Meet Information
//, August 31st, located at East Middle School, Shelbyville, KY
UPDATE FOR 2019: We will be using chip timing this year!
High School Schedule
Girls Varsity 9:00am 5000m
Boys Varsity9:35am 5000m
Girls Junior Varsity10:05am 5000m
Boys Junior Varsity10:50am 5000m
High School Awards 11:30 am
Team: $45 each team (Varsity is one team, JV is another team).
Teams are 5-10 runners, additional teams can be purchased for larger teams.
Individual cost: $9 per runner
Middle School Schedule
Girls Middle School (grade 8 and under)11:45am3000m
Boys Middle School (grade 8 and under)12:15pm3000m
Middle School Open (boys/girls combined)12:45pm3000m
Middle School Awards1:15 pm
Team: $40 per team.
Teams are 5-10 runners, additional teams can be purchased for larger teams.
Individual cost: $8 per runner
Elementary Schedule
Girls Elementary (grades 4-5)1:30pm1 mile
Boys Elementary (grade 4-5)1:50pm1 mile
Elementary Grades 3 and under (Girls)2:10 pm1 mile
Elementary Grades 3 and under (Boys)2:30 pm1 mile
Elementary Open Boys (All Grades)2:50 pm1 mile
Elementary Open Girls (All Grades)3:10 pm1 mile
Team: $30 per team.
Teams are 5-15 runners, additional teams can be purchased for larger teams.
Individual cost: $7 per runner
Team sizes- Varsity and Junior Varsity teams are 5-10 runners each. Middle School Boys and Girls Races are 5-10 runners each, but multiple teams/individuals can be entered
- Top 10 individuals receive trophies in the High School Varsity Races and the Middle School Boys and Girls Races to be awarded during the awards ceremony. 11-30 receive medals in those races at the finish line.
-All other races, Top 30 receive medals to be awarded at the finish line.
- Top 2 teams receive trophies in high school and middle school races.
- Top 2 teams in elementary receive plaques.
- Individual medals will be given out in the finish chute.
- Top 10 individual (Varsity and middle school boys/girls only) and team awards presented at the completion of high school races, middle school races and elementary races.
Entry Deadline
- Races will fill up and close quickly, so please register ASAP.
- All entries are due on Milesplit on or before Tuesday, August 27, 2019.
- Questions about entries should be sent to Linda Sarrett at and/or David Flaugher at dflaugher@DCRACETIMING.COM .
Questions about the meet should be sent to Coach Shepherd at:
- Join the Remind mass text messaging system to be used for announcements or changes during the meet. Text @19shelby to the number 81010 and you should receive a confirmation message.
Entry Fees:
Click here to download the invoice.
Fees must be paid in order to receive your entry packets on race day.