Meet Information
5000m Course Map 3200m Course Map 1600m Course Map
Coaches, in conjunction with the KHSAA, all Kentucky cross country and track & field athletes must claim their Milesplit athlete profile.
Grant County High School is proud to extend an invitation to your schools boys and girls cross country teams to participate in the 50th Annual Grant County Cross Country Invitational Meet.
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023
Location: Sherman Elementary School in Sherman, KY.
Entry Deadline: Use MileSplit to enter your team or edit your entry at any time until the deadline on Tuesday, 8/22/2023 at 9:00pm. Any additions after final deadline, Wednesday, 8/23/2023, will be $10 per addition payable to C3 Timing. Cash or Check
We hope you will join us for one of the premiere meets in the state on our challenging, yet fun, course located on the campus of Sherman Elementary School, home of Grant County Cross Country. The courses will remain the same as those in the past.
Clubs and unattached runners are eligible to compete in the MS and Elementary divisions only. Per KHSAA guidelines, no HS age club members or unattached runners are eligible to compete in high school level events such as Varsity or JV divisions.
As usual, there will be one girls and one boys varsity race. Awards will be given to the top five (5) teams in the varsity races, and the top three (3) in the JV, middle school, and elementary races. There will be individual awards for the top 40 in each event. The top 10 individuals in varsity and top 3 individuals in JV, MS, and Elementary will receive their awards at their respective awards ceremony per the meet schedule.
Admission: $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for students (fees shown include the $1 site fee charged per ticket purchased). Children not yet in school are free! We are utilizing a cashless system for admission. Please stress this to your parents and spectators to eliminate problems on race day.
Tickets will need to be purchased online in advance of race day at our GoFan page. They will be validated at the admission gate on race day.
The GoFan link is here:
Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the concession stand located inside the cafeteria of Sherman Elementary. T-shirts will also be available for purchase via cash or check only just outside the cafeteria and awards area. All proceeds benefit the Grant County Cross Country Invitational and its participants.
Best of luck to your school and teams during the upcoming season!
If you are coming from the north, take I-75 to the Crittenden exit. Turn left and continue to the stop sign. Turn right onto south U.S. 25 and travel approximately 4 miles. The school entrance is on the right- look for the signs. Coming from the south take the Crittenden exit and turn right. Proceed to the stop light. Turn right onto south U.S. 25 and travel approximately 4 miles. The school entrance is on the right- look for the signs.
If you have questions, please contact either meet director David Clark ( or or Jovy Fernandez, Grant County Head Coach ( .
As always, we look forward to seeing you at the races!
Please enclose this registration form with your check and mail postmarked by August 18, 2023. Entries will be done on (! Entries will be due at 9:00pm on Tuesday, August 22nd. If you have questions, please feel free to contact David Clark
_____________________(High School/Middle School/Elem. School) will participate in the Grant County Cross Country Invitational Saturday, August 26, 2023. We have been classified by the KHSAA as Class for cross country.
We will enter the following teams:
_____ Individual fee for any race $10.00 * $____________
_____ Elementary Girls (3rd & under) $50.00 no limit $____________
_____ Elementary Boys (3rd & under) $50.00 no limit $____________
_____ Elementary Girls (6th & under) $50.00 no limit $____________
_____ Elementary Boys (6th & under) $50.00 no limit $____________
_____ Middle School Girls $55.00 no limit $____________
_____ Middle School Boys $55.00 no limit $____________
_____ JV Girls $55.00 15 runners = team ** $____________
_____ JV Boys $55.00 15 runners = team ** $____________
_____ Girls Varsity $55.00 limited to 10 runners $____________
_____ Boys Varsity $55.00 limited to 10 runners $____________
TOTAL $____________
_____ Cover all fee $300.00 (If via Team Manager by deadline*)
* Race day entry goes up to $15/runner so include all possible runners
** JV - the team fee will apply to each set of 15 runners
Note: We would prefer Schools enter a Varsity team to enter a JV team, but this is not mandatory. Seniors who do not make the varsity team are welcome in the JV Races!
A check for $______________has been included.
Make all checks payable to: Grant County High School 715 Warsaw Road, Dry Ridge, KY 41035
and mail to: David A. Clark 111 Eagle Creek Drive Dry Ridge, Ky. 41035
Please do not mail registration form & entry fees to the school!
Coach's signature_________________________e-mail _______________________________Fax________________
Athletic Director's signature _______________________________
* Deadline: Registration Form should be postmarked by Wednesday, August 18th or simply e-mailed to
See you on August 26th!
* REVISED RACE DAY SCHEDULE * (Due to entry numbers and to ease event scoring, the JV events will be separated into a girls race followed 45 minutes later by the boys race. Note the time changes below for the MS and Elementary events.)
Grant County Cross Country Invitational
7:00-8:00 AM COURSE OPEN (PACKET PICK-UP*) - please watch for open race competitors
**Awards are normally presented on the stage outside the cafeteria of the Sherman Elementary School. We hope to have the awards ceremonies this year, but if not, the top 10 individuals and team awards for varsity and top 3 for all other events will be available for pick up with the awards custodian outside of the school. All other Individual awards will be handed out in the finish chute.