OCMS Invitational 2025

Buckner, KY
Timing/Results C3 Timing
Registration Closes in 47 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Rosters- //assets.sp.milesplit.com/meets/581631/files/roster-ocms-invite.pdf

Start Lists- //assets.sp.milesplit.com/meets/581631/files/startlist-ocms-invite.pdf

Live Results on the day of the Meet as well as on Milesplit Live, I am new to this feature however but results will for sure be found by clicking on the link. 

Spectator Tickets: Cash Only:   $5 Adults and Middle school and above;  Elementary and Young Children Free

2025 Oldham County Middle School Invitational

Saturday, May 17, 2025

We are excited to invite you and your team to this year's OCMS Invitational. A fun filled day to get in one of the last outstanding competitions before the state meet. Full concessions, t-shirts, and many other amenities.

A maximum of 4 events per athlete, 2 entries per school per event and 1 relay team per school per relay race. To make sure all of your athletes get a chance to compete, we will contest an open 100m and open 800m (non-scoring/medals).

The schedule for the meet is below:

9:30 am - 8th Grader Recognition

9:45 am - Coach's meeting

10:00 am - Running and Field Events start

10:00am -- Field Events

Pole Vault

Girls Shot Put, High Jump, Long Jump

Boys Discus, Triple Jump, TurboJav

Invitational Running Events (max 2 individuals, 1 relay per team) - beginning at 10:00am:

Girls' 4 x 800 Meter Relay

Boys' 4 x 800 Meter Relay

Girls' 100 Meter High Hurdles

Boys' 100 Meter High Hurdles

Girls' 100 Meter Dash

Boys' 100 Meter Dash


Girls' 4 x 200 Meter Relay

Boys' 4 x 200 Meter Relay

Girls' 1600m Run

Boys' 1600m Run

Girls' 4 x 100 Meter Relay

Boys' 4 x 100 Meter Relay

Girls' 400 Meter Dash

Boys' 400 Meter Dash

Girls' 300 Meter Hurdles

Boys' 300 Meter Hurdles

Girls' 800 Meter Dash

Boys' 800 Meter Dash

Open 800 Meter Dash (Girls then Boys)

Girls' 200 Meter Dash

Boys' 200 Meter Dash

Girls' 3200 Meter Run

Boys' 3200 Meter Run

Girls' 4 x 400 Meter Relay

Boys' 4 x 400 Meter Relay

Entries will be via MileSplit Online Entry only. Plan ahead to do your entries. Please visit www.milesplit.com/pages/Online_Meet_Reg_Instructions for instructions on how to enter. A performance that cannot be verified will be disregarded. Horizontal jumps and throws will be 4 jumps/throws with no call back for finals. (NOTE: In order to keep the field events running smoothly, athletes in field events will not be excused to check out from the field event to run in the non-scored, open running events).

Entry Deadline:  Tuesday, May 13th at 9:00pm.  Any entries after the final deadline, Wednesday, May 14th at 9:00pm will be $5 per addition (Cash or Check) payable to C3 Timing LLC. 

The entry fee is $75/team (boys and girls teams separate). Medals will be awarded to the top 3 in each event, and the top 2 boys and girls teams will receive trophies. Scoring in all events will be 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1.

Payments can be made the day of the meet or sent to:

Oldham County Middle School

ATTN: Track Coach

4305 Brown Blvd

LaGrange, KY 40031
