Grant County Invitational 1999

Crittenden, KY
Hosted by Grant County

Complete Results

KTCCCA Sponsored Championship Meets                       Hy-Tek\'s MEET MANAGER
09/07/99 10:20 AM   26th Annual Grant County CC Invitational             
               Grant County Park/Fairgrounds - Saturday 09/04/99               
                    Event 1 Elementary Girls 1,500 Meter Run                   
                               GIRLS\' TEAM SCORES                              
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Capital Day                27    1    3    4    5   14   20               
   2 Southgate Middle School    56    2    9   10   17   18                    
   3 Grant County               60    6   11   12   15   16   22               
   4 Pendleton County           68    7    8   13   19   21   23   24          

                    Event 2 Elementary Boys 1,500 Meter Run                    
                               BOYS\' TEAM SCORES                               
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Scott High School          28    1    2    3   10   12   14   23          
   2 Ludlow                     52    6    8    9   13   16   17   18          
   3 Pendleton County           87    4    5   20   28   30   32   33          
   4 Southgate Middle School    91   11   15   19   22   24                    
   5 Capital Day               106    7   21   25   26   27   29   31          

                  Event 3 Middle School Girls 1,500 Meter Run                  
                               GIRLS\' TEAM SCORES                              
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Newport                    36    1    2    6   12   15                    
   2 Notre Dame Academy         42    3    7    8   10   14   17   18          
   3 Ludlow                     68    5    9   11   13   30   33   35          
   4 Western Hills              88    4   19   20   21   24   25   26          
   5 Boone County              135   22   23   27   29   34   37               
   6 Pendleton County          143   16   28   31   32   36                    

                   Event 4 Middle School Boys 1,500 Meter Run                  
                               BOYS\' TEAM SCORES                               
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Highlands                  69    1    3   14   19   32   40               
   2 Dixie Heights              81    2    8   11   18   42                    
   3 Fleming County             87    6   12   16   22   31                    
   4 Harrison County            91    5   10   13   30   33   47               
   5 Ryle                      108    7   17   21   29   34   41   52          
   6 Montgomery County         161    4    9   43   51   54                    
   7 Simon Kenton              163   20   25   28   44   46   55               
   8 Scott High School         166   15   26   36   39   50                    
   9 Grant County              167   23   24   35   37   48                    
  10 Henry County              212   27   38   45   49   53                    

                  Event 5 Junior Varsity Girls 5,000 Meter Run                 
                               GIRLS\' TEAM SCORES                              
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Notre Dame Academy         24    2    4    5    6    7    8    9          
   2 Saint Henry                71    3   13   15   19   21   25   32          
   3 Scott High School          92    1   10   11   33   37   39               
   4 Campbell County           106   12   17   18   29   30   31   34          
   5 Notre Dame Academy \"B\"    108   16   20   22   24   26   28   36          
   6 Dixie Heights             137   14   23   27   35   38                    

                  Event 6 Junior Varsity Boys 5,000 Meter Run                  
                               BOYS\' TEAM SCORES                               
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Covington Catholic         35    5    6    7    8    9   11   12          
   2 Saint Henry                46    2    4   10   13   17   25   27          
   3 Scott High School          53    1    3   15   16   18   19   20          
   4 Covington Catholic \"B\"    130   21   24   26   29   30   31   32          
   5 Dixie Heights             147   22   23   33   34   35                    
   6 Franklin County           153   14   28   36   37   38

                    26th Annual Grant County CC Invitational             
               Grant County Park/Fairgrounds - Saturday 09/04/99               
                           RESULTS BY ORDER OF FINISH                          
                        Elementary Girls 1,500 Meter Run                       
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Smith, Melanie               Capital Day                6:05.3     1  
       2 Sanders, Becky               Calvary Christian          6:20.1        
       3 Minch, Holly                 Southgate Middle School    6:27.2     2  
       4 Ramcke, Annika               Capital Day                6:30.1     3  
       5 Back, Marisa                 Montgomery County          6:32.1        
       6 Ramcke, Finnja               Capital Day                6:52.4     4  
       7 Taylor, Mackenzie            Capital Day                7:03.1     5  
       8 Claypool, April              Harrison County            7:09.2        
       9 Ammer, Brittany              Grant County               7:10.7     6  
      10 Parkel, Paige                Pendleton County           7:14.5     7  
      11 Baldwin, Sarah               Western Hills              7:15.2        
      12 Wilson, Brittany             Pendleton County           7:17.1     8  
      13 Combs, Felicia               Southgate Middle School    7:20.4     9  
      14 Nienaber, Hannah             Highlands                  7:23.2        
      15 Smith, Dana                  Scott High School          7:24.4        
      16 Combs, Kayla                 Southgate Middle School    7:24.8    10  
      17 Talbott, Nikki               Harrison County            7:26.5        
      18 Laboy, Cayla                 Grant County               7:31.1    11  
      19 Barrett, Sarah               Grant County               7:34.9    12  
      20 Mason, Taryn                 Pendleton County           7:45.5    13  
      21 Turner, Laura                Capital Day                7:45.8    14  
      22 Schaffer, Felicity           Grant County               7:49.7    15  
      23 Bingaman, Kaitlyn            Grant County               7:53.9    16  
      24 Carlson, Kate                Scott High School          7:59.4        
      25 Newberry, Kristen            Frankfort                  8:01.3        
      26 Schlosser, Lauren            Southgate Middle School    8:04.7    17  
      27 Redinger, Jaye               Southgate Middle School    8:05.9    18  
      28 Hutchinson, Nicole           Pendleton County           8:11.6    19  
      29 Ramsey, Lauren               Capital Day                8:23.4    20  
      30 Shannon, Marla               Western Hills              8:33.3        
      31 McFarland, Paige             Pendleton County           8:38.9    21  
      32 Saylor, Rebekah              Grant County               8:49.3    22  
      33 Flynn, Charity               Pendleton County           8:53.9    23  
      34 Brooks, Ashley               Montgomery County          8:58.7        
      35 Curtis, Kelsey               Scott High School          9:03.2        
      36 Millbaugh, Rachel            Calvary Christian          9:31.0        
      37 Hill, Brigid                 Harrison County            9:39.0        
      38 Flynn, Elaine                Pendleton County           9:57.3    24  
      39 Hammond, Cassie              Frankfort                 10:00.1        
      40 Dungan, Meredith             Frankfort                 10:05.4        
                      Middle School Girls 1,500 Meter Run                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Eckert, Stephanie            Newport                    5:56.5     1  
       2 Blevins, Suzanne             Newport                    5:59.6     2  
       3 Stulz, Katie                 Notre Dame Academy         6:04.6     3  
       4 Hale, Amber                  Grant County               6:05.5        
       5 Bales, Lauren                Scott High School          6:11.4        
       6 Burke, Allison               Highlands                  6:12.7        
       7 Jackson, Sara                Western Hills              6:17.7     4  
       8 Bessinger, Rebecca           Capital Day                6:19.4        
       9 Wirth, Jessie                Ludlow                     6:19.7     5  
      10 Meson, Syneisha              Newport                    6:20.6     6  
      11 Rock, Caitlin                Dixie Heights              6:24.7        
      12 Drews, Jessica               Notre Dame Academy         6:26.7     7  
      13 Rosing, Rachel               Notre Dame Academy         6:28.0     8  
      14 Snedegar, Rachel             Fleming County             6:29.4        
      15 Overwine, Rachael            Scott High School          6:30.1        
      16 Miller, Natalie              Highlands                  6:30.8        
      17 Malone, Eileen               Ludlow                     6:31.6     9  
      18 Quire, Ryan                  Frankfort                  6:33.0        
      19 Devine, Maggie               Notre Dame Academy         6:36.7    10  
      20 Froehle, Abby                Ludlow                     6:37.4    11  
      21 Due, Amanda                  Newport                    6:37.8    12  
      22 Lantry, Rachel               Ludlow                     6:39.6    13  
      23 Tilden, Maile                Notre Dame Academy         6:40.7    14  
      24 Lyon, Katie                  Newport                    6:42.3    15  
      25 Hutchinson, Cindy            Pendleton County           6:43.0    16  
      26 Brossart, Rebecca            Notre Dame Academy         6:44.5    17  
      27 Odgen, Ashley                Notre Dame Academy         6:48.4    18  
      28 Lathem, Mandi                Western Hills              6:48.6    19  
      29 Hudson, Allison              Notre Dame Academy         6:50.3        
      30 Haynes, Cassie               Dayton                     6:52.0        
      31 Menne, Allison               Notre Dame Academy         6:53.8        
      32 Scotton, Lauren              Western Hills              6:59.8    20  
      33 Sandlin, Jenny               Campbell County            7:01.2        
      34 Smith, Dani                  Western Hills              7:01.5    21  
      35 Fisher, Megan                Capital Day                7:01.8        
      36 Hartzell, Molly              Highlands                  7:04.0        
      37 Groneck, Amber               Campbell County            7:05.0        
      38 Story, Amanda                Fleming County             7:13.6        
      39 Adams, Alisha                Boone County               7:13.8    22  
      40 Howell, Kara                 Boone County               7:15.4    23  
      41 Smith, Dawn                  Western Hills              7:17.2    24  
      42 Howell, Julie                Calvary Christian          7:20.5        
      43 Ring, Mary Beth              Harrison County            7:20.8        
      44 Caudill, Jennifer            Montgomery County          7:21.6        
      45 Yates, Cameron               Dixie Heights              7:22.1        
      46 Kees, Bethany                Calvary Christian          7:22.3        
      47 Clayton, Christy             Western Hills              7:24.6    25  
      48 Craycraft, Tara              Montgomery County          7:24.8        
      49 Shannon, Mandy               Western Hills              7:27.3    26  
      50 Fussinger, Lauren            Notre Dame Academy         7:29.3        
      51 Stone, Laura                 Western Hills              7:29.6        
      52 Helbig, Katie                Campbell County            7:30.1        
      53 Beatsch, Nicole              Southgate Middle School    7:30.9        
      54 Hayes, Kelsey                Montgomery County          7:33.6        
      55 Haupt, Sarah                 Notre Dame Academy         7:34.2        
      56 Whitaker, Megan              Dixie Heights              7:40.7        
      57 Sipple, Melissa              Grant County               7:42.8        
      58 Mahoney, Jackie              Henry County               7:46.1        
      59 Schlotman, Jordan            Boone County               7:48.0    27  
      60 Remley, Sara                 Pendleton County           7:49.7    28  
      61 Denman, Jessica              Western Hills              7:49.9        
      62 Wentz, Megan                 Boone County               7:50.6    29  
      63 Leech, Catherine             Ludlow                     7:52.9    30  
      64 Remley, Lindsey              Pendleton County           7:54.9    31  
      65 Race, Ashley                 Pendleton County           7:55.4    32  
      66 Slaven, Tiffany              Campbell County            7:55.7        
      67 Va, Andrea                   Western Hills              7:56.8        
      68 Bruce, Elizabeth             Western Hills              7:57.6        
      69 Hollingsworth, Lola          Dayton                     8:03.8        
      70 Curtin, Michelle             Notre Dame Academy         8:06.3        
      71 Stewart, Scarlet             Ludlow                     8:08.1    33  
      72 Thomas, Barbara              Highlands                  8:10.6        
      73 Burkholder, Amanda           Scott High School          8:12.6        
      74 Leffler, Laura               Calvary Christian          8:14.0        
      75 Wiggins, Kim                 Grant County               8:20.1        
      76 Vest, Carolynn               Harrison County            8:20.9        
      77 Robinson, Kristen            Covington Holy Cross       8:25.8        
      78 Ellis, Jackie                Boone County               8:27.0    34  
      79 Geyer, Shirley               Dayton                     8:33.6        
      80 Crowe, Robin                 Ludlow                     8:44.5    35  
      81 Barker, Mackenzie            Pendleton County           8:47.4    36  
      82 Wilhote, Hannah              Western Hills              8:49.3        
      83 Kaiser, Samantha             Dixie Heights              9:00.6        
      84 Garrison, Astrid             Frankfort                  9:43.4        
      85 Lowe, Rachel                 Boone County               9:56.8    37  
      86 Ammer, Ashley                Grant County              10:09.9        
      87 Tillman, Felicia             Dayton                    10:41.2        
                      Junior Varsity Girls 5,000 Meter Run                     
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Metzger, Brittany            Scott High School         22:41.0     1  
       2 Back, Cari                   Montgomery County         22:50.0        
       3 Hummel, Bridget              Notre Dame Academy        23:28.0     2  
       4 Noetzel, Jenny               Saint Henry               23:46.0     3  
       5 Brinker, Kara                Notre Dame Academy        23:50.0     4  
       6 Averdick, Tara               Notre Dame Academy        23:57.0     5  
       7 Egan, Amanda                 Notre Dame Academy        24:02.0     6  
       8 Siebel, Emily                Notre Dame Academy        24:04.0     7  
       9 Cahill, Melanie              Notre Dame Academy        24:15.0     8  
      10 Siemer, Rachel               Notre Dame Academy        24:19.0     9  
      11 Speed, Sarah                 Notre Dame Academy        24:34.0        
      12 McCallin, Meaghan            Notre Dame Academy        24:34.0        
      13 Reusch, Caitlin              Scott High School         24:36.0    10  
      14 Yelton, Betsy                Scott High School         24:37.0    11  
      15 Gebelt, Sarah                Campbell County           24:39.0    12  
      16 Short, Kristen               Saint Henry               24:40.0    13  
      17 Stamm, Debbie                Notre Dame Academy        24:51.0        
      18 Simmons, Kristin             Notre Dame Academy        24:55.0        
      19 Eubanks, Moriah              Notre Dame Academy        25:01.0        
      20 Miller, Karen                Dixie Heights             25:17.0    14  
      21 Schietz, Maria               Saint Henry               25:21.0    15  
      22 Cropper, Maria               Notre Dame Academy \"B\"    25:23.0    16  
      23 Vogt, Jennifer               Campbell County           25:29.0    17  
      24 Kemphaus, Allison            Notre Dame Academy        25:31.0        
      25 Rawe, Molly                  Campbell County           25:31.0    18  
      26 Crane, Sarah                 Saint Henry               25:33.0    19  
      27 Bokelman, Jessica            Villa Madonna             25:50.0        
      28 Prather, Chelse              Notre Dame Academy        26:01.0        
      29 Rose, Jessica                Notre Dame Academy        26:10.0        
      30 Alteuers, Ellen              Notre Dame Academy \"B\"    26:12.0    20  
      31 Whitis, Kristi               Saint Henry               26:15.0    21  
      32 Berling, Elizabeth           Notre Dame Academy \"B\"    26:30.0    22  
      33 Ng, Lana                     Newport                   26:36.0        
      34 Bovard, Anna                 Dixie Heights             26:36.0    23  
      35 Hils, Angela                 Notre Dame Academy \"B\"    26:45.0    24  
      36 Steffen, Carissa             Saint Henry               26:48.0    25  
      37 Berberich, Justine           Notre Dame Academy \"B\"    26:53.0    26  
      38 Crum, Heather                Boyd County               27:04.0        
      39 Madison, Sherri              Dixie Heights             27:05.0    27  
      40 Rentz, Sarah                 Boyd County               27:07.0        
      41 Cowans, Tasia                Highlands                 27:08.0        
      42 Duncan, Colleen              Notre Dame Academy \"B\"    27:09.0    28  
      43 Hawes, Natalie               Campbell County           27:28.0    29  
      44 Heine, Megan                 Campbell County           27:30.0    30  
      45 Menning, Amy                 Campbell County           28:15.0    31  
      46 Webster, Hannah              Highlands                 28:25.0        
      47 Koester, Laurie              Saint Henry               28:33.0    32  
      48 Runyan, Stephanie            Highlands                 29:14.0        
      49 Graves, Whitney              Scott High School         29:30.0    33  
      50 Searp, Amanda                Dayton                    29:46.0        
      51 Miller, Erin                 Frankfort                 29:47.0        
      52 King, Nicki                  Campbell County           29:53.0    34  
      53 Rich, Stacey                 Dixie Heights             30:08.0    35  
      54 Sweeney, Kathleen            Notre Dame Academy \"B\"    30:14.0    36  
      55 Sorrell, Tara                Campbell County           30:14.0        
      56 Hernandez, Liza              Scott High School         30:15.0    37  
      57 Simpson, Leslie              Franklin County           30:28.0        
      58 Howell, Erin                 Franklin County           30:33.0        
      59 Cox, Christa                 Boyd County               30:33.0        
      60 Stein, Rachel                Campbell County           30:43.0        
      61 Allen, Crystal               Campbell County           31:28.0        
      62 Frank, Emily                 Highlands                 31:28.0        
      63 Lopez, Kristie               Dixie Heights             31:38.0    38  
      64 Rigg, Rachael                Scott High School         33:30.0    39  
      65 Burton, Alisha               Newport                   34:47.0        
      66 Salyer, Courtney             Boyd County               37:06.0        
                        Elementary Boys 1,500 Meter Run                        
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Smith, Ryne                  Scott High School          5:25.3     1  
       2 Fieghery, J.P.               Scott High School          5:26.1     2  
       3 Saylor, Shawn                Grant County               5:41.4        
       4 Quire, Luke                  Frankfort                  5:52.4        
       5 Howard, Kyle                 Scott High School          6:05.9     3  
       6 Hatfield, Corey              Pendleton County           6:11.8     4  
       7 Swope, Michael               Grant County               6:12.8        
       8 Ritter, Scott                Pendleton County           6:14.4     5  
       9 Huston, Bobby                Ludlow                     6:16.2     6  
      10 McIntosh, Cody               Harrison County            6:17.5        
      11 Mitchell, Matthew            Capital Day                6:17.8     7  
      12 Haegele, Joey                Ludlow                     6:21.8     8  
      13 Schwab, Travis               Ludlow                     6:22.9     9  
      14 Wayland, Donny               Scott High School          6:24.5    10  
      15 Hatfield, Jared              Southgate Middle School    6:32.5    11  
      16 Eisner, Zach                 Scott High School          6:34.9    12  
      17 Egan, Kyle                   Covington Holy Cross       6:35.1        
      18 Stacy, Jason                 Ludlow                     6:46.4    13  
      19 Dixon, Jeff                  Grant County               6:46.6        
      20 Marksberry, Darryl           Conner                     6:47.6        
      21 McElfresh, Beau              Scott High School          6:48.8    14  
      22 Turner, Tyler                Southgate Middle School    6:51.3    15  
      23 Stockdill, Doug              Ryle                       6:54.2        
      24 Cox, Ryan                    Harrison County            6:55.3        
      25 Hartman, Allen               Ludlow                     6:58.6    16  
      26 Hardin, Justin               Ludlow                     6:58.9    17  
      27 Johnson, Zack                Ludlow                     7:01.7    18  
      28 Stockdill, Ryan              Ryle                       7:03.6        
      29 Riesenberg, Kyle             Southgate Middle School    7:04.8    19  
      30 Koch, Chris                  Pendleton County           7:05.9    20  
      31 Pendleton, Shane             Ludlow                     7:08.2        
      32 Ramsey, Lee                  Capital Day                7:10.3    21  
      33 Hatfield, Jordan             Southgate Middle School    7:10.6    22  
      34 Carroll, Ben                 Ludlow                     7:10.9        
      35 Mertz, A.J.                  Scott High School          7:13.9    23  
      36 Vicars, Jordan               Southgate Middle School    7:16.1    24  
      37 Garrison, Nels               Frankfort                  7:16.7        
      38 Darnell, Luke                Ryle                       7:25.8        
      39 Neuhas, Ben                  Covington Holy Cross       7:26.2        
      40 Smith, C.J.                  Grant County               7:26.9        
      41 Fisher, Sean                 Capital Day                7:28.1    25  
      42 Wise, Matt                   Capital Day                7:38.2    26  
      43 Williams, Jared              Montgomery County          7:51.3        
      44 Taylor, Lincoln              Capital Day                7:53.5    27  
      45 Chasteer, Doug               Ludlow                     8:11.4        
      46 Ruth, Jaron                  Pendleton County           8:14.7    28  
      47 Knochelman, Adam             Ludlow                     8:26.5        
      48 Bell, Josh                   Capital Day                8:35.2    29  
      49 Staggs, Zackery              Pendleton County           8:36.2    30  
      50 Darby, Patrick               Capital Day                8:39.8    31  
      51 Hein, Zach                   Ludlow                     9:07.6        
      52 Straub, Cory                 Pendleton County          10:19.7    32  
      53 Koch, Doug                   Pendleton County          11:50.3    33  
                       Middle School Boys 1,500 Meter Run                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Cowens, Cage                 Highlands                  5:07.6     1  
       2 Little, Stephen              Dixie Heights              5:13.9     2  
       3 Webster, Nathan              Highlands                  5:21.4     3  
       4 Henry, John                  Montgomery County          5:22.3     4  
       5 Smith, Mathew                Harrison County            5:25.4     5  
       6 Watson, Andy                 Fleming County             5:27.2     6  
       7 Auton, Justin                Ryle                       5:34.6     7  
       8 Conley, Sam                  Dixie Heights              5:35.0     8  
       9 Shultz, Zach                 Montgomery County          5:35.4     9  
      10 Frederick, Bobby             Harrison County            5:37.8    10  
      11 Rogge, Eric                  Dixie Heights              5:41.1    11  
      12 Workman, Aaron               Fleming County             5:41.3    12  
      13 Newburg, Jody                Western Hills              5:41.8        
      14 Paschall, Anthony            Harrison County            5:42.9    13  
      15 Buten, Andrew                Highlands                  5:44.0    14  
      16 Wright, Matthew              Scott High School          5:45.1    15  
      17 Fleming, Jermiah             Fleming County             5:46.3    16  
      18 Stockdill, Steve             Ryle                       5:46.7    17  
      19 Saunders, Stephen            Dixie Heights              5:47.7    18  
      20 Clinkenbeard, Evan           Highlands                  5:50.1    19  
      21 Riley, Matt                  Simon Kenton               5:50.5    20  
      22 Fowler, Brian                Ryle                       5:51.0    21  
      23 Vice, Ben                    Fleming County             5:51.3    22  
      24 Spanier, Kevin               Grant County               5:52.1    23  
      25 Wodraska, Jeremy             Grant County               5:53.9    24  
      26 Wade, Christopher            Western Hills              5:54.3        
      27 Bankemper, Cory              Campbell County            5:54.7        
      28 Kenter, Zack                 Simon Kenton               5:54.9    25  
      29 Hicks, Bryan                 Scott High School          5:56.7    26  
      30 Nelson, AJ                   Henry County               5:56.9    27  
      31 Brown, Ryan                  Simon Kenton               5:58.2    28  
      32 Johannemann, Chris           Ryle                       5:58.4    29  
      33 Gillis, Justin               Harrison County            5:59.0    30  
      34 Penoleton, Chad              Boone County               5:59.8        
      35 Ford, Robert                 Fleming County             6:02.5    31  
      36 Stewart, Justin              Highlands                  6:03.2    32  
      37 Ritter, Jason                Pendleton County           6:04.0        
      38 Porter, Aaron                Harrison County            6:06.0    33  
      39 Tracy, Daniel                Ryle                       6:06.7    34  
      40 Stamper, Marcus              Dayton                     6:07.0        
      41 Sorenson, Joey               Grant County               6:07.3    35  
      42 Robinson, Will               Western Hills              6:07.6        
      43 Overwine, David              Scott High School          6:09.7    36  
      44 Pape, Christopher            Calvary Christian          6:17.0        
      45 Hawes, Nick                  Campbell County            6:20.0        
      46 Pape, Anthony                Calvary Christian          6:21.1        
      47 Howe, Justin                 Grant County               6:22.5    37  
      48 Maddox, Chad                 Henry County               6:23.7    38  
      49 Dube, Kirk                   Scott High School          6:26.1    39  
      50 Cecil, Andrew                Highlands                  6:27.6    40  
      51 Wilson, Kristopher           Williamstown               6:27.9        
      52 Hurtt, Derrick               Boone County               6:28.9        
      53 Davidson, Rob                Ryle                       6:29.5    41  
      54 Hatfield, Nathan             Pendleton County           6:31.7        
      55 Smith, Chris                 Dayton                     6:34.7        
      56 Torrey, Keith                Dixie Heights              6:35.0    42  
      57 Boathouse, Greg              Ludlow                     6:39.1        
      58 Sanderson, Damien            Western Hills              6:39.7        
      59 Osborne, Brandon             Dayton                     6:41.4        
      60 Sipes, Matt                  Montgomery County          6:45.2    43  
      61 Gagliardi, Lucas             Boone County               6:46.0        
      62 Betz, Derek                  Ludlow                     6:46.1        
      63 Botdorf, Tyler               Simon Kenton               6:48.8    44  
      64 Mason, Jared                 Pendleton County           6:53.8        
      65 Hoffman, Brian               Southgate Middle School    6:59.5        
      66 Vicars, Daniel               Southgate Middle School    7:08.2        
      67 Sanders, Kyle                Henry County               7:08.5    45  
      68 Sharp, Tommy                 Campbell County            7:10.4        
      69 Chapman, Joe                 Simon Kenton               7:13.6    46  
      70 Thomas, Michael              Harrison County            7:21.5    47  
      71 Arnett, Nick                 Grant County               7:24.1    48  
      72 Oliver, Craig                Henry County               7:25.0    49  
      73 Anderson, Jacob              Calvary Christian          7:25.9        
      74 Siegrist, Anthony            Scott High School          7:58.5    50  
      75 Taylor, Chris                Capital Day                8:06.4        
      76 Beair, Dustin                Montgomery County          8:12.2    51  
      77 Blair, Josh                  Ryle                       8:20.0    52  
      78 Ryan, Joe                    Henry County               8:30.0    53  
      79 Moore, J.D.                  Montgomery County          8:41.9    54  
      80 Liggett, David               Simon Kenton               9:25.4    55  
      81 Roy, Phillip                 Dayton                     9:46.7        
      82 Goodpaster, Andrew           Ludlow                    9:46.70        
                      Junior Varsity Boys 5,000 Meter Run                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Derrick, Braylon             Ludlow                    18:56.0        
       2 Melching, Lance              Scott High School         19:14.0     1  
       3 Stanton, Matt                Saint Henry               19:54.0     2  
       4 Ranshaw, Jimmy               Scott High School         19:57.0     3  
       5 Robinson, Greg               Saint Henry               20:05.0     4  
       6 LaVelle, Phillip             Covington Catholic        20:08.0     5  
       7 Piper, Kraig                 Covington Catholic        20:22.0     6  
       8 Rose, Tom                    Covington Catholic        20:22.0     7  
       9 Arnold, Tom                  Covington Catholic        20:31.0     8  
      10 Ford, Steve                  Campbell County           20:34.0        
      11 McPhillips, Paul             Covington Catholic        20:46.0     9  
      12 Gulla, Jonathan              Saint Henry               20:49.0    10  
      13 Resing, Dan                  Covington Catholic        20:51.0    11  
      14 Elfers, Chris                Covington Catholic        20:51.0    12  
      15 Fay, Matt                    Covington Catholic        20:52.0        
      16 Miller, Brad                 Ludlow                    20:55.0        
      17 Webster, Joe                 Campbell County           20:56.0        
      18 Strole, Kevin                Campbell County           21:03.0        
      19 Swass, Adam                  Ludlow                    21:07.0        
      20 McLane, Tim                  Saint Henry               21:11.0    13  
      21 Keller, Jason                Franklin County           21:16.0    14  
      22 Gordan, Danny                Scott High School         21:27.0    15  
      23 Sweat, Seth                  Scott High School         21:28.0    16  
      24 Kennedy, Brady               Saint Henry               21:31.0    17  
      25 Alexander, Ryan              Montgomery County         21:34.0        
      26 Koenig, Keith                Covington Catholic        21:37.0        
      27 Webb, Eric                   Harrison County           21:58.0        
      28 Williams, Robbie             Scott High School         21:58.0    18  
      29 Rohrer, Kevin                Highlands                 22:09.0        
      30 Dungan, Nicholas             Frankfort                 22:09.0        
      31 Mohr, Josh                   Scott High School         22:12.0    19  
      32 Lynch, Mike                  Scott High School         22:12.0    20  
      33 Bertke, Matt                 Covington Catholic        22:15.0        
      34 Siegrist, Jacob              Covington Catholic \"B\"    22:21.0    21  
      35 Nienaber, Peter              Highlands                 22:26.0        
      36 Cole, Matt                   Dixie Heights             22:27.0    22  
      37 Ard, James                   Newport                   22:34.0        
      38 Manuel, Jason                Dixie Heights             22:38.0    23  
      39 Brungs, Matt                 Scott High School         22:39.0        
      40 Lonnemann, Nick              Covington Catholic \"B\"    22:44.0    24  
      41 Kilby, Brandon               Saint Henry               22:45.0    25  
      42 O\'Conner, Dan                Covington Catholic \"B\"    22:49.0    26  
      43 Grady, Brendon               Saint Henry               22:50.0    27  
      44 Overstreet, Colin            Franklin County           22:54.0    28  
      45 O\'Neil, Conner               Mason County              23:05.0        
      46 Jackson, Chris               Frankfort                 23:12.0        
      47 Anderson, Mike               Boone County              23:17.0        
      48 Barczak, Michael             Covington Catholic \"B\"    23:20.0    29  
      49 Zembrodt, Joey               Covington Catholic        23:21.0        
      50 Tieke, Greg                  Lloyd Memorial            23:21.0        
      51 Uthe, Zack                   Covington Catholic \"B\"    23:23.0    30  
      52 Scott, Brennan               Covington Catholic \"B\"    23:25.0    31  
      53 Murray, Matt                 Western Hills             23:26.0        
      54 Hinkel, Tony                 Covington Holy Cross      23:26.0        
      55 Strole, Brian                Campbell County           23:26.0        
      56 Johnson, Patrick             Ludlow                    23:34.0        
      57 Wurtenberger, Mark           Covington Catholic \"B\"    23:37.0    32  
      58 Kirchner, Tim                Boone County              23:38.0        
      59 Saunders, James              Dixie Heights             23:39.0    33  
      60 Keeley, Sean                 Dixie Heights             23:53.0    34  
      61 Vadney, Jason                Scott High School         24:01.0        
      62 Abbott, Johnathan            Western Hills             24:04.0        
      63 Thomas, Mike                 Mason County              24:06.0        
      64 Schultz, Nick                Covington Holy Cross      24:06.0        
      65 Alexander, Scott             Montgomery County         24:08.0        
      66 Rahe, Christian              Villa Madonna             24:09.0        
      67 Clayton, Drew                Dixie Heights             24:11.0    35  
      68 Huggins, Billy               Scott High School         24:14.0        
      69 Kiefer, Nick                 Frankfort                 24:22.0        
      70 Taylor, Michael              Harrison County           24:26.0        
      71 Lindeman, Neil               Highlands                 24:27.0        
      72 Robertson, Corey             Franklin County           24:28.0    36  
      73 Popham, Scott                Covington Catholic \"B\"    24:36.0        
      74 Harned, Matthew              Franklin County           24:36.0    37  
      75 Dyas, Chuck                  Covington Catholic \"B\"    24:36.0        
      76 Slocum, Alex                 Saint Henry               24:50.0        
      77 Howe, Andrew                 Franklin County           24:55.0    38  
      78 Ellis, Nathanael             Calvary Christian         25:03.0        
      79 Depenbrock, Josh             Saint Henry               25:05.0        
      80 Bokelman, Zach               Villa Madonna             25:08.0        
      81 Stark, Dan                   Covington Catholic \"B\"    25:17.0        
      82 Ridder, Roman                Dayton                    25:31.0        
      83 Moody, Sean                  Western Hills             25:51.0        
      84 Zilliox, Gabe                Boone County              25:56.0        
      85 Eilerman, Nick               Covington Catholic \"B\"    26:10.0        
      86 Calendar, Stephen            Scott High School         26:39.0        
      87 Mason, A.J.                  Williamstown              27:04.0        
      88 Lettin, Andy                 Lloyd Memorial            27:11.0        
      89 Meyers, Andrew               Dayton                    27:28.0        
      90 Varner, T.J.                 Williamstown              27:55.0        
      91 Funken, Daniel               Ryle                      27:59.0        
      92 Webb, Dusty                  Williamstown              28:13.0        
      93 Fox, Jimmy                   Lloyd Memorial            28:16.0        
      94 Knapp, Daniel                Lloyd Memorial            29:02.0        
      95 Hirsch, Brad                 Covington Catholic \"B\"    30:46.0        
      96 Mckee, Brian                 Mason County              34:06.0        
      97 Sorrell, Paul                Simon Kenton              36:23.0

                     Event 7 Class A Girls 5,000 Meter Run                     
                               GIRLS\' TEAM SCORES                              
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Saint Henry                41    3    8    9   10   11   15   17          
   2 Frankfort                  57    1    2   12   20   22   27               
   3 Ludlow                     65    5    7   13   16   24   25               
   4 Walton-Verona              77    4    6   14   23   30                    
   5 Covington Holy Cross      112   18   19   21   26   28   29   31          

                     Event 8 Class AA Girls 5,000 Meter Run                    
                               GIRLS\' TEAM SCORES                              
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Highlands                  33    1    4    7   10   11                    
   2 Western Hills              58    3    5   12   17   21                    
   3 Lloyd Memorial             72    2    6   13   19   32   33   34          
   4 Fleming County             87    8    9   16   25   29                    
   5 Henry County               98   14   15   22   23   24   26   31          
   6 Grant County              123   18   20   27   28   30                    

                    Event 9 Class AAA Girls 5,000 Meter Run                    
                               GIRLS\' TEAM SCORES                              
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Notre Dame Academy         27    1    2    5    7   12   14   20          
   2 Scott High School          50    6    8    9   11   16   27   31          
   3 Campbell County            64    3    4   17   18   22                    
   4 Boyd County               123   10   13   26   34   40   44               
   5 Scott County              131   15   19   25   30   42   50               
   6 Dixie Heights             164   28   32   33   35   36   37   48          
   7 Boone County              182   21   23   45   46   47   52   53          
   8 Harrison County           211   29   39   43   49   51                    
   9 Simon Kenton              212   24   38   41   54   55                    

                     Event 10 Class A Boys 5,000 Meter Run                     
                               BOYS\' TEAM SCORES                               
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Saint Henry                29    1    3    5    8   12   13   15          
   2 Covington Holy Cross       59    2    7   10   18   22   27   30          
   3 Dayton                     67    4    9   14   17   23   32               
   4 Frankfort                  81    6   11   19   21   24                    
   5 Villa Madonna             126   16   20   26   29   35                    
   6 Walton-Verona             151   25   28   31   33   34   36               

                     Event 11 Class AA Boys 5,000 Meter Run                    
                               BOYS\' TEAM SCORES                               
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Highlands                  38    2    3    9   10   14   16   22          
   2 Franklin County            53    1    8   11   12   21   23               
   3 Fleming County             63    6    7   15   17   18   26               
   4 Lloyd Memorial             90    5   13   20   25   27   30               
   5 Grant County              104    4   19   24   28   29   31               

                    Event 12 Class AAA Boys 5,000 Meter Run                    
                               BOYS\' TEAM SCORES                               
Rank School                  Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
==== ======================= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
   1 Campbell County            52    1    2    3   14   32                    
   2 Covington Catholic         66    7    8   11   19   21   41   43          
   3 Scott High School          93    5   15   18   27   28   37   39          
   4 Boone County              119    4   12   13   44   46   62               
   5 Simon Kenton              121   10   16   22   35   38   53               
   6 Dixie Heights             130    9   20   25   36   40   42   52          
   7 Scott County              155    6   26   30   45   48   58   61          
   8 Ryle                      195   24   29   34   51   57                    
   9 Harrison County           241   23   49   54   56   59   60   65          
  10 Holmes                    246   31   33   55   63   64   68   69          
  11 Conner                    247   17   47   50   66   67

                    26th Annual Grant County CC Invitational             
               Grant County Park/Fairgrounds - Saturday 09/04/99               
                           RESULTS BY ORDER OF FINISH                          
                         Class A Girls 5,000 Meter Run                         
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Call, Colleen                Frankfort                 21:24.8     1  
       2 Gordon, Jackie               Frankfort                 21:25.7     2  
       3 Cummings, Chrissy            Saint Henry               21:31.2     3  
       4 Vest, Elizabeth              Walton-Verona             22:28.4     4  
       5 Gerken, Pamela               Ludlow                    22:32.5     5  
       6 Chapman, Lauren              Walton-Verona             22:34.6     6  
       7 Pence, Ashley                Ludlow                    22:47.5     7  
       8 Messer, Bridget              Saint Henry               23:03.5     8  
       9 Walterman, Stephanie         Saint Henry               23:04.7     9  
      10 Nienaber, Kate               Saint Henry               23:23.1    10  
      11 Armstrong, Julie             Saint Henry               23:29.4    11  
      12 Norton, Deanne               Frankfort                 23:37.9    12  
      13 Hall, Beth                   Ludlow                    23:38.2    13  
      14 Vest, Allison                Walton-Verona             23:43.3    14  
      15 Rose, Nicole                 Saint Henry               24:06.1    15  
      16 Hall, Samantha               Ludlow                    24:15.7    16  
      17 Diebold, Alison              Saint Henry               24:33.1    17  
      18 Cendales, Diana              Newport Central Catholic  25:03.2        
      19 Walsh, Katie                 Newport Central Catholic  25:29.0        
      20 Arlinghaus, Tricia           Covington Holy Cross      25:33.7    18  
      21 Jadwin, Autumn               Bellevue                  25:35.9        
      22 Arlinghaus, Rosie            Covington Holy Cross      25:44.7    19  
      23 Dawson, Lindsey              Frankfort                 25:54.7    20  
      24 Behrens, Casey               Covington Holy Cross      26:30.9    21  
      25 Rogg, Jessica                Newport Central Catholic  26:32.3        
      26 Vickers, Emily               Bellevue                  26:37.2        
      27 Oder, Alex                   Frankfort                 26:51.4    22  
      28 Mathis, Stacey               Newport Central Catholic  27:01.7        
      29 Ellis, Katelyn               Walton-Verona             27:27.7    23  
      30 Staltz, Amy                  Ludlow                    27:31.6    24  
      31 Goodpaster, Kristen          Ludlow                    27:57.8    25  
      32 Barth, Mary                  Covington Holy Cross      28:10.9    26  
      33 Hinton, Elizabeth            Frankfort                 28:26.6    27  
      34 Chitkara, Monica             Covington Holy Cross      28:31.5    28  
      35 Dickman, Elisabeth           Dayton                    28:32.3        
      36 Haegele, Amanda              Covington Holy Cross      28:49.3    29  
      37 Stahl, Elizabeth             Bellevue                  30:37.2        
      38 Barth, Sarah                 Walton-Verona             31:04.8    30  
      39 Tieman, Catie                Covington Holy Cross      36:16.4    31  
      40 Markesberry, Allie           Williamstown              41:34.8        
                         Class AA Girls 5,000 Meter Run                        
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Nienaber, Cameron            Highlands                 21:24.9     1  
       2 Rodgers, Brittany            Lloyd Memorial            21:44.2     2  
       3 Unger, Leesa                 Western Hills             21:49.8     3  
       4 Jones, Ashley                Highlands                 22:32.8     4  
       5 Bryant, Devon                Western Hills             22:52.8     5  
       6 Marshall, Jenni              Lloyd Memorial            23:02.1     6  
       7 Reitano, Cameron             Highlands                 23:06.7     7  
       8 Richmond, Christy            Fleming County            23:15.1     8  
       9 Jones, Christina             Newport                   23:37.8        
      10 Roaden, Jennifer             Fleming County            23:47.1     9  
      11 Barth, Jessie                Highlands                 23:48.0    10  
      12 Owens, Kelly                 Highlands                 23:49.2    11  
      13 Allgeler, Lisa               Western Hills             23:55.2    12  
      14 Kackler, Kristia             Mason County              24:02.8        
      15 Griffin, Heather             Lloyd Memorial            24:06.6    13  
      16 Arnold, Jessica              Henry County              24:19.6    14  
      17 Webb, Carmarita              Henry County              24:20.7    15  
      18 Franklin, Erin               Western Hills \"B\"         24:42.1        
      19 Herron, Kristin              Western Hills \"B\"         24:43.9        
      20 Vice, Molly                  Fleming County            24:50.7    16  
      21 Abbott, Martha               Western Hills             24:56.7    17  
      22 Roseberry, Chandra           Franklin County           24:59.8        
      23 Lorenz, Becky                Grant County              25:18.4    18  
      24 McCarthy, Britt              Lloyd Memorial            25:26.3    19  
      25 Ammer, Jacqalynn             Grant County              25:28.7    20  
      26 Fisher, Erin                 Western Hills             25:34.7    21  
      27 Moore, Sarah                 Henry County              25:39.6    22  
      28 Ryan, Chloe                  Henry County              26:12.5    23  
      29 Cruse, Emily                 Henry County              26:17.8    24  
      30 Story, Melissa               Fleming County            26:21.1    25  
      31 Allen, Crystal               Henry County              26:49.0    26  
      32 Runion, Stacy                Newport                   26:50.8        
      33 Gray, Allison                Grant County              27:08.7    27  
      34 Gatewood, Artie              Franklin County           27:40.6        
      35 Stone, Synde                 Western Hills \"B\"         27:54.2        
      36 Mefford, Lindsay             Franklin County           28:35.9        
      37 Lukacsko, Leslie             Western Hills \"B\"         28:38.1        
      38 Schaffer, Alicia             Grant County              28:56.6    28  
      39 Hutchison, Amber             Pendleton County          29:03.1        
      40 Meade, Kelly                 Fleming County            29:17.2    29  
      41 Simpson, Whitney             Grant County              29:22.0    30  
      42 Johnson, Shannon             Franklin County           29:59.7        
      43 Abbott, Cassidy              Henry County              30:00.8    31  
      44 Carlson, Kristen             Mason County              30:02.1        
      45 Engel, Rachel                Lloyd Memorial            30:22.7    32  
      46 Nieporte, Sandra             Lloyd Memorial            32:22.3    33  
      47 Vega, Nubia                  Lloyd Memorial            33:45.4    34  

                           RESULTS BY ORDER OF FINISH                          
                        Class AAA Girls 5,000 Meter Run                        
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Crowe, Megan                 Notre Dame Academy        20:40.4     1  
       2 Little, Stephanie            Notre Dame Academy        21:06.9     2  
       3 Bunting, Erin                Campbell County           21:09.8     3  
       4 Rawe, Meggy                  Campbell County           21:10.0     4  
       5 Keller, Katie                Notre Dame Academy        21:12.8     5  
       6 Crook, Lauren                Scott High School         21:26.5     6  
       7 Wendt, Beth                  Notre Dame Academy        21:39.1     7  
       8 Biedenbender, Jessica        Scott High School         21:50.6     8  
       9 Wilson, Jennifer             Scott High School         22:00.0     9  
      10 McCown, Shawna               Boyd County               22:05.0    10  
      11 Brefeld, Crystal             Scott High School         22:07.3    11  
      12 Moser, Bridget               Notre Dame Academy        22:12.5    12  
      13 Rentz, Lisa                  Boyd County               22:13.9    13  
      14 Willenborg, Kris             Notre Dame Academy        22:20.3    14  
      15 Cornacchio, Carrie           Scott County              22:26.5    15  
      16 Smith, Renee                 Scott High School         22:30.4    16  
      17 Shaw, Laura                  Campbell County           22:35.6    17  
      18 Henn, Kelly                  Campbell County           22:39.3    18  
      19 Caldwell, Amy                Scott County              22:43.4    19  
      20 Fedor, Stephanie             Notre Dame Academy        22:45.7    20  
      21 Martin, Angie                Boone County              22:49.3    21  
      22 Rawe, Heidi                  Campbell County           23:10.9    22  
      23 Zilliox, Maggie              Boone County              23:38.0    23  
      24 Sproehnle, Jennifer          Simon Kenton              23:43.2    24  
      25 Hisel, Tiffany               Scott County              24:03.6    25  
      26 Schilling, Amanda            Boyd County               24:12.7    26  
      27 Halter, Vanessa              Scott High School         24:14.5    27  
      28 Goetz, Lori                  Dixie Heights             24:18.3    28  
      29 Causey, Rene                 Harrison County           24:21.1    29  
      30 Osborn, Sarah                Scott County              24:25.3    30  
      31 McElfresh, Jodee             Scott High School         24:28.8    31  
      32 Eisenman, Ashely             Dixie Heights             25:05.0    32  
      33 Neugent, Kasey               Dixie Heights             25:09.2    33  
      34 Boyd, Myranda                Boyd County               25:09.3    34  
      35 Almquist, Kathleena          Dixie Heights             25:26.1    35  
      36 Goetz, Jamie                 Dixie Heights             25:42.2    36  
      37 Randall, Christine           Dixie Heights             25:44.3    37  
      38 McDermott, Sarah             Simon Kenton              26:08.6    38  
      39 Kinney, Rachel               Harrison County           26:31.4    39  
      40 Tackett, Alayna              Boyd County               26:35.2    40  
      41 Funken, Susanne              Ryle                      26:35.4        
      42 White, Nikki                 Simon Kenton              26:47.8    41  
      43 Chavers, Mikel               Scott County              26:48.7    42  
      44 Slone, Malissa               Harrison County           27:03.5    43  
      45 Gavin, Kerrie                Conner                    27:22.5        
      46 Horn, Janell                 Boyd County               27:32.6    44  
      47 Hagen, Jaime                 Boone County              27:43.9    45  
      48 Regensburger, Tammy          Holmes                    27:44.6        
      49 Perry, Jen                   Boone County              27:58.1    46  
      50 Smith, Dana                  Boone County              28:09.1    47  
      51 Rich, Pam                    Dixie Heights             28:35.3    48  
      52 McCrory, Michelle            Harrison County           29:09.2    49  
      53 Fischer, Patrice             Conner                    29:11.2        
      54 Milburn, Casey               Scott County              29:25.4    50  
      55 Perkins, Jackie              Holmes                    29:29.3        
      56 Woods, Brianna               Harrison County           29:42.0    51  
      57 Shuffett, Katie              Conner                    29:42.5        
      58 Ross, Brittany               Ryle                      30:50.5        
      59 Brockman, Erin               Boone County              30:58.0    52  
      60 Jones, Christen              Boone County              31:45.6    53  
      61 Graydon, Sarah               Simon Kenton              33:02.6    54  
      62 Sallee, Larissa              Simon Kenton              34:08.6    55  
      63 Davidson, Nicole             Ryle                      34:56.7        
      64 Davidson, Cara               Ryle                      35:32.9        
      65 Geiger, Christina            Holmes                    36:32.4        
      66 Albers, Erica                Holmes                    40:36.5        
                          Class A Boys 5,000 Meter Run                         
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Mayer, Matt                  Bellevue                  18:03.2        
       2 McLane, Ryan                 Saint Henry               18:13.2     1  
       3 Arlinghaus, Ray              Covington Holy Cross      18:19.1     2  
       4 Burger, Jason                Saint Henry               18:25.3     3  
       5 Bole, Chuck                  Dayton                    18:39.2     4  
       6 Cain, Brandon                Bellevue                  18:45.4        
       7 Danks, Chris                 Saint Henry               18:53.6     5  
       8 Current, Chris               Frankfort                 19:05.2     6  
       9 Bach, Ben                    Covington Holy Cross      19:05.9     7  
      10 Salzer, Matt                 Saint Henry               19:16.5     8  
      11 Hayes, B.J.                  Dayton                    19:33.0     9  
      12 Neuhaus, Chris               Covington Holy Cross      19:33.2    10  
      13 Owens, Adam                  Frankfort                 20:00.2    11  
      14 Brady, Pat                   Saint Henry               20:02.9    12  
      15 Kunz, Austin                 Saint Henry               20:09.3    13  
      16 Hall, Justin                 Dayton                    20:13.7    14  
      17 Laake, Jeff                  Saint Henry               20:13.9    15  
      18 Breetz, Mark                 Villa Madonna             20:18.7    16  
      19 Amend, Geoff                 Bellevue                  20:20.4        
      20 Hall, Nathan                 Dayton                    20:22.5    17  
      21 Kummer, Kevin                Covington Holy Cross      20:22.9    18  
      22 Greenwell, Moxie             Frankfort                 20:33.9    19  
      23 Lindemulder, Tom             Villa Madonna             21:13.0    20  
      24 Gabbard, John Clay           Frankfort                 21:14.0    21  
      25 Laws, Clyde                  Covington Holy Cross      21:14.5    22  
      26 Tursany, Shawn               Dayton                    21:22.8    23  
      27 Loftus, Ben                  Frankfort                 21:40.3    24  
      28 Hannon, James                Walton-Verona             21:40.5    25  
      29 Ford, Matt                   Villa Madonna             22:18.3    26  
      30 Neuhaus, Joe                 Covington Holy Cross      22:29.9    27  
      31 Vonhandorf, Tyler            Walton-Verona             22:32.6    28  
      32 Stephenson, Farley           Villa Madonna             23:01.6    29  
      33 Beckham, Jason               Williamstown              23:09.5        
      34 Egan, Justin                 Covington Holy Cross      23:32.1    30  
      35 Collins, Chris               Williamstown              23:53.0        
      36 Burchfield, Chuck            Walton-Verona             24:05.5    31  
      37 Trice, Adam                  Newport Central Catholic  24:22.0        
      38 Schulkers, Peanic            Newport Central Catholic  24:24.7        
      39 Ridder, Roland               Dayton                    24:25.9    32  
      40 Geiger, Dan                  Newport Central Catholic  24:46.1        
      41 Turner, Alex                 Walton-Verona             26:10.9    33  
      42 Chapman, Ben                 Walton-Verona             26:59.7    34  
      43 Wilson, Ryan                 Williamstown              27:32.9        
      44 Ganshirt, Matt               Villa Madonna             27:33.4    35  
      45 Anderson, Matt               Walton-Verona             27:38.0    36  
                         Class AA Boys 5,000 Meter Run                         
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Hayes, Ryan                  Franklin County           18:13.2     1  
       2 Clinkenbeard, Nathan         Highlands                 18:22.1     2  
       3 Heilman, Jay                 Highlands                 18:28.5     3  
       4 Snow, Chris                  Grant County              18:35.2     4  
       5 Knapp, Keith                 Lloyd Memorial            18:41.0     5  
       6 Gilvin, John                 Fleming County            18:57.0     6  
       7 Cockley, Eric                Western Hills             19:03.2        
       8 Perdue, Patrick              Henry County              19:04.0        
       9 Johnson, Toby                Fleming County            19:10.1     7  
      10 Thomas, Jonathan             Western Hills             19:30.0        
      11 Scott, Daniel                Franklin County           19:40.0     8  
      12 Frede, Mike                  Highlands                 19:48.5     9  
      13 Clark, Justin                Highlands                 19:52.2    10  
      14 Simpson, Jeremy              Franklin County           19:54.3    11  
      15 Kinker, Robbie               Franklin County           20:02.7    12  
      16 Linneman, Richard            Lloyd Memorial            20:08.8    13  
      17 Hebert, Matt                 Western Hills             20:15.5        
      18 Gesenhues, John              Highlands                 20:19.0    14  
      19 Miller, Allen                Fleming County            20:23.0    15  
      20 Gesenhues, Jimmy             Highlands                 20:23.2    16  
      21 Pendland, Alex               Fleming County            20:36.7    17  
      22 Ginn, Tyler                  Fleming County            20:43.7    18  
      23 Ballinger, Robbie            Grant County              20:47.6    19  
      24 Wolfe, Mark                  Pendleton County          20:58.8        
      25 Hunt, Dan                    Lloyd Memorial            21:06.6    20  
      26 Lovell, Ben                  Franklin County           21:25.5    21  
      27 Hittle, John                 Henry County              21:34.9        
      28 Brammell, Bill               Henry County              21:39.9        
      29 Hart, Patrick                Western Hills             21:56.8        
      30 Woods, John                  Pendleton County          22:01.5        
      31 Trivedi, Evan                Highlands                 22:19.9    22  
      32 Walton, Josh                 Pendleton County          22:29.6        
      33 McDaniel, Justin             Franklin County           22:29.8    23  
      34 Farrell, Matt                Grant County              22:44.1    24  
      35 Hatfield, Brandon            Pendleton County          23:53.0        
      36 Bryson, Warren               Lloyd Memorial            24:34.2    25  
      37 Holloway, Lucas              Fleming County            24:48.2    26  
      38 Bird, Matt                   Lloyd Memorial            25:48.9    27  
      39 Wilson, Grant                Grant County              27:48.9    28  
      40 Schaffer, Edward             Grant County              27:50.8    29  
      41 Wright, Will                 Lloyd Memorial            28:41.8    30  
      42 Haynes, Nick                 Grant County              28:43.5    31  
                         Class AAA Boys 5,000 Meter Run                        
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    SCORE  
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= =====  
       1 Rebholz, Nick                Campbell County           17:20.8     1  
       2 Kramer, Denny                Campbell County           17:30.8     2  
       3 Whiles, Tony                 Campbell County           18:03.3     3  
       4 Threat, Greg                 Boone County              18:15.0     4  
       5 Seitz, Andy                  Scott High School         18:15.3     5  
       6 McEwan, Scott                Scott County              18:32.4     6  
       7 Davis, Chris                 Covington Catholic        18:33.0     7  
       8 Wolff, Dennis                Covington Catholic        18:49.8     8  
       9 Jones, Josh                  Dixie Heights             18:51.7     9  
      10 Burk, Andrew                 Simon Kenton              19:00.5    10  
      11 Cayse, Michael               Covington Catholic        19:07.2    11  
      12 Cheeks, Nate                 Boone County              19:12.3    12  
      13 Coy, Jason                   Boone County              19:12.5    13  
      14 Tarvin, Alex                 Campbell County           19:14.5    14  
      15 Monks, David                 Scott High School         19:16.8    15  
      16 Hays, Jay                    Simon Kenton              19:21.7    16  
      17 Greene, Trey                 Conner                    19:22.8    17  
      18 Brophy, Nick                 Scott High School         19:23.0    18  
      19 Hood, Joe                    Covington Catholic        19:23.4    19  
      20 Conley, Ben                  Dixie Heights             19:27.6    20  
      21 Butler, Bryan                Covington Catholic        19:33.4    21  
      22 Heeger, Jason                Simon Kenton              19:34.2    22  
      23 Harrington, Shane            Harrison County           19:38.0    23  
      24 Huber, Patrick               Ryle                      19:38.8    24  
      25 Dublikar, Andrew             Dixie Heights             19:39.1    25  
      26 Howard, Ethan                Scott County              19:46.7    26  
      27 Schmidt, Chris               Scott High School         19:49.6    27  
      28 Hicks, Michael               Scott High School         19:55.3    28  
      29 Stockdill, Kevin             Ryle                      20:04.3    29  
      30 Party Miller, Matt           Scott County              20:08.0    30  
      31 Zwosta, Drew                 Holmes                    20:09.3    31  
      32 Farwell, Michael             Campbell County           20:10.1    32  
      33 Fukano, Mike                 Holmes                    20:16.3    33  
      34 Leek, Mike                   Ryle                      20:20.5    34  
      35 Mullins, Derek               Simon Kenton              20:22.7    35  
      36 Mains, Christian             Dixie Heights             20:23.5    36  
      37 Biedenbender, Jerry          Scott High School         20:23.9    37  
      38 Zink, Matt                   Simon Kenton              20:28.6    38  
      39 Burkholder, Aaron            Scott High School         20:30.1    39  
      40 Rogge, Brian                 Dixie Heights             20:48.5    40  
      41 Anderson, Robbie             Covington Catholic        20:51.8    41  
      42 Baum, Mark                   Dixie Heights             21:00.1    42  
      43 Bloemer, Matt                Covington Catholic        21:00.3    43  
      44 Kirchner, Brian              Boone County              21:09.6    44  
      45 Painter, David               Scott County              21:16.1    45  
      46 Goode, C.J.                  Boone County              21:29.9    46  
      47 Shipp, Jesse                 Conner                    21:33.7    47  
      48 Monroe, James                Scott County              21:36.1    48  
      49 Simpson, Travis              Harrison County           21:46.7    49  
      50 Staggs, Damian               Conner                    22:09.7    50  
      51 Schmidt, Sean                Ryle                      22:10.6    51  
      52 Landrum, Jordan              Dixie Heights             22:21.4    52  
      53 Ginn, Jeremy                 Simon Kenton              22:26.4    53  
      54 Jones, Jonathan              Harrison County           22:31.8    54  
      55 Rider, Jeremy                Holmes                    22:34.2    55  
      56 Case, Eric                   Harrison County           22:37.2    56  
      57 Mann, Brian                  Ryle                      23:17.8    57  
      58 Clark, Nick                  Scott County              23:26.5    58  
      59 Pickett, Mathew              Harrison County           23:58.7    59  
      60 Weber, Daniel                Harrison County           24:00.6    60  
      61 Sharp, Andrew                Scott County              24:21.2    61  
      62 Adams, Aaron                 Boone County              24:33.4    62  
      63 Auge, Steve                  Holmes                    24:41.9    63  
      64 Regensburger, Steve          Holmes                    24:48.3    64  
      65 Taylor, Edwin                Harrison County           24:49.8    65  
      66 Hill, Kevin                  Conner                    27:14.5    66  
      67 Seiter, Chris                Conner                    28:18.0    67  
      68 Fukano, Chris                Holmes                    30:40.0    68  
      69 Winkler, Matt                Holmes                    37:13.8    69