Randy Elmore PCI Track Classic (Meet is full) 2021

Somerset, KY
Timing/Results Friend Timing

Athlete Entries

7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
, Russell County High School
, Russell County High School
, Russell County High School
, Russell County High School
, Russell County High School
, 1:49.36 Russell County High School
, 57.15 Russell County High School
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HS Boys 1,600 Meter Run 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Masters, Brady 4:27.97 Madison Central
Miracle, Caden 4:32.16 Bell County
Sparkman, Justin 4:39.30 North Laurel
Stanko, Will 4:42.56 South Laurel
Terrell, Austin 4:43.72 Corbin
Adams, Cayden 4:47.04 Boyle County
Hansen, Trevor 4:52.43 Southwestern
Cundiff, Kannon 4:52.96 Pulaski County
Turner, Nathanael 4:53.93 Southwestern
Osborne, Cole 4:54.13 North Laurel
Tapscott, Jacob 4:54.52 South Laurel
Lamb, Carter 4:54.81 Madison Central
Scott, Henry 4:55.47 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Mattingly, Baylor 4:56.75 Lincoln County
Hail, John 4:57.80 Corbin
Black, Jonah 4:58.90 Corbin
Watkins, Bryce 4:59.48 Bourbon County
Scott, Garrett 5:01.95 Cumberland County
Cummings, Jesse 5:04.16 Danville
Bischoff, Brady 5:05.52 Danville
Lulek, Tyler 5:09.04 Russell County High School
Berry, Nate 5:09.95 Bourbon County
Sizemore, Triston Carter 5:11.34 Madison Central
Arno, James 5:13.05 Bell County
Proffitt, Koby 5:13.86 Pulaski County
Schwarz, Robel 5:14.07 Williamsburg
Profitt, Elijah 5:16.92 Mercer County
Morris, Isaac 5:17.04 Somerset Christian School
Baird, Kaleb 5:17.10 McCreary Central
Lahamer, Ahmad 5:17.90 Madison Southern
Myers, Andrew 5:19.10 Williamsburg
Lewis, Sam 5:19.68 Mercer County
Pence, Andrew 5:21.57 Lincoln County
Bortz, Zabrey 5:22.46 Southwestern
Rice, Austin 5:23.94 Boyle County
Smith, Nathan 5:25.29 Wayne County
Miracle, Nathan 5:26.02 Bell County
Hoskins, Josh 5:29.50 North Laurel
Perez, Aden 5:29.68 Wayne County
Escobar-Lopez, Arrlie 5:39.45 Somerset
Corder, Aiden 5:41.93 Somerset
Morgan, Kaden 5:45.93 Cumberland County
Todd, RJ 5:50 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Brady, Matthew 5:53.74 Adair County
Logsdon, Henry 5:54.63 East Jessamine
Begley, Raleigh 5:57.77 Garrard County
Jordan, Josh 5:57.77 Garrard County
Wardrip, Davis 6:00.38 Lincoln County
Mobley, Chase 6:01.76 Mercer County
Stogdsdill, Jackson 6:12.03 Pulaski County
Brady, Leland 6:12.86 Adair County
Trosper, Bryson 6:19.00 Russell County High School
Winburn, Jackson 6:25.67 McCreary Central
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Giglio, Keandre McCreary Central
Cundiff, Brady Adair County
Doan, Chase Somerset
Birge, Ethan Russell County High School
Floyd, Marcus Bourbon County
McCrickard, Evan 11.12 Corbin
Turner, Grayson 11.18 Somerset
Longmire, Treyveon 11.22 Corbin
Brainard, Giddeon 11.45 Southwestern
Sullivan, Cade 11.51 Pulaski County
Farnstrom, Jonah 11.60 Madison Southern
Massengill, Dylan 11.63 Corbin
Webster, Ryan 11.63 Madison Southern
Lanter, Cole 11.64 Boyle County
Davis, Clayton 11.66 Lincoln County
Godby, Chandler 11.68 Pulaski County
Amon, Lee 11.7 Lincoln County
Woods, Clint 11.80 Pulaski County
Roberts-Hassan, Amir 11.81 Bourbon County
Dunn, Asher 11.82 Garrard County
Dunn, Brayden 11.88 Mercer County
Peavler, Jackson 11.88 Mercer County
Abrams, Jessie 11.89 Madison Central
Smith, Andre 11.91 Madison Central
Chappell, Jack 11.91 North Laurel
McDaniel, Will 11.92 Boyle County
Clark, Keith 11.98 Madison Central
Wright, Tanner 12.03 Southwestern
Jackson, Tajii 12.10 East Jessamine
Pierce, Dylan 12.10 Adair County
Ezell, Miles 12.15 Bourbon County
Cole, Jon 12.29 Southwestern
Warren, Tucker 12.33 North Laurel
Griffieth , Denim 12.37 Mercer County
Johnson, Andre 12.39 East Jessamine
McGlone, Justus 12.40 Garrard County
Burns, Caleb 12.49 Danville
Slaughter, Dontious 12.52 Danville
Lawson, Martavion 12.54h Cumberland County
Felix, Lee 12.56 McCreary Central
Walters, Braxton 12.60 Russell County High School
Mccaskill, Cameron 12.73 Somerset
George, Bryson 12.76 Russell County High School
Carter, Cody 12.76 Lincoln County
Bowlin, Chase 12.80 McCreary Central
Deandrade, Efrayim 12.84 South Laurel
Smallwood, Jordan 12.90 Adair County
Johnson, Devin 12.92 North Laurel
Myers, Bryson 12.98 Cumberland County
Weiss, Hunter 13.48 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Spitser, Riley 13.75 South Laurel
McClellan, Xander 15.03 Wayne County
Epperson, Lucas 16.67 South Laurel
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perraut, Andrew Bourbon County
Goodwin, Cam Bourbon County
Guest, Braylon Danville
Gambrel, Dirk 15.13 Madison Central
Turner, Grayson 15.88 Somerset
Mays, Thaddeus 16.56 Mercer County
Marcum, Matthew 16.89 Madison Southern
Mackey, Camden 16.94 Corbin
Johnston, James 17.14 Mercer County
Chaney, Marcus 18.04 Bell County
Appicelli, Neboll 18.38 Southwestern
Wagers, Logan 19.00 Corbin
Wilkinson, Tyler 19.21 Pulaski County
Johnson, Austin 19.36 North Laurel
Miller, Alex 19.41 Corbin
Frost, Preston 19.47 Southwestern
Taylor, Caiden 19.51 Madison Central
Chappell, Henry 20.27 North Laurel
Landrum, Ladamion 20.64 Bourbon County
Owens, Jackson 20.71 Pulaski County
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Story, Keelan Danville
Giglio, Keandre McCreary Central
Robbins, Jacob Bell County
Ezell, Miles Bourbon County
Roberts-Hassan, Amir Bourbon County
Sheperson, Luke Boyle County
Brown, Beau 22.82 Mercer County
McCrickard, Evan 23.10 Corbin
Farnstrom, Jonah 23.26 Madison Southern
Woods, Grant 23.31 North Laurel
Davis, Noah 23.51 Mercer County
Brainard, Giddeon 23.69 Southwestern
Longmire, Treyveon 23.81 Corbin
Abrams, Jessie 23.87 Madison Central
Davis, Clayton 23.90 Lincoln County
Peavler, Riley 23.91 Mercer County
Woods, Clint 23.91 Pulaski County
Massengill, Dylan 23.91 Corbin
Lanter, Cole 23.96 Boyle County
Amon, Lee 24.0 Lincoln County
Palmer, Antonio 24.04 Pulaski County
Dunn, Asher 24.08 Garrard County
Negron, Joseph 24.10 Madison Southern
Zaragoza, Jesse 24.38 Somerset
Strevels, Jordan 24.40 Southwestern
Clark, Keith 24.52 Madison Central
Colyer, Victor 24.61 Southwestern
Cundiff, Brady 24.69 Adair County
Robinson, Shaun 24.96 North Laurel
McGlone, Justus 25.05 Garrard County
Jarnagin, Cayden 25.16 Madison Central
Braxton, Tekenyon 25.20 East Jessamine
Cares, Wesley 25.21 Wayne County
Bailey, Guy 25.32 Somerset
Ezell, Jacob 25.40 Bourbon County
Warren, Tucker 25.46 North Laurel
Carter, Cody 25.6 Lincoln County
Blakeman, Cole 25.69 Somerset
Ballard, Gino 25.77 Madison Southern
Rocco, Isaac 25.89 East Jessamine
Johnson, Bryce 26.32 Danville
Smallwood, Jordan 26.37 Adair County
Giglio, Kyree 26.40 McCreary Central
Lawson, Martavion 26.44 Cumberland County
Walters, Braxton 26.58 Russell County High School
Colyer, T.J. 26.99 Pulaski County
Lacy, Jakeb 27.00h Adair County
George, Bryson 27.21 Russell County High School
Morris, Isaac 27.24 Somerset Christian School
Mitchell, Logan 27.73 McCreary Central
Perez, Aden 27.81 Wayne County
Deandrade, Efrayim 27.99 South Laurel
Myers, Bryson 28.00 Cumberland County
Trujillo, Abraham 28.76 Russell County High School
Spitser, Riley 28.79 South Laurel
Weiss, Hunter 28.81 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Gambrel, Taiven 32.06 Bell County
Epperson, Lucas 35.78 South Laurel
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HS Boys 3,200 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morris, Isaac Somerset Christian School
Terrell, Austin 10:01.79 Corbin
Masters, Brady 10:05.81 Madison Central
Adams, Cayden 10:09.00 Boyle County
Stanko, Will 10:19.31 South Laurel
Hail, John 10:35.30 Corbin
Osborne, Cole 10:55.61 North Laurel
Hutchinson, Marcus 11:15.63 Madison Central
Lewis, Sam 11:17.90 Mercer County
Monhollen, Tommy 11:20.53 North Laurel
Lamb, Carter 11:21.25 Madison Central
Bortz, Zabrey 11:27.83 Southwestern
Profitt, Elijah 11:30.22 Mercer County
Watkins, Bryce 11:30.67 Bourbon County
Berry, Nate 11:32.56 Bourbon County
Smith, Jeremiah 11:36.15 Pulaski County
Williams, Christian 11:36.57 McCreary Central
Miracle, Nathan 11:45.03 Bell County
Harris, Xander 11:45.22 North Laurel
Germann, Max 11:47.00 Boyle County
Johnson, Elijah 11:50.56 Lincoln County
Green, Hayden 11:54.35 Bell County
Arno, James 11:58.00 Bell County
Pence, Andrew 12:05.80 Lincoln County
Foster, Riley 12:09.55 McCreary Central
Turner, Isaac 12:12.57 Southwestern
Corder, Aiden 12:37.53 Somerset
Escobar-Lopez, Arrlie 12:50.38 Somerset
Mallicoate, Daniel 12:58.83 Southwestern
Wardrip, Davis 13:06.21 Lincoln County
Lahamer, Ahmad 13:31.82 Madison Southern
Mobley, Chase 14:01.73 Mercer County
Simons, Sean 9:57.02 Corbin
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goodwin, Cam Bourbon County
Giglio, Kyree McCreary Central
Huckabee, Jack Bourbon County
Blakeman, Cole Somerset
Trosper, Clayton Russell County High School
Taylor, Caiden Madison Central
Guest, Braylon 1:02.63 Danville
Gambrel, Dirk 39.20 Madison Central
Lukitsch, Jalen 40.28 Mercer County
Mackey, Camden 42.92 Corbin
Johnston, James 43.04 Mercer County
Frost, Preston 44.24 Southwestern
Wagers, Logan 45.0 Corbin
Zaragoza, Benito 45.37 Somerset
Marcum, Matthew 45.86 Madison Southern
Landrum, Ladamion 46.00 Bourbon County
Miller, Alex 46.22 Corbin
Mays, Thaddeus 46.97 Mercer County
Richardson, Daniel 47.62 Somerset
Appicelli, Neboll 47.68 Southwestern
Chaney, Marcus 47.79 Bell County
Wilkinson, Tyler 48.19 Pulaski County
Trujillo, Abraham 48.33 Russell County High School
Chappell, Henry 49.39 North Laurel
Johnson, Austin 50.27 North Laurel
Owens, Jackson 51.01 Pulaski County
Smith, Zach 54.38 Madison Southern
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Felkins, Zach Garrard County
Johnson, Bryce Danville
Commodore, Jaden Bourbon County
Miracle, Nathan Bell County
Mitchell, Logan McCreary Central
Schwarz, Robel Williamsburg
Robbins, Jacob Bell County
Garmon, Silas 1:00.00 Cumberland County
Stamper, Logan 1:00.30 Pulaski County
Perraut, Andrew 1:00.45 Bourbon County
Tarter, Jakei 1:00.53 Boyle County
Robertson, Bryant 1:00.62 Adair County
Green, Hayden 1:00.87 Bell County
Perez, Aden 1:00.92 Wayne County
George, Bryson 1:03.71 Russell County High School
Jones, Blake 1:04.86 Danville
Strong, Trent 1:05.22 Madison Southern
Todd, RJ 1:06.03 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Musgrove, Caleb 1:07.32 McCreary Central
Taylor, Cody 1:08.28 McCreary Central
Claywell, Caleb 1:09.17 Cumberland County
Birge, Ethan 1:09.44 Russell County High School
Farnstrom, Jonah 50.51 Madison Southern
Davis, Noah 50.73 Mercer County
Isby, Gamarious 52.07 North Laurel
Woods, Grant 52.43 North Laurel
Kinley, Jeffrey 53.08 Madison Central
Zaragoza, Jesse 53.44 Somerset
Stearns, Justin 53.72 Russell County High School
Robinson, Shaun 54.35 North Laurel
McCowan, Will 54.64 South Laurel
Lewis, Jonah 54.84 Mercer County
Messer, Connor 54.93 Corbin
Stevens, Tye 55.01 Corbin
Strevels, Jordan 55.06 Southwestern
Perrin, Caleb 55.15 Southwestern
Pacheco, Armando 55.31 Madison Central
Jarnagin, Cayden 55.98 Madison Central
Rocco, Isaac 56.00 East Jessamine
Gambrel-Harris, Dailon 56.00 Madison Southern
Warren, Collin 56.54 Mercer County
Colyer, Victor 57.38 Southwestern
Gover, Eli 57.43 South Laurel
Blevins, Cody 57.43 South Laurel
Perraut, John 57.52 Bourbon County
Blakeman, Cole 57.70 Somerset
Cares, Wesley 57.80 Wayne County
Sullivan, Cade 58.00 Pulaski County
Gambill, Sawyer 58.08 Pulaski County
Sell, Clem 58.32 Corbin
Godber, Daniel 58.54 Garrard County
Cundiff, Brady 58.95 Adair County
Bailey, Guy 58.99 Somerset
McGlone, Christian 59.02 Boyle County
White, Carter 59.41 Adair County
Baird, Nick 59.75 Williamsburg
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.54 Corbin
Relay Team A 44.67 Madison Central
Relay Team A 44.88 Mercer County
Relay Team A 45.52 Somerset
Relay Team A 45.78 Pulaski County
Relay Team A 45.92 Boyle County
Relay Team A 46.17 Southwestern
Relay Team A 46.62 North Laurel
Relay Team A 46.85 Garrard County
Relay Team A 47.10 Madison Southern
Relay Team A 47.28 East Jessamine
Relay Team A 47.69 Lincoln County
Relay Team A 47.76 Danville
Relay Team A 49.00 Bourbon County
Relay Team A 49.51 McCreary Central
Relay Team A 51.26 South Laurel
Relay Team A 55.41 Cumberland County
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:31.90 Mercer County
Relay Team A 1:34.27 North Laurel
Relay Team A 1:34.70 Corbin
Relay Team A 1:34.85 Madison Central
Relay Team A 1:36.38 Southwestern
Relay Team A 1:36.81 Boyle County
Relay Team A 1:37.33 Madison Southern
Relay Team A 1:38.40 Pulaski County
Relay Team A 1:39.59 East Jessamine
Relay Team A 1:40.17 Garrard County
Relay Team A 1:40.55 Lincoln County
Relay Team A 1:41.08 Somerset
Relay Team A 1:41.41 South Laurel
Relay Team A 1:42.19 Bourbon County
Relay Team A 1:42.52 Russell County High School
Relay Team A 1:44.32 Danville
Relay Team A 1:56.32 Cumberland County
Relay Team A 2:19.71 McCreary Central
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:31.59 North Laurel
Relay Team A 3:32.83 Mercer County
Relay Team A 3:40.08 Madison Southern
Relay Team A 3:41.37 South Laurel
Relay Team A 3:42.73 Madison Central
Relay Team A 3:43.90 Corbin
Relay Team A 3:45.92 Southwestern
Relay Team A 3:54.70 Danville
Relay Team A 3:56.67 Pulaski County
Relay Team A 3:57.50 Bourbon County
Relay Team A 3:57.68 Boyle County
Relay Team A 4:02.09 Adair County
Relay Team A 4:04.06 Garrard County
Relay Team A 4:08.53 McCreary Central
Relay Team A 4:08.55 Bell County
Relay Team A 4:12.06 Somerset
Relay Team A 4:22.90 Cumberland County
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Bell County
Relay Team A Garrard County
Relay Team A 10:02.66 Madison Southern
Relay Team A 10:20.45 Adair County
Relay Team A 10:20.47 Cumberland County
Relay Team A 10:22.85 Pulaski County
Relay Team A 8:27.77 Corbin
Relay Team A 8:33.92 North Laurel
Relay Team A 8:44.25 South Laurel
Relay Team A 8:48.21 Mercer County
Relay Team A 8:55.98 Russell County High School
Relay Team A 8:57.64 Madison Central
Relay Team A 9:09.35 Southwestern
Relay Team A 9:11.26 Bourbon County
Relay Team A 9:12.71 Boyle County
Relay Team A 9:18.42 Danville
Relay Team A 9:31.05 Williamsburg
Relay Team A 9:48.44 Lincoln County
Relay Team A 9:56.87 McCreary Central
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sparkman, Justin 2:00.41 North Laurel
Masters, Brady 2:00.86 Madison Central
Tapscott, Jacob 2:02.35 South Laurel
Cundiff, Kannon 2:03.79 Pulaski County
Simons, Sean 2:04.14 Corbin
Perrin, Caleb 2:04.20 Southwestern
Davis, Noah 2:04.75 Mercer County
Miracle, Caden 2:05.67 Bell County
Stearns, Justin 2:07.12 Russell County High School
Suarez, Gabe 2:07.79 Danville
Hutchinson, Marcus 2:08.27 Madison Central
Stokes, Wesley 2:10.93 Madison Central
Profitt, Elijah 2:11.35 Mercer County
Asher, Andon 2:11.76 Corbin
Scott, Henry 2:12.28 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Hansen, Trevor 2:12.79 Southwestern
Turner, Nathanael 2:12.88 Southwestern
Scott, Garrett 2:13.58 Cumberland County
Gambrel-Harris, Dailon 2:14.23 Madison Southern
Sizemore, Aspen 2:15.56 North Laurel
Mattingly, Baylor 2:15.84 Lincoln County
Schwarz, Robel 2:16.51 Williamsburg
Sallee, Kyler 2:16.65 Mercer County
Black, Jonah 2:16.92 Corbin
Fee, Josh 2:17.14 South Laurel
Greer, Chris 2:17.14 South Laurel
Harris, Xander 2:17.42 North Laurel
Lulek, Tyler 2:18.64 Russell County High School
Baird, Nick 2:18.93 Williamsburg
Young, Connor 2:23.96 Boyle County
Berry, Nate 2:24.09 Bourbon County
Tarter, Trennon 2:24.29 Pulaski County
White, Carter 2:25.25 Adair County
Pence, Andrew 2:25.29 Lincoln County
Lahamer, Ahmad 2:27.25 Madison Southern
Green, Hayden 2:27.86 Bell County
Smith, Nathan 2:29.60 Wayne County
Johnson, Elijah 2:29.87 Lincoln County
McKnight, Holden 2:31.77 Danville
Woodring, Johanan 2:34.16 Bell County
Escobar-Lopez, Arrlie 2:34.80 Somerset
Shelley, Parker 2:35.71 Cumberland County
Zaragoza, Jesse 2:36.71 Somerset
Sears, Shawn 2:37.48 Bourbon County
Logsdon, Henry 2:37.71 East Jessamine
Corder, Aiden 2:37.83 Somerset
Ford, Bryan 2:42.73 Pulaski County
Watkins, Bryce 2:43.96 Bourbon County
Trosper, Bryson 2:45.10 Russell County High School
Brady, Leland 2:48.86 Adair County
Brady, Matthew 2:49.48 Adair County
West, Clinton 2:50.00 Garrard County
Taylor, Cody 2:53.96 McCreary Central
Flynn, Seth 2:57.59 Wayne County
Rowe, Cayden 2:59.09 McCreary Central
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HS Boys Discus 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hardwick, Andrew 146-6 Boyle County
Robinson, Luke 139-9 North Laurel
Brockman, Lane 130-2 Madison Southern
Campbell, Jaden 126-4 East Jessamine
Grinstead, Sam 120-6 Madison Southern
Brummett, Cooper 116-5 Boyle County
Penn, Lleyton 110-6 Mercer County
Pierce, Dylan 110-4 Adair County
Williams, Jace 105-8 Madison Southern
Richardson, Daniel 104-8 Somerset
Keith, Adam 104-1 Corbin
Foster, Brandon 101-9 Adair County
Faulkner, Troy 100-9 Corbin
Collier, Byron 100-5 Mercer County
Fielder, Wyatt 98-7 Garrard County
Taylor, Collin 97-1 Williamsburg
Carpenter, Neo 95-10 Adair County
Pascarella, Nico 95-5 Southwestern
Hester, Jake 94-0 Boyle County
Jackson, Zaryn 92-2 Mercer County
Sizemore, Connor 90-2 North Laurel
Middleton, Caleb 89-9 North Laurel
Rohrer, Jackson 88-9 Madison Central
Samuel, Stephan 88-8 Madison Central
Burke, Roman 88-0 Madison Central
Gamble, Alex 88-0 Williamsburg
Wright, Tanner 86-4 Southwestern
McCollum, Jack 84-9 Pulaski County
Goebel, Cade 82-7 Bourbon County
Miracle, Devan 77-7 Lincoln County
Perkins, Brody 77-7 Southwestern
Garrett, Keshawn 77-0 Cumberland County
McFarland, David 76-11 Somerset
Hays, Declan 76-7 Pulaski County
Anderson, Tate 71-1 South Laurel
Stokes, Nathan 70-10 Wayne County
Sparks, Bennett 69-0 Garrard County
Sumner, Xander 68-5 McCreary Central
Hensley, Landon 66-6 Bell County
Bell, Landon 64-0 Wayne County
Gregory, Kenny 63-4 Cumberland County
Scott, Colton 59-7 Bell County
McFarland, Jacob 58-9 Lincoln County
Morton, Derek 57-8 East Jessamine
Taylor, James 56-3 McCreary Central
Garrett, Wally 52-11 South Laurel
York, Tommy 45-0 Pulaski County
Brooks, Brandon 1-1 Garrard County
Burke, Riley Russell County High School
Perkins, Kylar Russell County High School
Hawkins, Wyatt Bourbon County
Breeden, Jordan Bourbon County
Hawkins, Michael Somerset
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HS Boys High Jump 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carson, Brayden 6-4 Madison Southern
Burkhart, Chase 6-2 Garrard County
Richardson, Daniel 5-8 Somerset
Huckabee, Jack 5-8 Bourbon County
Jones, Blake 5-8 Danville
Woods, Clint 5-8 Pulaski County
Mays, Matthew 5-6 Mercer County
Jackson, Zeyden 5-6 Mercer County
Colyer, T.J. 5-6 Pulaski County
Perraut, John 5-4 Bourbon County
Ballard, Gino 5-4 Madison Southern
Chappell, Jack 5-4 North Laurel
Hewitt, Kaden 5-4 Southwestern
Jackson, Wyatt 5-2 Boyle County
Frisby, Grant 5-2 Boyle County
Gover, Eli 5-2 South Laurel
Monhart, Donovan 5-2 Williamsburg
Jones, Lake 5-2 Corbin
Gambrel, Taiven 5-0 Bell County
Howard, Landon 5-0 Southwestern
Price, Tyler 5-0 Southwestern
Gambill, Sawyer 5-0 Pulaski County
Dean, Jackson 4-4 Adair County
Commodore, Jaden 4-0 Bourbon County
Miller, Jayden Adair County
Bess, Forte Mercer County
Beard, Jaylon Madison Central
Swanson, Jake Madison Central
Acosta, Gavin Corbin
Lewis, Isaiah Somerset
Slaughter, Dontious Danville
Bowlin, Chase McCreary Central
Ritchie II, Gregory (Kevin) Madison Central
Sturgill, Tyler North Laurel
Patterson, Dakota Corbin
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HS Boys Long Jump 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Longmire, Treyveon 21-9 Corbin
Turner, Grayson 21-0 Somerset
Jones, Blake 20-11 Danville
Mays, Matthew 20-4 Mercer County
Sheperson, Luke 20-3 Boyle County
Carson, Brayden 20-3 Madison Southern
Garcia, Alex 20-2 North Laurel
Dunn, Brayden 20-1.5 Mercer County
Ware, Ethan 19-5.5 Southwestern
Bertram, Dalton 19-2 Pulaski County
Perkins, Steven 19-1.5 Madison Southern
Cares, Wesley 19-0 Wayne County
Wright, Donavan 18-10.5 Mercer County
Jackson, Tajii 18-9.5 East Jessamine
Sullivan, Cade 18-6 Pulaski County
Kinley, Jeffrey 18-05.50 Madison Central
Colyer, T.J. 18-3 Pulaski County
Ballard, Gino 18-1 Madison Southern
Johnson, Andre 17-10.5 East Jessamine
Lanham, Brady 17-8.25 Corbin
Alexander, William 17-8 Boyle County
Huckabee, Jack 17-7 Bourbon County
Hibbard, Maison 17-7 Southwestern
Ritchie II, Gregory (Kevin) 17-4.25 Madison Central
Sell, Clem 17-2.75 Corbin
Blevins, Cody 17-2 South Laurel
Ezell, Miles 16-11.5 Bourbon County
Pierce, Dylan 16-9.25 Adair County
Chinn, Riley 16-9 Williamsburg
West, Clinton 16-6.75 Garrard County
Johnson, Devin 16-2 North Laurel
Burkhart, Chase 15-10 Garrard County
Nichols, Brayden 15-9 Madison Central
Deandrade, Efrayim 15-2 South Laurel
Todd, RJ 15-0 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Howard, Landon 14-10.25 Southwestern
Weiss, Hunter 14-8.5 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Redford, Myles 14-8.5 East Jessamine
Johnson, Elijah 14-5 Lincoln County
Garrett, Keshawn 14-0 Cumberland County
Dean, Jackson 13-9 Adair County
Anderson, Sam 13-5 Cumberland County
Mccaskill, Cameron 13-4.75 Somerset
Carpenter, Neo 11-6 Adair County
Crawford, Cordyn Danville
Goodwin, Cam Bourbon County
Felix, Lee McCreary Central
Giglio, Keandre McCreary Central
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HS Boys Pole Vault 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stewart, Wyatt 16-3 Madison Central
Lunsford, Hunter 12-0 Bourbon County
Blakeman, Cole 11-6 Somerset
Walton, Bryce 11-6 Mercer County
Masters, Drew 11-6 Madison Central
Lockhart, Alex 11-0 Boyle County
Mays, Thaddeus 11-0 Mercer County
Sizemore, Aspen 10-0 North Laurel
Carson, Brayden 10-0 Madison Southern
Linville, Derrick 10-0 Madison Southern
Snowden, Tayvon 9-0 Bourbon County
McKinzie, Conner 8-6 Bourbon County
Massengill, Dylan 8-6 Corbin
Perkins, Steven 8-6 Madison Southern
Martin, Eligha 8-0 Corbin
Johnson, Devin 7-6 North Laurel
Appicelli, Neboll 7-6 Southwestern
Stacy, Dylan 7-0 Corbin
Howard, Landon 7-0 Southwestern
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HS Boys Shot Put 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hardwick, Andrew 51-0 Boyle County
Penn, Lleyton 46-4.5 Mercer County
Edminston, Caleb 46-0 Boyle County
Campbell, Jaden 43-8 East Jessamine
Grinstead, Sam 43-5 Madison Southern
Bates, Bronson 41-9.5 Williamsburg
Robinson, Luke 41-8.75 North Laurel
Foster, Brandon 41-4 Adair County
Decker, Justin 41-1.5 Williamsburg
Sizemore, Connor 40-10.5 North Laurel
Hawkins, Michael 40-9.5 Somerset
Goebel, Cade 39-11 Bourbon County
Jackson, Josh 39-6 Corbin
Pierce, Dylan 38-4 Adair County
McCollum, Jack 37-6 Pulaski County
Williams, Jace 37-5.75 Madison Southern
Perkins, Brody 37-5.5 Southwestern
Faulkner, Troy 37-4 Corbin
Johnson, Austin 36-4 North Laurel
Sumner, Xander 35-11.5 McCreary Central
Carpenter, Neo 35-8.5 Adair County
Major, Ezra 35-0 Southwestern
Sparks, Andrew 34-5.5 Garrard County
Jackson, Zaryn 33-0 Mercer County
Stokes, Nathan 32-8 Wayne County
Rohrer, Jackson 32-3.5 Madison Central
Sparks, Bennett 32-1 Garrard County
Brockman, Lane 31-6.5 Madison Southern
Collier, Byron 31-6.25 Mercer County
Anderson, Tate 31-2.5 South Laurel
Hensley, Landon 30-9 Bell County
Miracle, Devan 30-8 Lincoln County
Fulton, Braden 30-0 Wayne County
Conover, Reiley 28-9 Cumberland County
Taylor, Colton 28-8.5 Madison Central
Morton, Derek 28-7 East Jessamine
Samuel, Stephan 27-0 Madison Central
Gregory, Kenny 26-6 Cumberland County
Reed, Preston 26-4 Somerset
Garrett, Wally 25-9 South Laurel
Fielder, Wyatt 24-1 Garrard County
York, Tommy 23-7.5 Pulaski County
Scott, Colton 23-6.75 Bell County
Taylor, James 21-6.5 McCreary Central
McFarland, Jacob 21-2 Lincoln County
Burke, Riley Russell County High School
Perkins, Kylar Russell County High School
Hawkins, Wyatt Bourbon County
Breeden, Jordan Bourbon County
Wright, Tanner Southwestern
Hays, Declan Pulaski County
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HS Boys Triple Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mays, Matthew 42-4.5 Mercer County
Carson, Brayden 41-0 Madison Southern
Dunn, Brayden 40-9 Mercer County
Jones, Blake 40-8 Danville
Mays, Thaddeus 40-6.5 Mercer County
Perkins, Steven 40-2 Madison Southern
Turner, Grayson 40-1.75 Somerset
Garcia, Alex 40-1 North Laurel
Lanham, Brady 39-10 Corbin
Bertram, Dalton 39-10 Pulaski County
Newberry, Hunter 38-6 Corbin
Ritchie II, Gregory (Kevin) 37-4 Madison Central
Hewitt, Kaden 37-0.5 Southwestern
Strong, Trent 36-9 Madison Southern
Stewart, Wyatt 36-2 Madison Central
Tarter, Jakei 36-1.5 Boyle County
Sell, Clem 35-9.5 Corbin
Richardson, Daniel 35-0 Somerset
Lunsford, Hunter 34-10 Bourbon County
Ware, Ethan 34-9.5 Southwestern
Chinn, Riley 34-8.5 Williamsburg
Blevins, Cody 33-3 South Laurel
Howard, Landon 32-8 Southwestern
Hoskins, Josh 32-1 North Laurel
Burkhart, Chase 31-1 Garrard County
Miller, Jayden 30-2 Adair County
Huckabee, Jack Bourbon County
Burns, Caleb Danville
Nichols, Brayden Madison Central
Ezell, Miles Bourbon County
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HS Girls 1,600 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dunaway, Riley Pulaski County
Andraca, Anna Russell County High School
McCowan, Phoebe 5:01.02 South Laurel
Dotson, Alexis 5:07.69 Rockcastle County
Liddle, Emily 5:13.58 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Bastin, Abby 5:17.08 Lincoln County
Tamariz, Ximena 5:19.72 Bourbon County
Darnell, Clayra 5:22.04 Mercer County
Strauel, Lydiah 5:24.33 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Cundiff, Alex 5:35.32 Pulaski County
West, Chloe 5:37.04 Somerset Christian School
Warren, Nevaeh 5:46.72 Williamsburg
Reynolds, Amilya 5:47.76 Madison Central
Frye , Jaycee 5:47.91 Corbin
Allen, Taylor 5:49.88 North Laurel
Craft, Graci 5:52.30 Cumberland County
Herren, Alex 5:52.77 Corbin
Earle, Kiah 5:53.02 Danville
Campbell, Meredith 5:57.96 Madison Central
Tarter, Annabelle 6:03.66 Boyle County
McArthur, Lucy 6:05.61 Somerset
Slone, Alexis 6:07.92 Lincoln County
Bell, Shelby 6:08.28 Wayne County
Murray, Hannah 6:10.79 Pulaski County
Brainard, Kayla 6:14.23 Bourbon County
Vickers, Riley 6:14.30 North Laurel
Childers, Riley 6:25.80 Corbin
Taylor, Allison 6:28.25 Southwestern
Peterson, Madeline 6:28.95 Southwestern
Tapscott, Hannah 6:42.44 South Laurel
Byrd, Kaydynce 6:47.00 Wayne County
Godsey, Cailyn 6:49.73 Boyle County
Tucker, Alyssa 6:50.08 McCreary Central
Fields, Ryan 6:50.47 Williamsburg
Profitt, Corban 6:56.56 Mercer County
Boots, Kennedy 7:04.20 Somerset
Parrish, Hadleigh 7:26.33 Russell County High School
Eastham, Clara 7:30.19 Somerset
Smith, Katie Beth 7:38.35 Lincoln County
Pennington, Arabella 7:43.27 Lynn Camp
Helton, Chloe 8:00.94 Lynn Camp
Saylor, Sara 8:21.86 Bell County
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 64 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilder, Jahmaria Bullitt Central HS
Foley, Alyssa Bullitt Central HS
Mays, Love Danville
Dunn, Maddy 12.14h Pulaski County
Burgess, Kendall 12.54h Somerset
Yeast, Timberlynn 12.55 Mercer County
Wright, Kaylynn 12.65 Madison Southern
Bruin, Morgan 13.16 Pulaski County
Campbell, Jameka 13.34 East Jessamine
French, Taylor 13.39 Corbin
Siler, Mikkah 13.44 Williamsburg
Watson, Emma 13.59 Rockcastle County
Wise, Molly 13.60 Boyle County
Coomer, Abbee 13.70 Pulaski County
Wilson, Alyssa 13.74h Adair County
Young, Tori 13.80 Bourbon County
Keith, Rylee 13.88 Wayne County
Cooper, Destiny 13.90 Bullitt Central HS
Moberly, Kayleigh 13.96 Madison Southern
Davis, Haley 13.97 Cumberland County
Burgess, Grace 13.97 Somerset
Ashurst, Emma 14.02 Corbin
Brown, Zoie 14.05 Williamsburg
Brown, Mayatu 14.11 Adair County
Hale, Lexi 14.19 Garrard County
Piazza, Ralasia 14.27 Mercer County
Gibson, Grace 14.31 Corbin
Taylor, Rachel 14.32 East Jessamine
Kidd, Kendall 14.34h McCreary Central
Reinhardt, Marielle 14.36 Madison Central
Morrow, Molly 14.38 Garrard County
Puscus, Alana 14.40 Bourbon County
Myers, Candice 14.47 Cumberland County
Ross, Julien 14.49 Madison Central
Mabe, Abby 14.53 Lynn Camp
Bradley, Laurah 14.55 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Boyer, Hannaha 14.58 Southwestern
Garrett, Bella 14.68 Mercer County
Hueser, Kyla 14.79 South Laurel
Morrow, Grace 14.83 Garrard County
Johnson, Constance 14.86 Lincoln County
Johnson, Karlee 14.88 Boyle County
Gambill, Maggie 14.94 Bourbon County
Jirak, Lydia 15.02 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Barnes, Sophie 15.02 Somerset
Blair, Kinsley 15.13 North Laurel
Messer, Reagan 15.28 South Laurel
Coffey, Aniyah 15.29 Russell County High School
Mounce, Alyssa 15.45 Lynn Camp
Chappell, Belle 15.61 North Laurel
Brown, Jailyn 15.62 Rockcastle County
Coffey, Jaterria 15.65 Russell County High School
Mutuse, Kyamarra 15.66 Madison Central
Brooks, Alyssa 15.73 Bell County
Smith, Katie 15.88 Southwestern
Peavie, Gracie 15.98 Rockcastle County
Trujillo, Eva 16.00 Russell County High School
Barnett, Heather 16.05 Lincoln County
Clouse, Jasmine 16.08 Bell County
Funkhouser, Maddy 16.24 Lincoln County
Valdez, Gabbriella 16.38 McCreary Central
Flynn, Emma 16.53 South Laurel
Sellers, Megan 16.70 McCreary Central
Weiss, Gabriella 17.53 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Doneghy, Jazelynn Danville
Clouse, Jasmine Bell County
Page, Lillian Bourbon County
Wilder, Jahmaria Bullitt Central HS
Piazza, Jai Maria 16.03 Mercer County
Mattingly, Lylah 17.31 Williamsburg
Settles, Harlee 17.36 Mercer County
Ham, Emily 18.25 Somerset
Dolan, Tandem 18.66 Bullitt Central HS
Baker, Alexis 18.67 East Jessamine
Finneseth, Clara 18.73 Corbin
Garland, Madison 18.84 Somerset
Sizemore, Kennedy 19.25 North Laurel
Rowe, Gabbi 19.56 Southwestern
Cox, Jae 19.59 Lincoln County
Hawkins, Emma 19.98 Bourbon County
Jones, Olivia 20.00 Corbin
Pianalto, Carissa 20.09 Madison Central
Deering, Alexandria 20.45 East Jessamine
Holt, Maggie 20.54 Pulaski County
Gambill, Ashleigh 20.57 Bourbon County
Peterson, Madeline 21.95 Southwestern
Shivel, Aliyah 22.15 Pulaski County
Jarvis, Katie 22.42 North Laurel
Hughes, Makayley 24.32 Danville
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smiddy, Kayla McCreary Central
Marcum, Abby Bullitt Central HS
Coffey, Jaterria Russell County High School
Nolan, Lily Bell County
Mays, Love Danville
Wilder, Jahmaria Bullitt Central HS
Dunn, Maddy 25.63 Pulaski County
Yeast, Timberlynn 25.85 Mercer County
Burgess, Kendall 26.07 Somerset
Piazza, Jai Maria 26.59 Mercer County
Wright, Kaylynn 26.64 Madison Southern
Martin, Allie 26.65 Rockcastle County
Bruin, Morgan 26.76 Pulaski County
Brown, Mayatu 27.44h Adair County
Watson, Emma 27.49 Rockcastle County
Wilson, Jennifer 27.62 Bourbon County
Coomer, Abbee 28.13 Pulaski County
Young, Tori 28.17 Bourbon County
Jackson, Emma 28.62 Boyle County
Ritchey, Miriam 28.71 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Mabe, Abby 29.01 Lynn Camp
Keith, Rylee 29.06 Wayne County
Fain, Alycia 29.20 Madison Central
Wells, Sarah 29.52 Bourbon County
Ashurst, Emma 29.67 Corbin
McDowell, Emma 29.89 Madison Central
Hueser, Kyla 30.04 South Laurel
Martin, Zowi 30.12 Adair County
Davis, Haley 30.15 Cumberland County
Gibson, Grace 30.30 Corbin
Johnson, Constance 30.41 Lincoln County
Angel, Maddie 30.44 Mercer County
Finneseth, Clara 30.52 Corbin
Hilson, Makyhia 30.65 Madison Central
Barnes, Sophie 30.77 Somerset
Myers, Candice 31.00 Cumberland County
Cooper, Destiny 31.02 Bullitt Central HS
Melton, Halee 31.03 Somerset
Morrow, Amanda 31.06 Garrard County
Coffey, Aniyah 31.09 Russell County High School
Heist, Sharon 31.13 Boyle County
Blair, Kinsley 31.17 North Laurel
Patton, Faith 31.36 Madison Southern
Moses, Haiden 31.58 North Laurel
Jirak, Lydia 31.67 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Messer, Reagan 31.76 South Laurel
Brown, Jailyn 31.82 Rockcastle County
Watters, Abigail 32.42 Southwestern
Patterson, Lydia 32.70 Southwestern
Hale, Lexi 32.82 Garrard County
Godbey, Mayci 32.87 Lincoln County
Mounce, Alyssa 32.93 Lynn Camp
Clouse, Jasmine 33.16 Bell County
White, Jaliyah 33.49 East Jessamine
Bretz, Mackinze 33.61 East Jessamine
Harris, Haley 33.73 South Laurel
Funkhouser, Maddy 34.21 Lincoln County
Waters, Ali 35.25 McCreary Central
Patel, Khushi 36.56 Russell County High School
Sellers, Megan 36.90 McCreary Central
Weiss, Gabriella 37.55 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
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HS Girls 3,200 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tucker, Alyssa McCreary Central
Darnell, Clayra 11:36.09 Mercer County
Tamariz, Ximena 11:39.95 Bourbon County
Sizemore, Kennedy 12:06.08 North Laurel
Rudder, Olivia 12:11.07 North Laurel
Golden, Kate 12:31.11 Southwestern
Herren, Alex 12:43.00 Corbin
Earle, Kiah 12:44.35 Danville
Bertram, Maggie 12:50.14 Pulaski County
Perraut, Madi 12:50.85 Bourbon County
Jackson, Mary Hope 13:15.81 Corbin
Brainard, Kayla 13:21.23 Bourbon County
Slone, Alexis 13:29.88 Lincoln County
Jones, Sophy 13:33.31 Corbin
Akin, Jasmine 13:39.72 Southwestern
Vickers, Riley 13:54.17 North Laurel
Godsey, Cailyn 15:21.65 Boyle County
Eastham, Clara 16:11.80 Somerset
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilder, Jahmaria Bullitt Central HS
Bruner, Grace Somerset
Foley, Alyssa Bullitt Central HS
Tucker, Alyssa McCreary Central
Woodring, Milka Bell County
Boggs, Raina Madison Southern
Shivel, Aliyah 1:00.13 Pulaski County
Dolan, Tandem 1:00.87 Bullitt Central HS
Pianalto, Carissa 1:02.90 Madison Central
Brezaniova, Sona 1:03.16 East Jessamine
Barnett, Heather 1:03.19 Lincoln County
Brown, Zoie 1:04.00 Williamsburg
Jarvis, Katie 1:05.86 North Laurel
Peterson, Claire 1:06.70 Southwestern
Hughes, Makayley 1:14.28 Danville
Piazza, Jai Maria 46.92 Mercer County
Mays, Love 50.27 Danville
Settles, Harlee 50.57 Mercer County
Collins, Ashley 50.92 Madison Southern
Holt, Maggie 51.40 Pulaski County
Gambill, Ashleigh 51.90 Bourbon County
Steely, Lauren 52.85 Corbin
Sizemore, Kennedy 53.95 North Laurel
Garland, Madison 54.27 Somerset
Jones, Olivia 55.00 Corbin
Finneseth, Clara 56.14 Corbin
Baker, Alexis 56.57 East Jessamine
Wells, Sarah 57.01 Bourbon County
Hawkins, Emma 58.42 Bourbon County
Peterson, Madeline 58.94 Southwestern
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bennett, Makaylah Russell County High School
Robbins, Zoe Boyle County
Stone, Shyanne East Jessamine
Godbey, Mayci Lincoln County
Mabe, Abby 1:00.05 Lynn Camp
Cothron, Shelby 1:00.07 Pulaski County
Martin, Allie 1:00.88 Rockcastle County
Young, Tori 1:01.24 Bourbon County
Settles, McKenzie 1:01.82 Lincoln County
Ritchey, Miriam 1:01.94 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
French, Taylor 1:03.20 Corbin
Clark, Bekah 1:03.54 Southwestern
Hoskins, Gracie 1:03.90 South Laurel
Jackson, Emma 1:03.99 Boyle County
Cox, Lindsay 1:04.1 South Laurel
Rudder, Olivia 1:04.16 North Laurel
Lewis, Katie R. 1:04.23 Mercer County
Boshears, Katie 1:05.57 Bourbon County
Young, Jocey 1:06.18 Bourbon County
Evans, Reece 1:06.39 East Jessamine
Bales, Autumn 1:06.75 South Laurel
Darland, Erin 1:06.92 Mercer County
McDowell, Emma 1:07.52 Madison Central
Stanton, Summer 1:07.77 Madison Southern
Ham, Emily 1:08.29 Somerset
Smith, Lauren 1:08.50 Pulaski County
West, Chloe 1:08.56 Somerset Christian School
Brummett, Maggie 1:08.82 Adair County
Reed, Shayley 1:09.29 Lincoln County
McArthur, Lucy 1:09.37 Somerset
Earle, Kiah 1:09.82 Danville
Jones, Olivia 1:10.00 Corbin
Brown, Zoie 1:10.54 Williamsburg
Morrow, Grace 1:10.57 Garrard County
Martin, Zowi 1:10.77 Adair County
Bell, Shelby 1:10.94 Wayne County
Cupp, Kenzie 1:12.53 Pulaski County
Chappell, Belle 1:12.91 North Laurel
Bennett, Mackenzie 1:13.74h Adair County
Gibson, Grace 1:13.80 Corbin
Whittington, Abigail 1:13.83 Madison Central
Trent, Lilianne 1:13.93 Madison Southern
Perrin, A.j 1:14.56 Southwestern
Mounce, Alyssa 1:14.65 Lynn Camp
Melton, Halee 1:14.77 Somerset
Brandenburg, Ashlyn 1:15.73 Williamsburg
Blair, Kinsley 1:16.65 North Laurel
Peavie, Gracie 1:18.00h Rockcastle County
Hughes, Makayley 1:20.68 Danville
Bartrug, Natalie 1:23.24 Russell County High School
Waters, Ali 1:30.16 McCreary Central
Patel, Khushi 1:30.20 Russell County High School
Yeast, Timberlynn 57.73 Mercer County
Watson, Emma 59.98 Rockcastle County
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00h Garrard County
Relay Team A 1:01.99 Russell County High School
Relay Team A 1:02.54 McCreary Central
Relay Team A 1:03.83 Cumberland County
Relay Team A 50.43 Pulaski County
Relay Team A 50.73 Mercer County
Relay Team A 54.04 East Jessamine
Relay Team A 54.59 Madison Southern
Relay Team A 55.05 Bourbon County
Relay Team A 55.15 Corbin
Relay Team A 55.20 Madison Central
Relay Team A 56.65 Southwestern
Relay Team A 56.90 South Laurel
Relay Team A 58.32 Lincoln County
Relay Team A 58.50 Somerset
Relay Team A 59.04 Adair County
Relay Team A 59.43 Boyle County
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:48.00 Mercer County
Relay Team A 1:52.53 Bourbon County
Relay Team A 1:53.47 Pulaski County
Relay Team A 1:54.61 South Laurel
Relay Team A 1:54.73 Somerset
Relay Team A 1:55.29 Corbin
Relay Team A 1:56.93 East Jessamine
Relay Team A 1:57.69 Southwestern
Relay Team A 1:58.25 Madison Central
Relay Team A 1:58.26 Lincoln County
Relay Team A 1:59.66 Boyle County
Relay Team A 2:03.62 Madison Southern
Relay Team A 2:10.19 Bell County
Relay Team A 2:10.51 Russell County High School
Relay Team A 2:28.33 McCreary Central
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Russell County High School
Relay Team A 4:05.00 Mercer County
Relay Team A 4:13.62 South Laurel
Relay Team A 4:13.82 Pulaski County
Relay Team A 4:17.61 Bourbon County
Relay Team A 4:17.69 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Relay Team A 4:22.02 Lincoln County
Relay Team A 4:25.21 Madison Central
Relay Team A 4:31.50 North Laurel
Relay Team A 4:33.46 Southwestern
Relay Team A 4:42.90 Corbin
Relay Team A 4:56.12 Madison Southern
Relay Team A 4:56.51 Somerset
Relay Team A 4:57.47 East Jessamine
Relay Team A 5:11.24 Adair County
Relay Team A 5:43.38 Cumberland County
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Somerset
Relay Team A 10:23.22 Lincoln County
Relay Team A 10:25.35 North Laurel
Relay Team A 10:30.41 Madison Central
Relay Team A 10:46.84 Pulaski County
Relay Team A 10:51.68 Southwestern
Relay Team A 10:55.80 Corbin
Relay Team A 11:13.02 Williamsburg
Relay Team A 8:47.95 Mercer County
Relay Team A 9:53.36 Bourbon County
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Andraca, Anna Russell County High School
McCowan, Phoebe 2:09.77 South Laurel
Singleton, Lucy 2:18.82 Lincoln County
Dotson, Alexis 2:20.35 Rockcastle County
Bastin, Abby 2:23.43 Lincoln County
Liddle, Emily 2:24.00 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Young, Jocey 2:26.13 Bourbon County
Hernandez, Kylie 2:26.22 Bourbon County
Reynolds, Amilya 2:26.76 Madison Central
Darnell, Clayra 2:27.19 Mercer County
Boshears, Katie 2:27.48 Bourbon County
Cundiff, Alex 2:29.29 Pulaski County
Strauel, Lydiah 2:29.70 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Dean, Abby 2:29.83 Mercer County
Warren, Nevaeh 2:32.02 Williamsburg
West, Chloe 2:33.24 Somerset Christian School
Craft, Graci 2:34.79 Cumberland County
Jackson, Emma 2:37.54 Boyle County
Allen, Taylor 2:38.36 North Laurel
Stanton, Summer 2:38.50 Madison Southern
Jackson, Mary Hope 2:39.96 Corbin
Ward, Jasmine 2:40.26 Garrard County
McArthur, Lucy 2:40.81 Somerset
Tarter, Annabelle 2:41.05 Boyle County
Campbell, Meredith 2:42.51 Madison Central
Huff, Olivia 2:43.82 Southwestern
Herren, Alex 2:45.32 Corbin
Earle, Kiah 2:47.67 Danville
Taylor, Allison 2:48.24 Southwestern
Steele, Emily 2:50.22 Mercer County
Pennington, Allie 2:53.47 Corbin
Woodring, Milka 2:53.74 Bell County
Vickers, Riley 2:55.59 North Laurel
Powers, Emaly 2:57.98 Williamsburg
Hickey, Kaylin 3:01.46 Bell County
Boots, Kennedy 3:02.35 Somerset
Dunaway, Riley 3:04.36 Pulaski County
Tapscott, Hannah 3:08.25 South Laurel
Janes, Gracie 3:20.08 Adair County
Mutuse, Kyamarra 3:23.88 Madison Central
Helton, Chloe 3:26.00 Lynn Camp
Pennington, Arabella 3:28.40 Lynn Camp
Parrish, Hadleigh 3:31.91 Russell County High School
Price, Autumn 3:43.97 Adair County
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HS Girls Discus 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kendrick, Valerie 133-6 Rockcastle County
Leis, Grace 105-4 South Laurel
Ison, Hennessy 97-0 Boyle County
Edelen, Kendall 96-2 Mercer County
Burton, Jessalyn 95-2 Rockcastle County
Johnson, Suzan 90-5 Lincoln County
Wilson, Emma 86-11 Madison Central
Burkett, Trinity 82-1 Somerset
Napier, Linzey 81-0 East Jessamine
Vaughn, Kiley 79-3 Madison Central
Kebede, Surahe 79-2 Madison Central
Ashton, Courtney 78-7 Pulaski County
Garland, Madison 77-1 Somerset
Cox, Jae 76-8 Lincoln County
Fraley, Kirstin 76-5 Madison Southern
Stephens, Bethany 76-0 Williamsburg
Lawless, Lexi 73-8 Pulaski County
Cassity, Madison 73-4 East Jessamine
Howson, Kathryn 72-7 Madison Southern
Jessie, Lindsay 71-5 Mercer County
Will, Kaitlyn 68-7 Corbin
Anderson, Mea 68-1 North Laurel
Westerfield, Emma A. 67-11 Lincoln County
Pope, Samantha 65-1 Mercer County
Cromer, Gracie 64-6 Boyle County
Howell, Emma 64-5.5 Bourbon County
Stacy, Morgan 63-7 Corbin
Lewis, Sabrina 62-4 Williamsburg
Watters, Abigail 61-4 Southwestern
Rix, Payton 61-1 Adair County
Carter, Ashten 60-9 Corbin
Page, Lillian 60-9 Bourbon County
Napier, Kaitlyn 58-10 East Jessamine
King, Faith 58-0 Bell County
Parrish, Jazmine 53-8 Cumberland County
Cash, Paige 52-2 Rockcastle County
Duvall, Abby 50-0 Cumberland County
Hicks, Rachel 46-8 South Laurel
Perraut, Madi 27-10.75 Bourbon County
Grinstead, Lydia Madison Southern
Peterson, Claire Southwestern
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HS Girls High Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Siler, Mikkah 5-2 Williamsburg
Herndon, Lexie 5-2 Somerset
Simpson, Bethany 5-2 Bourbon County
Russell, Maddie Jo 4-10 Corbin
Moberly, Kayleigh 4-10 Madison Southern
Garrett, Bella 4-8 Mercer County
Settles, Harlee 4-8 Mercer County
Kidd, Kendall 4-8 McCreary Central
Burgess, Grace 4-6 Somerset
Piazza, Ralasia 4-6 Mercer County
Finneseth, Clara 4-6 Corbin
Gambill, Maggie 4-6 Bourbon County
Cox, Jae 4-4 Lincoln County
Page, Lillian 4-4 Bourbon County
Fraley, Kirstin 4-4 Madison Southern
Evans, Reece 4-4 East Jessamine
Holt, Maggie 4-4 Pulaski County
Peavie, Gracie 4-2 Rockcastle County
Patton, Faith 4-2 Madison Southern
Shivel, Aliyah 4-2 Pulaski County
Marcum, Cayla 4-0 Rockcastle County
Chappell, Belle 4-0 North Laurel
Lawrence, Emma Garrard County
Jarvis, Katie North Laurel
Huff, Olivia Southwestern
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HS Girls Long Jump 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burgess, Kendall 18-8.25 Somerset
Lawrence, Emma 18-0.75 Garrard County
Martin, Allie 17-2 Rockcastle County
Wise, Molly 16-7.75 Boyle County
Wright, Kaylynn 16-7.5 Madison Southern
Bugg, Payton 16-5 Boyle County
Russell, Maddie Jo 16-3 Corbin
Piazza, Jai Maria 15-7.25 Mercer County
Watson, Emma 15-7 Rockcastle County
Carrington, Kathryn 15-4.5 Southwestern
Garrett, Bella 15-4 Mercer County
French, Taylor 15-2.25 Corbin
Burgess, Grace 14-11 Somerset
Cain, Kaitlyn 14-10.5 Madison Central
Puscus, Alana 14-8.5 Bourbon County
Evans, Reece 14-7 East Jessamine
Ritchey, Miriam 14-6 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Mattingly, Lylah 14-5 Williamsburg
Scott, Sarah 14-5 Bourbon County
Keith, Rylee 13-11.5 Wayne County
Garland, Kami 13-11 Corbin
Bales, Autumn 13-10.5 South Laurel
Angel, Maddie 13-8 Mercer County
Hawkins, Emma 13-8 Bourbon County
Mah, Alana 13-7.5 Williamsburg
Cox, Jae 13-6 Lincoln County
Bennett, Mackenzie 13-3 Adair County
Coomer, Emma 13-2.5 Pulaski County
Davis, Ashlyn 12-10 South Laurel
Wilson, Alyssa 12-8.75 Adair County
Morrow, Molly 12-7 Garrard County
Morrow, Grace 12-7 Garrard County
Boggs, Raina 12-5.25 Madison Southern
Boyer, Hannaha 12-4 Southwestern
Bradley, Laurah 12-1.5 Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Richardson, Teleyah 12-1 East Jessamine
Cupp, Kenzie 12-0 Pulaski County
Brown, Jailyn 11-3 Rockcastle County
Funkhouser, Maddy 10-7 Lincoln County
Craig, Kyleigh 9-11.5 Lincoln County
Pickens, Kierra 9-10.5 Adair County
Yates, Hannah 9-9 Russell County High School
Bennett, Makaylah Russell County High School
Trujillo, Annabella Russell County High School
Doneghy, Jazelynn Danville
Mays, Love Danville
Weiss, Gabriella Bluegrass United Home School Tea
Edwards, Emma Madison Southern
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HS Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cain, Kaitlyn 11-6 Madison Central
Hunsinger, Anna 9-0 Bourbon County
Faulkner, Lauren 7-6 Corbin
Catlett, Jacey 7-0 Mercer County
McArthur, Lucy 7-0 Somerset
Hernandez, Ava 7-0 Bourbon County
Brainard, Kayla 7-0 Bourbon County
Campos, Lupe 6-6 Corbin
Lewis, Sabrina 6-0 Williamsburg
Perrin, A.j 6-0 Southwestern
Moses, Haiden 5-0 North Laurel
Howson, Kathryn Madison Southern
Brown, Zoie Williamsburg
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HS Girls Shot Put 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kendrick, Valerie 38-11 Rockcastle County
Ison, Hennessy 37-9.75 Boyle County
Garland, Madison 36-3 Somerset
Crosby, Germani 31-6 Lincoln County
Burkett, Trinity 30-3.5 Somerset
Leis, Grace 30-2 South Laurel
Johnson, Suzan 30-1 Lincoln County
Burton, Jessalyn 29-10.5 Rockcastle County
Torain, Dewanyia 29-6.5 Madison Central
Jackson, Avery 28-10.5 Boyle County
Lawless, Lexi 27-8.5 Pulaski County
Anderson, Mea 27-6 North Laurel
Edelen, Kendall 27-4.5 Mercer County
Jessie, Lindsay 26-10 Mercer County
Lewis, Sabrina 26-6 Williamsburg
Napier, Kaitlyn 25-7 East Jessamine
Hocker, Toni 25-5.5 Madison Central
Cassity, Madison 25-4.5 East Jessamine
Napier, Linzey 24-7.75 East Jessamine
Ashton, Courtney 23-7 Pulaski County
Carter, Ashten 23-4 Corbin
Fraley, Kirstin 23-1 Madison Southern
Rix, Payton 23-0 Adair County
Howson, Kathryn 23-0 Madison Southern
Pope, Samantha 22-11 Mercer County
Westerfield, Emma A. 22-11 Lincoln County
Stacy, Morgan 22-9 Corbin
Vaughn, Kiley 22-9 Madison Central
Rowe, Gabbi 22-4 Southwestern
Howell, Emma 22-1.75 Bourbon County
Perraut, Madi 22-0 Bourbon County
Miller, Taylor 21-11.5 Corbin
Page, Lillian 21-1.5 Bourbon County
King, Faith 21-1 Bell County
Hicks, Rachel 20-7.5 South Laurel
Duvall, Abby 20-0 Cumberland County
Watters, Abigail 20-0 Southwestern
Parrish, Jazmine 17-0.5 Cumberland County
Benge, Callie 13-7 Rockcastle County
Stephens, Abigail 13-7 Williamsburg
Grinstead, Lydia Madison Southern
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HS Girls Triple Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lawrence, Emma 40-3.25 Garrard County
Burgess, Kendall 38-2 Somerset
Wise, Molly 36-3.5 Boyle County
Wright, Kaylynn 34-4 Madison Southern
Ham, Emily 34-2 Somerset
Martin, Allie 34-1 Rockcastle County
Garrett, Bella 32-9 Mercer County
Evans, Reece 31-0 East Jessamine
Richardson, Teleyah 30-10 East Jessamine
Mah, Alana 29-8 Williamsburg
Alcorn, Aaliyah 29-7.5 Mercer County
Garland, Kami 29-4.5 Corbin
Perraut, Madi 29-1.75 Bourbon County
Cox, Lindsay 29-0 South Laurel
Boggs, Raina 28-8 Madison Southern
Lewis, Sabrina 28-7.75 Williamsburg
Hawkins, Emma 28-5 Bourbon County
Puscus, Alana 28-0.5 Bourbon County
Cupp, Kenzie 25-10.25 Pulaski County
Walden, Kaiden 24-8 Corbin
Godbey, Mayci 24-0.5 Lincoln County
Peavie, Gracie 23-5 Rockcastle County
Gibson, Grace Corbin
Patel, Khushi Russell County High School
Trujillo, Annabella Russell County High School
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