Meet Information
2020 Live in Lou / Louisville Cross Country Classic
Live Results
- The meet is at full capacity and no additional teams can be added.
- Spectators will be limited, masks will be required, and social distancing will be expected.
Spectator Admission: $5
Maps: All Maps have been revised for 2020 to allow for wave starts. Note the HS 5k course will be different from the college 5k course to allow for wave starts per KHSAA policy.
High School 5k Map - Middle School 4k Map
Waves & Schedule: Waves have been established per KHSAA policy with up to 45 runners per wave and up to 180 runner per race. Spreadsheet Link with individual and team wave assignments.
General COVID-19 information:
Everyone will need to have their temperature checked, answer screening questions, complete the Contact Tracing Survey (, wear masks, and practice social distancing in order to be admitted to the event.
Before leaving to attend the meet all coaches, athletes, and spectators should self-screen by evaluating both their temperature and their symptoms.Anyone who has a temperature above 100.4 degrees should stay home.Anyone experiencing any of the known COVID-19 symptoms should also stay home.
Spectators and coaches should wear a mask for the duration of their time at the meet.
Athletes should wear their masks except when warming up or competing.All athletes must report to the start line wearing a mask and must carry their mask during the race.Athletes should put their mask back on after a brief recovery from their race.
Upon completing the race athletes (and coaches and spectators) should immediately leave the finis vicinity so there is no congestion or large groups gathering.After racing athletes should disperse towards their team camp area and make plans to leave the park as soon as possible after their race.
Admission / Parking:
Spectator admission will be $5.Any athletes or coaches arriving more than 90 minutes before their scheduled competition session will be treated as spectators and charged admission.We are actively discouraging athletes and coaches to arrive early or stay beyond their scheduled meet session.
Parking for anyone not driving a bus will be in the main parking lot at Tom Sawyer Park off of Frey's Hill Road.
Everyone most complete the contact tracing form before entering the venue (it may be completed in advance) :
You will be expected to show the emailed contact tracing receipt when being temperature screened.
Bus Transportation:
Please email if your team is bringing a bus.The buses will park in the lot near the softball fields (using the second entrance on the right on Frey's Hill Rd if coming from Westport Road.
If you travel by bus, please complete the attached Bus Transportation Screener Form for all parties riding the bus. Anyone arriving by car will be screened upon entry.
Packets & Packet pickup
Packets for each session will be available about 90 minutes before the start of each session.Teams should send one person to packet pickup and they should adhere to social distancing while waiting.Our goal is to make packet pickup as efficient as possible and when possible packets will be spread out on the check in table for coaches to find & grab.
At the meet there will be no roster adjustments, no additions, and no swaps.Coaches must return any unused chips to the finish area.Any team failing to return chips will be charged $10 per chip.
Coaches are welcome to pay at the check in table. Please ensure that all checks are identifiable to the school name. Any personal checks should include the school name in the memo field.
Results / Awards
- Live race results can be found HERE.
- Due to COVID-19 safety protocols, there will be no results posted onsite this year.
- No awards will be presented this year.
Team Camp expectations
Team camps should not include a tent and should encourage individual spacing inside the team camp. No teams can establish a team camp earlier than 90 minutes before their schedules race.We will have 2 different team camp areas in the park.Team Camp 1 is near the team bus lot and the softball fields.Team camp 2 is beyond the starting area near the root cellar. See map below.
- On Friday, all high school teams in race 1 & 2 should set up in team camp #2.
- On Friday, all middle school teams in race 3 & 4 should set up in team camp #1.
- On Saturday, all high school teams in race 1 & 2 should set up in team camp #2.
- On Saturday, all high school teams in race 3 & 4 should set up in team camp #1.
- There should be no team camps outside of the assigned team camp area.
All teams should be clear of the team camp area by 30 minutes after the conclusion of their final race.
Pre-race and Start-line procedures
Athletes should report to the start line about 5 minutes before their session is scheduled to start.Wave 1 will report to the starting line with waves 2, 3, and 4 filling in the assigned spaces on the holding area.
There will be 45 large boxes at the start line and 45 holding spaces for athletes in wave 2, 3, and 4.Athletes may fill any box in their assigned starting wave, first come first served, while maintaining appropriate spacing.Starters will give instructions for removing masks, starting, and progressing from the holding area to the start line.
There will be no active check-in procedure, but we will have officials on hand to assist if needed.
Any athlete failing to start in their assigned wave will be disqualified and their time will not be accurately recorded.
Post-race & Finish Line Guidelines:
- As you finish the race, keep moving to the back of the finish corral and exit as soon as you have gathered yourself per event COVID-19 requirements. All runners are to make their way BACK to their team camps as soon as they finish. There will be no gathering waiting for friends/family/teammates outside of finish area per COVID-19 guidelines for event.
- There will be a very limited number of officials and meet management in finish area this year to meet social distancing requirements. It is important that you do your part by moving across finish mats and return to your
vehicles. - The timing chips can be removed at the back of finish corral. It is your responsibility to returnALL chips. You will be charged $10 for non-returned chips.
- The meet management medical staff will be at finish area.
There will be no post-race hydration provided per event COVID-19 requirements. Please make sure you keep this in
mind and prepare beforehand.
College Meet Information:All information for the collegiate races will be posted on This site is only used for the high school, middle school, and elementary races.