Fleet Feet Relays 2022

Louisville, KY
Hosted by Male
Timing/Results DC Timing LLC

Complete Results

Licensed to DC Timing LLC - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 8/22/2022 02:22 PM
                     Fleet Feet XC Relays 2022 - 8/20/2022                     
                                    Male HS                                    
                                 Vettiner Park                                 
Girls 2x1600 Meter Relay Elem 3 and U
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Edward  'A'                                    13:46.00  
  2 Goshen Elementary  'C'                             13:47.70  
  3 Harmony Elementary School  'A'                     13:56.50  
  4 Goshen Elementary  'A'                             14:57.60  
  5 Goshen Elementary  'B'                             15:00.80  
  6 Dunn Elementary  'A'                               15:13.60  
  7 Stopher Elementary School  'K'                     15:15.80  
  8 Dunn Elementary  'F'                               15:19.80  
  9 Harmony Elementary School  'B'                     15:27.50  
 10 Goshen Elementary  'U'                             15:33.00  
 11 Harmony Elementary School  'C'                     15:40.70  
 12 St. Edward  'B'                                    15:40.90  
 13 Stopher Elementary School  'D'                     15:53.20  
 14 Goshen Elementary  'H'                             15:59.40  
 15 St. Michael  'B'                                   15:59.90  
 16 Goshen Elementary  'J'                             16:00.50  
 17 Carter Traditional Elementary  'A'                 16:04.20  
 18 Goshen Elementary  'I'                             16:06.70  
 19 St. Michael  'D'                                   16:11.10  
 20 Stopher Elementary School  'M'                     16:11.50  
 21 Field Elementary  'A'                              16:25.60  
 22 Dunn Elementary  'C'                               16:26.80  
 23 Goshen Elementary  'L'                             16:28.20  
 24 St. Michael  'A'                                   16:28.70  
 25 Stopher Elementary School  'I'                     16:31.50  
 26 St. Matthews Elementary  'A'                       16:32.60  
 27 Goshen Elementary  'K'                             16:32.80  
 28 Cky Homeschool  'B'                                16:36.20  
 29 Stopher Elementary School  'H'                     16:39.30  
 30 St. Albert the Great  'F'                          16:39.80  
 31 St. Albert the Great  'I'                          16:43.00  
 32 Goshen Elementary  'M'                             16:48.80  
 33 Field Elementary  'C'                              16:53.30  
 34 Stopher Elementary School  'J'                     16:54.10  
 35 Lincoln Elementary  'B'                            16:56.80  
 36 Goshen Elementary  'D'                             17:01.20  
 37 Harmony Elementary School  'H'                     17:08.30  
 38 Dunn Elementary  'B'                               17:10.10  
 39 Stopher Elementary School  'C'                     17:12.40  
 40 Goshen Elementary  'E'                             17:14.40  
 41 Harmony Elementary School  'F'                     17:19.00  
 42 St. Michael  'C'                                   17:19.50  
 43 Goshen Elementary  'O'                             17:21.80  
 44 Dunn Elementary  'D'                               17:25.90  
 45 Field Elementary  'B'                              17:40.40  
 46 Stopher Elementary School  'G'                     17:42.20  
 47 Goshen Elementary  'S'                             17:42.90  
 48 Harmony Elementary School  'G'                     17:43.00  
 49 Goshen Elementary  'P'                             17:44.00  
 50 Goshen Elementary  'G'                             17:46.10  
 51 St. Matthews Elementary  'B'                       17:56.30  
 52 St. Albert the Great  'C'                          18:00.80  
 53 Stopher Elementary School  'B'                     18:08.80  
 54 Dunn Elementary  'H'                               18:14.50  
 55 St. Albert the Great  'E'                          18:16.30  
 56 Cky Homeschool  'A'                                18:20.80  
 57 Goshen Elementary  'F'                             18:24.90  
 58 Goshen Elementary  'R'                             18:26.00  
 59 Goshen Elementary  'Q'                             18:43.00  
 60 Goshen Elementary  'N'                             18:46.40  
 61 Harmony Elementary School  'I'                     18:49.50  
 62 Stopher Elementary School  'E'                     19:03.10  
 63 Harmony Elementary School  'D'                     19:04.80  
 64 Lincoln Elementary  'G'                            19:10.90  
 65 Dunn Elementary  'I'                               19:12.20  
 66 Goshen Elementary  'T'                             19:15.60  
 67 St. Albert the Great  'A'                          19:20.00  
 68 Greathouse Shryock Elementary  'A'                 19:21.60  
 69 Stopher Elementary School  'F'                     19:36.00  
 70 Dunn Elementary  'G'                               19:54.80  
 71 Dunn Elementary  'K'                               19:56.00  
 72 St. Albert the Great  'D'                          19:56.80  
 73 Dunn Elementary  'J'                               20:05.70  
 74 Lincoln Elementary  'E'                            20:12.70  
 75 Lincoln Elementary  'A'                            20:16.10  
 76 Lincoln Elementary  'F'                            20:28.00  
 77 St. Albert the Great  'H'                          20:33.60  
 78 St. Albert the Great  'G'                          20:37.20  
 79 Carter Traditional Elementary  'B'                 20:43.60  
 80 St. Matthews Elementary  'D'                       21:45.40  
 81 Dunn Elementary  'L'                               21:45.90  
 82 St. Matthews Elementary  'C'                       21:48.60  
 83 Lincoln Elementary  'D'                            21:56.00  
 84 Harmony Elementary School  'J'                     22:29.30  
 85 St. Edward  'C'                                    23:43.00  
Girls 2x2400 Meter Relay Elem 5 and U
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Edward  'C'                                    19:35.80  
  2 Goshen Elementary  'A'                             19:49.40  
  3 Stopher Elementary School  'E'                     20:50.30  
  4 St. Agnes  'A'                                     20:50.70  
  5 Harmony Elementary School  'B'                     20:56.20  
  6 Lincoln Elementary  'D'                            21:19.70  
  7 Goshen Elementary  'D'                             21:22.30  
  8 Harmony Elementary School  'G'                     21:36.60  
  9 Goshen Elementary  'B'                             21:45.30  
 10 Harmony Elementary School  'C'                     21:47.40  
 11 Stopher Elementary School  'A'                     21:47.70  
 12 Goshen Elementary  'C'                             22:13.50  
 13 St. Edward  'B'                                    22:39.90  
 14 Greathouse Shryock Elementary  'A'                 22:40.80  
 15 Harmony Elementary School  'A'                     22:47.80  
 16 Goshen Elementary  'F'                             23:06.00  
 17 St. Michael  'C'                                   23:13.20  
 18 Goshen Elementary  'H'                             23:21.70  
 19 St. Michael  'A'                                   23:22.40  
 20 St. Edward  'A'                                    23:28.10  
 21 Harmony Elementary School  'D'                     23:37.30  
 22 Goshen Elementary  'E'                             23:44.20  
 23 St. Albert the Great  'A'                          23:47.60  
 23 Greathouse Shryock Elementary  'E'                 23:47.60  
 25 Dunn Elementary  'C'                               23:47.80  
 26 Field Elementary  'A'                              23:48.50  
 27 Goshen Elementary  'I'                             23:48.60  
 28 Greathouse Shryock Elementary  'C'                 24:11.30  
 29 Lincoln Elementary  'E'                            24:11.80  
 30 Goshen Elementary  'G'                             24:13.40  
 31 Dunn Elementary  'B'                               24:14.90  
 32 Stopher Elementary School  'B'                     24:15.60  
 33 Field Elementary  'B'                              24:30.40  
 34 Stopher Elementary School  'D'                     24:37.80  
 35 St. Michael  'B'                                   24:41.20  
 36 Carter Traditional Elementary  'A'                 25:11.10  
 37 St. Agnes  'B'                                     25:14.20  
 38 Harmony Elementary School  'F'                     25:16.70  
 39 Cky Homeschool  'A'                                25:16.80  
 40 Field Elementary  'C'                              25:20.90  
 41 Lincoln Elementary  'G'                            25:21.10  
 42 Lincoln Elementary  'F'                            25:38.40  
 43 Goshen Elementary  'K'                             26:27.60  
 44 Lincoln Elementary  'C'                            26:28.10  
 45 Goshen Elementary  'J'                             26:46.20  
 46 Lincoln Elementary  'B'                            27:04.80  
 47 St. Albert the Great  'B'                          27:36.20  
 48 Harmony Elementary School  'E'                     27:36.60  
 49 Harmony Elementary School  'H'                     27:48.10  
 50 Greathouse Shryock Elementary  'B'                 28:00.20  
 51 Carter Traditional Elementary  'B'                 28:09.20  
 52 Dunn Elementary  'E'                               28:24.20  
 53 Lincoln Elementary  'A'                            29:28.00  
 54 Stopher Elementary School  'C'                     29:28.70  
 55 Goshen Elementary  'L'                             29:29.90  
 56 St. Albert the Great  'C'                          29:56.00  
 57 Dunn Elementary  'D'                               30:47.70  
 58 Harmony Elementary School  'I'                     31:31.70  
 59 Greathouse Shryock Elementary  'D'                 32:06.70  
 60 Lincoln Elementary  'I'                            32:27.60  
 61 Dunn Elementary  'A'                               32:41.00  
 62 Lincoln Elementary  'H'                            36:45.10  
Girls 2x2400 Meter Relay MS
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 North Oldham Middle School  'A'                    16:52.50  
  2 Noe Middle School  'A'                             17:46.80  
  3 North Oldham Middle School  'B'                    17:51.60  
  4 Jefferson County Traditional M  'A'                17:57.20  
  5 North Oldham Middle School  'C'                    18:23.80  
  6 North Oldham Middle School  'D'                    18:35.60  
  7 St. Agnes  'A'                                     18:48.00  
  8 North Oldham Middle School  'F'                    18:51.20  
  9 North Oldham Middle School  'E'                    18:51.90  
 10 North Oldham Middle School  'H'                    18:56.00  
 11 North Oldham Middle School  'G'                    19:04.50  
 12 Meyzeek Middle School  'A'                         19:09.50  
 13 St. Michael  'A'                                   19:20.60  
 14 St. Albert the Great  'A'                          19:23.50  
 15 Jefferson County Traditional M  'B'                19:27.00  
 16 Holy Trinity Parish School  'B'                    19:29.70  
 17 Noe Middle School  'B'                             19:31.80  
 18 North Oldham Middle School  'I'                    19:34.40  
 19 Cky Homeschool  'A'                                19:37.90  
 20 North Oldham Middle School  'J'                    19:39.20  
 21 North Oldham Middle School  'K'                    19:45.30  
 22 Cky Homeschool  'C'                                19:47.60  
 23 Brown  'B'                                         19:56.40  
 24 Meyzeek Middle School  'B'                         20:18.90  
 25 North Oldham Middle School  'L'                    20:31.90  
 26 St. Albert the Great  'B'                          20:34.60  
 27 St. Edward  'A'                                    20:36.80  
 28 Johnson Traditional Middle Sch  'B'                20:42.20  
 29 St. Agnes  'B'                                     20:47.30  
 30 Noe Middle School  'C'                             20:48.50  
 31 Johnson Traditional Middle Sch  'A'                21:04.50  
 32 North Oldham Middle School  'N'                    21:11.60  
 33 Johnson Traditional Middle Sch  'C'                21:13.30  
 34 Crosby Middle School  'B'                          21:17.70  
 35 St. Albert the Great  'C'                          21:20.30  
 36 Jefferson County Traditional M  'C'                21:28.40  
 37 Crosby Middle School  'D'                          21:37.20  
 38 Brown  'A'                                         21:43.10  
 39 Westport Middle School  'A'                        21:45.00  
 40 Noe Middle School  'D'                             21:56.70  
 41 Cky Homeschool  'B'                                21:58.20  
 42 Noe Middle School  'E'                             22:19.90  
 43 Jefferson County Traditional M  'D'                22:30.70  
 44 Westport Middle School  'B'                        22:44.10  
 45 Noe Middle School  'G'                             22:51.80  
 46 Kammerer Middle School  'B'                        23:12.60  
 47 North Oldham Middle School  'M'                    23:19.70  
 48 Jefferson County Traditional M  'E'                23:22.20  
 49 St. Albert the Great  'D'                          24:16.90  
 50 Crosby Middle School  'A'                          24:30.60  
 51 Jefferson County Traditional M  'F'                25:47.20  
 52 Crosby Middle School  'C'                          25:53.00  
 53 Westport Middle School  'C'                        26:30.50  
 54 North Oldham Middle School  'O'                    27:13.50  
 55 Kammerer Middle School  'A'                        29:30.40  
Girls 2x4800 Meter Relay High School
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Dupont Manual  'B'                                 35:08.75  
  2 Dupont Manual  'A'                                 35:56.95  
  3 West Jessamine  'D'                                37:32.54  
  4 North Oldham  'D'                                  38:15.36  
  5 Dupont Manual  'F'                                 38:43.54  
  6 Christian Academy-Louisville  'D'                  38:53.04  
  7 Ballard  'D'                                       39:24.33  
  8 Male  'D'                                          39:31.44  
  9 North Oldham  'E'                                  39:57.76  
 10 Kentucky Country Day  'C'                          40:35.44  
 11 Ballard  'E'                                       40:43.86  
 12 Cky Homeschool  'B'                                41:07.73  
 13 Ballard  'B'                                       41:21.22  
 14 Brown  'B'                                         41:31.44  
 15 Male  'E'                                          41:33.70  
 16 Dupont Manual  'H'                                 41:34.63  
 17 Eastern  'F'                                       41:37.90  
 18 Christian Academy-Louisville  'A'                  41:42.07  
 19 Dupont Manual  'G'                                 41:47.73  
 20 West Jessamine  'F'                                41:55.98  
 21 Eastern  'E'                                       41:56.27  
 22 Dupont Manual  'J'                                 41:57.69  
 23 North Oldham  'F'                                  42:23.77  
 24 Male  'F'                                          42:28.21  
 25 Bethlehem  'B'                                     42:37.75  
 26 Eastern  'D'                                       42:41.55  
 27 Dupont Manual  'I'                                 42:57.11  
 28 Eastern  'J'                                       42:59.83  
 29 Male  'G'                                          43:11.89  
 30 West Jessamine  'E'                                43:31.71  
 31 Louisville Collegiate  'D'                         43:32.79  
 32 Bethlehem  'D'                                     43:33.25  
 33 Atherton  'D'                                      43:35.20  
 34 West Jessamine  'C'                                43:37.17  
 35 North Oldham  'G'                                  44:19.64  
 36 Atherton  'F'                                      44:21.53  
 37 Atherton  'C'                                      44:56.80  
 38 Christian Academy-Louisville  'C'                  45:02.91  
 39 Atherton  'B'                                      45:07.19  
 40 North Oldham  'H'                                  45:07.40  
 41 Highlands Latin  'A'                               45:08.82  
 42 Highlands Latin  'C'                               45:27.08  
 43 Cky Homeschool  'A'                                45:35.72  
 44 Eastern  'G'                                       45:41.88  
 45 Dupont Manual  'K'                                 45:56.28  
 46 Bethlehem  'C'                                     46:01.33  
 47 Kentucky Country Day  'B'                          46:05.60  
 48 Louisville Collegiate  'C'                         46:16.76  
 49 Male  'B'                                          46:21.18  
 50 Eastern  'H'                                       46:41.05  
 51 Bethlehem  'E'                                     46:44.58  
 52 Eastern  'B'                                       47:32.60  
 53 Christian Academy-Louisville  'B'                  47:39.98  
 54 Dupont Manual  'C'                                 47:40.24  
 55 Eastern  'I'                                       47:52.78  
 56 Louisville Collegiate  'B'                         48:06.81  
 57 Dupont Manual  'L'                                 48:15.62  
 58 West Jessamine  'G'                                49:03.40  
 59 North Oldham  'I'                                  50:34.95  
 60 Dupont Manual  'M'                                 50:47.72  
 61 Atherton  'A'                                      52:10.05  
 62 Cky Homeschool  'C'                                52:13.27  
 63 West Jessamine  'B'                                54:03.57  
 64 Highlands Latin  'B'                               54:43.10  
 65 Eastern  'M'                                       54:43.63  
 66 Bethlehem  'F'                                     55:53.96  
 67 Atherton  'E'                                      57:17.74  
 68 North Oldham  'C'                                  57:54.50  
Boys 2x1600 Meter Relay Elem 3 and U
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Harmony Elementary School  'A'                     12:16.60  
  2 St. Edward  'A'                                    12:18.00  
  3 Dunn Elementary  'M'                               13:22.20  
  4 Dunn Elementary  'D'                               13:28.90  
  5 Goshen Elementary  'C'                             13:41.00  
  6 Goshen Elementary  'D'                             13:49.20  
  7 Stopher Elementary School  'A'                     13:52.60  
  8 Stopher Elementary School  'H'                     13:55.70  
  9 Harmony Elementary School  'C'                     13:57.50  
 10 Goshen Elementary  'M'                             13:57.90  
 11 Harmony Elementary School  'B'                     13:59.90  
 12 Field Elementary  'E'                              14:03.50  
 13 Stopher Elementary School  'F'                     14:16.60  
 14 Harmony Elementary School  'F'                     14:20.00  
 15 Harmony Elementary School  'D'                     14:26.10  
 16 St. Edward  'B'                                    14:37.40  
 17 Goshen Elementary  'E'                             14:42.10  
 18 Goshen Elementary  'F'                             14:42.30  
 19 Lincoln Elementary  'D'                            14:52.30  
 20 St. Albert the Great  'E'                          14:59.00  
 21 Dunn Elementary  'G'                               15:01.50  
 22 Field Elementary  'C'                              15:02.60  
 23 St. Albert the Great  'G'                          15:04.90  
 24 Lincoln Elementary  'C'                            15:08.20  
 25 Cky Homeschool  'B'                                15:10.80  
 26 Lincoln Elementary  'B'                            15:18.60  
 27 St. Matthews Elementary  'A'                       15:19.10  
 28 Field Elementary  'D'                              15:26.00  
 29 Goshen Elementary  'P'                             15:38.00  
 30 Stopher Elementary School  'B'                     15:39.20  
 31 Harmony Elementary School  'G'                     15:41.30  
 32 St. Albert the Great  'C'                          15:42.70  
 33 St. Albert the Great  'B'                          15:47.30  
 34 Goshen Elementary  'B'                             15:47.80  
 35 Dunn Elementary  'B'                               15:49.60  
 36 Harmony Elementary School  'H'                     15:50.70  
 37 Carter Traditional Elementary  'C'                 15:55.10  
 38 Goshen Elementary  'K'                             16:08.50  
 39 St. Albert the Great  'A'                          16:13.60  
 40 Harmony Elementary School  'I'                     16:22.10  
 41 Harmony Elementary School  'E'                     16:24.50  
 42 Harmony Elementary School  'J'                     16:27.20  
 43 Dunn Elementary  'C'                               16:28.50  
 44 St. Albert the Great  'F'                          16:31.20  
 45 St. Albert the Great  'H'                          16:44.30  
 46 Goshen Elementary  'I'                             16:50.90  
 47 Goshen Elementary  'L'                             16:52.70  
 48 Greathouse Shryock Elementary  'C'                 16:54.60  
 49 Harmony Elementary School  'L'                     17:01.40  
 50 Dunn Elementary  'F'                               17:04.80  
 51 Goshen Elementary  'J'                             17:24.40  
 52 Field Elementary  'B'                              17:29.90  
 53 Dunn Elementary  'I'                               17:36.40  
 54 Cky Homeschool  'C'                                17:37.10  
 55 Goshen Elementary  'G'                             18:05.10  
 56 Goshen Elementary  'H'                             18:16.40  
 57 Stopher Elementary School  'D'                     18:18.50  
 58 Goshen Elementary  'N'                             18:30.60  
 59 Stopher Elementary School  'I'                     18:37.80  
 60 Harmony Elementary School  'M'                     18:51.60  
 61 Lincoln Elementary  'E'                            18:52.80  
 62 St. Matthews Elementary  'E'                       19:03.90  
 63 Carter Traditional Elementary  'A'                 19:05.40  
 64 St. Matthews Elementary  'B'                       19:12.10  
 65 Harmony Elementary School  'K'                     19:29.30  
 66 St. Albert the Great  'D'                          19:39.00  
 67 St. Matthews Elementary  'D'                       19:47.10  
 68 Stopher Elementary School  'C'                     19:58.50  
 69 St. Matthews Elementary  'C'                       20:05.50  
 70 Goshen Elementary  'A'                             20:10.10  
 71 Stopher Elementary School  'E'                     20:16.80  
 72 Greathouse Shryock Elementary  'A'                 20:41.50  
 73 Dunn Elementary  'L'                               20:43.60  
 74 Cky Homeschool  'A'                                21:13.10  
 75 Dunn Elementary  'H'                               21:31.90  
 76 Dunn Elementary  'K'                               21:50.90  
 77 Harmony Elementary School  'N'                     22:16.60  
 78 Stopher Elementary School  'G'                     23:41.00  
 79 Dunn Elementary  'J'                               24:02.60  
Boys 2x2400 Meter Relay Elem 5 and U
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Goshen Elementary  'A'                             18:15.45  
  2 Dunn Elementary  'A'                               18:33.14  
  3 Goshen Elementary  'B'                             18:43.56  
  4 Carter Traditional Elementary  'A'                 18:54.85  
  5 Wilder Elementary School  'B'                      18:54.99  
  6 Field Elementary  'A'                              19:20.27  
  7 Goshen Elementary  'D'                             19:20.59  
  8 Harmony Elementary School  'A'                     19:24.76  
  9 Stopher Elementary School  'B'                     19:31.78  
 10 Harmony Elementary School  'B'                     19:33.70  
 11 Goshen Elementary  'C'                             19:36.15  
 12 Goshen Elementary  'G'                             19:47.37  
 13 Dunn Elementary  'B'                               19:58.17  
 14 St. Agnes  'A'                                     20:11.35  
 15 Dunn Elementary  'E'                               20:23.97  
 16 St. Michael  'A'                                   20:26.79  
 17 Cky Homeschool  'C'                                20:36.81  
 18 Stopher Elementary School  'C'                     20:41.07  
 19 St. Albert the Great  'C'                          20:55.13  
 20 Harmony Elementary School  'E'                     21:00.71  
 21 Wilder Elementary School  'C'                      21:20.37  
 22 Greathouse Shryock Elementary  'B'                 21:22.50  
 23 Stopher Elementary School  'D'                     21:26.96  
 24 Wilder Elementary School  'D'                      21:35.96  
 25 St. Albert the Great  'A'                          21:36.05  
 26 Goshen Elementary  'F'                             21:47.11  
 27 Lincoln Elementary  'C'                            21:57.34  
 28 Cky Homeschool  'D'                                22:07.32  
 29 Field Elementary  'B'                              22:11.60  
 30 Cky Homeschool  'A'                                22:23.09  
 31 Stopher Elementary School  'L'                     22:23.99  
 32 Dunn Elementary  'H'                               22:28.02  
 33 Harmony Elementary School  'D'                     22:42.69  
 34 Goshen Elementary  'E'                             22:46.20  
 35 Dunn Elementary  'C'                               22:47.46  
 36 Lincoln Elementary  'B'                            22:49.81  
 37 Harmony Elementary School  'C'                     22:58.47  
 38 Carter Traditional Elementary  'B'                 23:04.45  
 39 St. Agnes  'B'                                     23:04.61  
 40 Goshen Elementary  'H'                             23:07.06  
 41 Dunn Elementary  'F'                               23:09.32  
 42 Harmony Elementary School  'F'                     23:11.89  
 43 St. Edward  'A'                                    23:12.25  
 44 Dunn Elementary  'D'                               23:13.49  
 45 Stopher Elementary School  'K'                     23:22.09  
 46 Wilder Elementary School  'E'                      23:29.61  
 47 Field Elementary  'E'                              23:40.81  
 48 Wilder Elementary School  'F'                      23:41.88  
 49 Stopher Elementary School  'A'                     23:45.08  
 50 Lincoln Elementary  'A'                            23:47.83  
 51 Field Elementary  'C'                              23:56.61  
 52 Cky Homeschool  'B'                                23:58.42  
 53 Stopher Elementary School  'F'                     24:01.91  
 54 Stopher Elementary School  'M'                     24:02.55  
 55 Harmony Elementary School  'G'                     24:05.59  
 56 Lincoln Elementary  'D'                            24:16.57  
 57 Dunn Elementary  'G'                               24:18.88  
 58 Cky Homeschool  'E'                                25:07.95  
 59 St. Albert the Great  'E'                          25:14.93  
 60 Goshen Elementary  'J'                             25:16.53  
 61 Dunn Elementary  'I'                               25:31.32  
 62 Harmony Elementary School  'I'                     25:50.42  
 63 Stopher Elementary School  'E'                     26:15.75  
 64 Stopher Elementary School  'O'                     26:15.78  
 65 Goshen Elementary  'I'                             26:20.61  
 66 Stopher Elementary School  'H'                     26:24.97  
 67 St. Matthews Elementary  'C'                       26:29.32  
 68 St. Albert the Great  'B'                          26:43.94  
 69 Stopher Elementary School  'G'                     28:19.65  
 70 Stopher Elementary School  'N'                     28:56.63  
 71 Stopher Elementary School  'I'                     29:18.25  
 72 Stopher Elementary School  'J'                     29:37.86  
 73 Stopher Elementary School  'P'                     33:07.70  
 74 Greathouse Shryock Elementary  'C'                 34:04.19  
Boys 2x2400 Meter Relay MS
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 North Oldham Middle School  'A'                    15:04.52  
  2 Cky Homeschool  'A'                                15:32.26  
  3 Crosby Middle School  'A'                          15:53.41  
  4 St. Agnes  'A'                                     15:55.72  
  5 North Oldham Middle School  'B'                    16:23.15  
  6 North Oldham Middle School  'C'                    16:26.89  
  7 North Oldham Middle School  'D'                    16:30.02  
  8 North Oldham Middle School  'E'                    16:40.61  
  9 St. Agnes  'B'                                     16:51.54  
 10 North Oldham Middle School  'F'                    16:54.65  
 11 North Oldham Middle School  'G'                    16:55.74  
 12 Cky Homeschool  'B'                                17:02.59  
 13 Noe Middle School  'A'                             17:10.00  
 14 St. Agnes  'C'                                     17:10.60  
 15 St. Agnes  'D'                                     17:16.77  
 16 Holy Trinity Parish School  'A'                    17:47.04  
 17 North Oldham Middle School  'H'                    17:56.02  
 18 St. Edward  'A'                                    17:56.22  
 19 Jefferson County Traditional M  'B'                17:59.80  
 20 North Oldham Middle School  'I'                    18:10.52  
 21 Brown  'A'                                         18:14.23  
 22 Meyzeek Middle School  'B'                         18:15.52  
 23 North Oldham Middle School  'J'                    18:15.54  
 24 North Oldham Middle School  'K'                    18:21.95  
 25 Meyzeek Middle School  'D'                         18:23.79  
 26 Crosby Middle School  'F'                          18:27.61  
 27 Jefferson County Traditional M  'C'                18:34.42  
 28 Kammerer Middle School  'A'                        18:38.98  
 29 St. Agnes  'E'                                     18:39.40  
 30 Holy Trinity Parish School  'B'                    18:51.46  
 31 St. Agnes  'H'                                     18:52.27  
 32 Noe Middle School  'B'                             18:52.31  
 33 Noe Middle School  'C'                             18:53.63  
 34 Cky Homeschool  'C'                                18:55.94  
 35 Westport Middle School  'A'                        18:57.47  
 36 Holy Trinity Parish School  'C'                    18:57.82  
 37 Johnson Traditional Middle Sch  'C'                18:59.89  
 38 St. Agnes  'G'                                     19:05.45  
 39 Johnson Traditional Middle Sch  'A'                19:08.84  
 40 North Oldham Middle School  'L'                    19:09.69  
 41 North Oldham Middle School  'M'                    19:11.06  
 42 Brown  'C'                                         19:15.69  
 43 Holy Trinity Parish School  'D'                    19:25.93  
 44 Meyzeek Middle School  'A'                         19:29.33  
 45 Noe Middle School  'D'                             19:29.45  
 46 St. Agnes  'F'                                     19:29.60  
 47 North Oldham Middle School  'N'                    19:30.38  
 48 Crosby Middle School  'D'                          19:48.78  
 49 Westport Middle School  'B'                        19:49.24  
 50 Noe Middle School  'E'                             20:00.62  
 51 Westport Middle School  'C'                        20:05.88  
 52 Crosby Middle School  'E'                          20:20.07  
 53 Meyzeek Middle School  'C'                         20:30.29  
 54 North Oldham Middle School  'O'                    20:36.22  
 55 Cky Homeschool  'D'                                20:37.06  
 56 Holy Trinity Parish School  'E'                    20:46.59  
 57 Westport Middle School  'D'                        20:50.96  
 58 Johnson Traditional Middle Sch  'B'                20:54.19  
 59 North Oldham Middle School  'P'                    21:21.58  
 60 Holy Trinity Parish School  'F'                    21:47.94  
 61 Noe Middle School  'F'                             21:48.02  
 62 North Oldham Middle School  'Q'                    22:06.08  
 63 Noe Middle School  'I'                             22:09.05  
 64 Noe Middle School  'G'                             22:10.24  
 65 Jefferson County Traditional M  'D'                22:29.95  
 66 St. Albert the Great  'A'                          22:29.99  
 67 Meyzeek Middle School  'F'                         22:54.71  
 68 Brown  'B'                                         23:08.17  
 69 Jefferson County Traditional M  'A'                23:52.17  
 70 Westport Middle School  'E'                        24:04.95  
 71 Crosby Middle School  'B'                          24:12.83  
 72 Holy Trinity Parish School  'G'                    24:17.73  
 73 Meyzeek Middle School  'E'                         24:27.07  
 74 Noe Middle School  'H'                             24:37.52  
 75 St. Agnes  'I'                                     25:02.56  
 76 Noe Middle School  'J'                             26:32.19  
 77 Noe Middle School  'K'                             26:40.20  
 78 Crosby Middle School  'C'                          27:08.49  
 79 Cky Homeschool  'E'                                27:38.36  
 80 Johnson Traditional Middle Sch  'D'                29:38.56  
 81 Meyzeek Middle School  'G'                         30:40.34  
Boys 2x4800 Meter Relay High School
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Dupont Manual  'A'                                 30:53.61  
     30:53.603 (30:53.603)
  2 Covington Catholic  'A'                            30:53.93  
     30:53.922 (30:53.922)
  3 Male  'A'                                          31:05.45  
     34:19.199 (34:19.199)
  4 Ballard  'A'                                       31:36.84  
     31:36.834 (31:36.834)
  5 Dupont Manual  'B'                                 31:42.86  
     31:42.852 (31:42.852)
  6 Bethlehem  'A'                                     31:44.09  
     31:44.088 (31:44.088)
  7 Highlands Latin  'A'                               31:48.95  
     31:48.950 (31:48.950)
  8 Eastern  'P'                                       31:58.15  
     31:58.141 (31:58.141)
  9 Bethlehem  'B'                                     32:41.07  
     32:41.070 (32:41.070)
 10 Highlands Latin  'B'                               33:02.56  
     33:02.552 (33:02.552)
 11 Atherton  'K'                                      33:17.27  
     33:17.262 (33:17.262)
 12 Ballard  'B'                                       33:17.43  
     33:17.430 (33:17.430)
 13 Eastern  'C'                                       33:25.86  
     33:25.860 (33:25.860)
 14 Cky Homeschool  'B'                                33:32.11  
     33:32.106 (33:32.106)
 15 Covington Catholic  'D'                            33:41.93  
     33:41.924 (33:41.924)
 16 Dupont Manual  'C'                                 33:43.33  
     33:43.326 (33:43.326)
 17 Covington Catholic  'B'                            33:59.06  
     33:59.059 (33:59.059)
 18 Male  'C'                                          34:01.77  
     34:01.767 (34:01.767)
 19 Ballard  'C'                                       34:04.97  
     34:04.964 (34:04.964)
 20 Louisville Collegiate  'A'                         34:21.42  
     34:21.416 (34:21.416)
 21 Atherton  'H'                                      34:33.74  
     34:33.740 (34:33.740)
 22 Covington Catholic  'F'                            34:34.64  
     34:34.635 (34:34.635)
 23 Cky Homeschool  'C'                                34:35.14  
     34:35.132 (34:35.132)
 24 Covington Catholic  'E'                            34:38.26  
     34:38.256 (34:38.256)
 25 West Jessamine  'B'                                34:38.51  
     34:38.502 (34:38.502)
 26 Atherton  'B'                                      34:39.14  
     34:39.132 (34:39.132)
 27 Dupont Manual  'D'                                 34:43.43  
     34:43.421 (34:43.421)
 28 Bethlehem  'C'                                     35:03.84  
     35:03.839 (35:03.839)
 29 Ballard  'F'                                       35:16.13  
     35:16.126 (35:16.126)
 30 Atherton  'I'                                      35:19.80  
     35:19.798 (35:19.798)
 31 Waggener  'B'                                      35:32.44  
     35:32.438 (35:32.438)
 32 Eastern  'F'                                       35:34.38  
     35:34.374 (35:34.374)
 33 Highlands Latin  'E'                               35:34.44  
     35:34.437 (35:34.437)
 34 Bethlehem  'F'                                     35:52.40  
     35:52.397 (35:52.397)
 35 Atherton  'F'                                      35:55.78  
     35:55.771 (35:55.771)
 36 Eastern  'G'                                       36:12.13  
     36:12.126 (36:12.126)
 37 Male  'E'                                          36:12.35  
     36:12.341 (36:12.341)
 38 Eastern  'D'                                       36:27.77  
     36:27.762 (36:27.762)
 39 Christian Academy-Louisville  'A'                  36:36.46  
     36:36.453 (36:36.453)
 40 Dupont Manual  'E'                                 36:41.87  
     36:41.870 (36:41.870)
 41 West Jessamine  'C'                                36:42.78  
     36:42.774 (36:42.774)
 42 West Jessamine  'D'                                37:08.02  
     37:08.016 (37:08.016)
 43 Highlands Latin  'C'                               37:09.91  
     37:09.908 (37:09.908)
 44 Ballard  'E'                                       37:12.60  
     37:12.600 (37:12.600)
 45 Eastern  'O'                                       37:13.15  
     37:13.141 (37:13.141)
 46 Eastern  'H'                                       37:27.07  
     37:27.063 (37:27.063)
 47 Highlands Latin  'D'                               37:41.54  
     37:41.540 (37:41.540)
 48 Brown  'A'                                         37:44.99  
     37:44.983 (37:44.983)
 49 Atherton  'J'                                      38:11.24  
     38:11.238 (38:11.238)
 50 Kentucky Country Day  'C'                          38:12.42  
     38:12.414 (38:12.414)
 51 Bethlehem  'D'                                     38:17.31  
     38:17.306 (38:17.306)
 52 Dupont Manual  'F'                                 38:24.50  
     38:24.500 (38:24.500)
 53 Cky Homeschool  'D'                                38:24.75  
     38:24.750 (38:24.750)
 54 Dupont Manual  'H'                                 38:34.72  
     38:34.717 (38:34.717)
 55 Covington Catholic  'G'                            38:35.00  
     38:35.000 (38:35.000)
 56 Dupont Manual  'G'                                 38:38.90  
     38:38.900 (38:38.900)
 57 Ballard  'G'                                       38:43.40  
     38:43.394 (38:43.394)
 58 Atherton  'G'                                      38:46.46  
     38:46.456 (38:46.456)
 59 Eastern  'I'                                       38:56.30  
     38:56.299 (38:56.299)
 60 Eastern  'J'                                       39:11.46  
     39:11.460 (39:11.460)
 61 Male  'F'                                          39:22.19  
     39:22.188 (39:22.188)
 62 Highlands Latin  'F'                               39:22.63  
     39:22.626 (39:22.626)
 63 Christian Academy-Louisville  'B'                  39:30.66  
     39:30.660 (39:30.660)
 64 Ballard  'H'                                       39:33.54  
     39:33.534 (39:33.534)
 65 Ballard  'D'                                       39:40.04  
     39:40.034 (39:40.034)
 66 Covington Catholic  'H'                            40:01.30  
     40:01.298 (40:01.298)
 67 Dupont Manual  'I'                                 40:27.90  
     40:27.896 (40:27.896)
 68 Male  'G'                                          40:43.72  
     40:43.714 (40:43.714)
 69 Atherton  'C'                                      41:16.42  
     41:16.414 (41:16.414)
 70 Eastern  'K'                                       41:28.17  
     41:28.163 (41:28.163)
 71 West Jessamine  'A'                                41:29.13  
     41:29.127 (41:29.127)
 72 Eastern  'L'                                       41:52.03  
     41:52.026 (41:52.026)
 73 Louisville Collegiate  'B'                         41:52.24  
     41:52.238 (41:52.238)
 74 Bethlehem  'E'                                     42:21.11  
     42:21.106 (42:21.106)
 75 Dupont Manual  'J'                                 42:55.07  
     42:55.064 (42:55.064)
 76 Christian Academy-Louisville  'C'                  43:10.42  
     43:10.417 (43:10.417)
 77 Atherton  'D'                                      43:22.04  
     43:22.034 (43:22.034)
 78 Male  'H'                                          43:36.32  
     43:36.311 (43:36.311)
 79 Eastern  'N'                                       43:42.64  
     43:42.639 (43:42.639)
 80 Atherton  'A'                                      44:02.96  
     44:02.960 (44:02.960)
 81 Dupont Manual  'K'                                 44:03.12  
     44:03.117 (44:03.117)
 -- Male  'D'                                         X34:41.60  
     34:41.600 (34:41.600)