3 Watson, Marcus               WCMS                   6:30.93  
  4 Caldwell, Luke               WCMSG                  6:47.78  
  5 Haddad, Logan                WCMSG                  7:11.95  
  6 Lehmkuhler, Justin           WCMS                   7:12.28  
  7 Hayes, Connor                SLEO                   7:12.57  
  8 Wettlaufer, Logan            WCMSG                  7:36.94  
  9 Jackson, Christon            WCMSG                  7:56.54  
 10 Smith, Carter                WCMSG                  8:00.89  
 11 Hurst, Trey                  WCMS                   8:01.46  
 12 Fuller, Grayson              WCMSG                  8:27.68  
 13 Popp, Peyton                 WCMS                   8:44.63  
 14 Taylor, Casey                WCMS                   9:15.09  
 15 Romine, Cole                 WCMSG                 10:58.86  
 16 Sullivan, Aidan              WCMS                 x12:23.27  
Event 3  Girls 1.55 Mile Run CC 1.55 Miles M
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results - Women
  1 Brooks, Waveney              Unattached            10:53.04  
  2 Fields, Kasey                Unattached            11:04.81  
  3 Back, Janelle                WCMSG                 11:13.56  
  4 Martin, Regan                WCMS                  11:15.19  
  5 Lautner, Morgan              Sayre                 11:47.29  
  6 Hayes, Kendall               WCMS                  11:52.14  
  7 Smith, Jessica               WCMSG                 11:53.58  
  8 Smith, Jodie                 WCMSG                 12:08.72  
  9 Allen, Lucie                 Sayre                 12:16.99  
 10 Dake, Janet                  WCMS                  12:26.51  
 11 Grenfell, Natalie            WCMS                  12:34.22  
 12 Spasova, Sissy               WCMSG                 12:34.82  
 13 Thompson, Emerson            WCMS                  12:50.11  
 14 Graf, Lela                   WCMSG                 12:51.80  
 15 Clardy, Phoebe               Sayre                 13:02.80  
 16 Melcher, Emily               WCMSG                 14:42.12  
 17 Drane, Ashleigh              WCMSG                 14:50.21  
 18 Cissell, Bethany             WCMS                  15:17.40  
Event 4  Boys 1.55 Mile Run CC 1.55 Miles M
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results - Men
  1 Hill, Thomas                 LAFA                   9:17.75  
  2 Bailey, Patrick              LAFA                   9:38.51  
  3 Keith, Harrison              WCMSG                  9:42.39  
  4 Hurst, Tucker                WCMS                   9:47.44  
  5 Popp, Peyton                 WCMS                  10:23.64  
  6 Denton, Seth                 WCMSG                 10:23.89  
  7 Fallon, Matthew              WCMS                  10:25.95  
  8 Cason, Alex                  WCMSG                 10:41.50  
  9 Mobley, Griffin              WCMSG                 10:48.41  
 10 Talley, Will                 Sayre                 11:00.42  
 11 Grimes, Charlie              Sayre                 11:22.49  
 12 Stang, Erik                  WCMS                  11:35.39  
 13 Barnett, Clay                Sayre                 11:51.74  
 14 Isaacs, Ben                  WCMSG                 11:52.65  
 15 Lamb, Nicholas               WCMS                  12:45.82  
 16 Mink, Ryan                   WCMS                  13:16.78  
 17 Elvidge, Keegan              WCMSG                 15:32.53  
Event 5  Girls 2.2 Mile Run CC 2.2 Miles  H Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results - Women
  1 Patterson, Maddox            Sayre                 13:27.24  
  2 Cornette, Mia                LAFA                  13:56.46  
  3 Effinger, Rachel             WOOD                  14:15.33  
  4 Mullins, Miranda             LAFA                  14:36.66  
  5 Jarman, Adira                WOOD                  14:46.12  
  6 Rodrigue, Oliva              LAFA                  15:29.04  
  7 Davis, Meredith              WOOD                  15:35.97  
  8 Johnson, Kendall             WOOD                  16:00.87  
  9 Berger, Sebastian            LAFA                  16:22.20  
 10 Lautner, Morgan              Sayre                 16:30.22  
 11 Kerns, Shelby                WOOD                  16:31.98  
 12 Shainfied, Elise             LAFA                  16:38.14  
 13 Hill, Mary Grace             LAFA                  16:58.77  
 14 Czack, Allie                 WOOD                  16:59.61  
 15 Humphries, Maddie            Sayre                 17:46.69  
 16 Grenfell, Laura              WOOD                  17:57.90  
 17 Williams, Shelby             WOOD                 x17:58.71  
 18 Haddad, Ashley               WOOD                 x18:18.08  
 19 Hamel, Maddie                WOOD                 x18:22.46  
 20 Coleman, Kaitlyn             WOOD                 x18:51.16  
 21 Dawahare, Elisabeth          Sayre                 18:51.96  
 22 Popp, Lauren                 WOOD                 x19:24.74  
 23 Spasova, Lucy                WOOD                 x19:27.95  
 24 Williamson, Kristen          LAFA                  19:36.92  
 25 Haddad, Vanessa              WOOD                 x19:43.80  
 26 Bertrand, Rebecca            LAFA                 x19:49.61  
 27 Toleman, Maddie              LAFA                 x20:08.88  
 28 Horton, Erin                 WOOD                 x20:50.87  
 29 Raymer, Madison              WOOD                 x21:23.54  
 30 Bruckner, Haley              WOOD                 x22:07.61  
 31 Brumley, Judy                Sayre                 22:47.98  
 32 Woods, Jessica               WOOD                 x24:56.93  
Event 6  Boys 2.2 Mile Run CC 2.2 Miles  H Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results - Men
  1 Waltman, Nicholas            Sayre                 11:52.46  
  2 Spencer, John                LAFA                  12:16.64  
  3 Rathbone, Ben                WOOD                  12:33.76  
  4 Rugg, Brian                  LAFA                  12:44.34  
  5 Kilgore, Mitchell            LAFA                  12:45.66  
  6 Smith, Lee                   LAFA                  12:57.86  
  7 McKee, Sean                  WOOD                  13:01.97  
  8 Lynch, Aaron                 LAFA                  13:17.13  
  9 Burris, Doug                 LAFA                  13:41.78  
 10 Stofer, Tucker               LAFA                  13:55.88  
 11 Fister, Matthew              WOOD                  14:10.80  
 12 Fallon, Jack                 WOOD                  14:12.33  
 13 Hill, Mason                  Sayre                 14:12.64  
 14 Napier, Seth                 LAFA                 x14:12.95  
 15 Joy, Caleb                   LAFA                 x14:24.81  
 16 Johnson, Courtland           WOOD                  14:42.88  
 17 McLamb, Cullen               Sayre                 14:50.03  
 18 Bambach, Austin              WOOD                  14:56.14  
 19 Irvin, Robert                WOOD                  14:57.93  
 20 Kever, Sam                   WOOD                 x15:05.72  
 21 Mulvaney, Jonh               WOOD                 x15:17.15  
 22 Lunsford, Austin             WOOD                 x15:23.60  
 23 Tremblay, Blaze              LAFA                 x15:26.77  
 24 Boyd, Hunter                 WOOD                 x15:36.93  
 25 Venn, Chad                   WOOD                 x15:43.06  
 26 Waltman, Sam                 Sayre                 16:16.56  
 27 Craven, Brian                Sayre                 16:22.49  
 28 Dougherty, Daniel            WOOD                 x16:54.13  
 29 Moreland, Alex               WOOD                 x17:56.78  
 30 Sawyer, Van                  WOOD                 x19:49.28