Meet Information
Dates for the Derby MS Invitational have changed due to weather concerns on Saturday (3/24).
Please check back for additional details about our modified schedule. This information will also be emailed to the coaches who submitted entries. We will allow coaches through Wednesday (March 21) at 9pm to adjust their entries after this change. At that point, the entry process will close.
The Derby MS Invitational is now closed to additional teams as of 3/19/18. If you have already been accepted into the meet, then you have up through the entry deadline to adjust your entries (i.e. Tues, March 20 @ 11:59pm). If you have a single individual athlete that you would like to enter into the meet, then please contact meet director Barry Haworth via email at
Sponsored by Assumption High School, Louisville, KY
Friday/Saturday, March 23-24, at the Assumption Green
MEET LOCATION: the Assumption HS track facility, the Assumption Green, is located at 4500 Champions Trace Ln, at the corner of Champions Track and Newburg Rd just south of the I-264. Please email Coach Barry Haworth for directions if you need them.
This meet is open to both club and school teams in good standing with meet management (i.e. all previous fees paid, etc.). Club teams have specific restrictions placed on their relay team entries - club coaches, please refer to the link below (Club Coaches - relay team restrictions) to read those restrictions.
This meet is only open to competition involving 6th, 7th and 8th grade athletes. Younger athletes cannot run up, and athletes below 6th grade will be dropped from the meet once entries close. Coaches of younger athletes are encouraged to consider our Derby Elementary Classic meet on Sunday, March 18.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Entries will close at 11:59pm on Tuesday, March 20.
CLUB COACHES - relay team restrictions
ACCESS - restrictions during the meet
ADMISSION: each day, there will be a $5 admission fee at the gate for all spectators and nonparticipants (students and seniors are $3, and children 12 years old and younger are free)
CONCESSIONS: concessions will be sold at the meet by the Assumption HS track team. They would appreciate your patronage.
QUESTIONS: may be sent to Coach Barry Haworth via email (only) at, Due to the size of this meet, we will not communicate via phone call or text.