Event 5 Girls 3k Run CC Middle School
Name Year School Finals Points
1 #396 Gregg, Jessie 8 Grant County 13:10.9 1
2 #701 Lentsch, Lauren 7 Notre Dame MS 13:24.2 2
3 #108 Robinson, Taylor 7 Campbell County 13:27.9 3
4 #339 Bluford, Erica 06 Dixie Heights 13:48.0
5 #69 Critcher, Ali 7 Calvary Christian 14:04.2
6 #1679 Holtman, Katie Summit View MS 14:09.8 4
7 #118 Walch, Erin 8 Campbell County 14:10.0 5
8 #1709 deKwiatkowski, Any 7 The Lex. School 14:12.6 6
9 #399 MacAdams, Gwen 7 Grant County 14:14.8 7
10 #1648 Schalk, Alexandra 8 St.Therese 14:17.4 8
11 #965 Brady, Allysa 8 St. Henry District 14:19.6 9
12 #1803 Peace, Madison 7 Walton Verona 14:24.4
13 #1838 Butler, Katie 8 Williamstown 14:25.4
14 #983 Hinken, Lindsey 8 St. Henry District 14:29.8 10
15 #993 Moore, Sierra 8 St. Henry District 14:42.8 11
16 #969 Coburn, Kelly 7 St. Henry District 14:45.7 12
17 #393 Colson, Courtney 6 Grant County 14:57.4 13
18 #939 Clark, Kelsey 7 Southgate 15:06.4 14
19 #107 Roaden, Faith 8 Campbell County 15:07.3 15
20 #95 Holden, Jessica 8 Campbell County 15:09.6 16
21 #345 Hutchison, Courtne 07 Dixie Heights 15:11.3
22 #996 Pitts, Sydney 7 St. Henry District 15:22.7 17
23 #725 Egbers, Emily 7 Ryle 15:27.2
24 #706 Schutzman, Brenna 7 Notre Dame MS 15:31.1 18
25 #977 Harlen, Sierra 7 St. Henry District 15:33.0 19
26 #414 Willoughby, Michel 8 Grant County 15:39.8 20
27 #1910 Kilburn, Julia 8 Dayton 15:46.1 21
28 #703 McFadden, Monica 7 Notre Dame MS 15:47.0 22
29 #476 Hill, Mackenzie 7 Highlands 15:47.9
30 #1641 Huber, Olivia 8 St.Therese 15:50.6 23
31 #1595 Thornburn, Ashley 8 St. Henry District 15:55.0 24
32 #1846 Harris, Emma 8 Williamstown 15:58.4
33 #1798 Kirby, Tressie 7 Walton Verona 15:59.3
34 #727 Eppley, Hope 8 Ryle 16:00.1
35 #406 Parker, Sydney 5 Grant County 16:03.7 25
36 #306 Kilburn, Tabatha 7 Dayton 16:07.6 26
37 #1594 Tabeling, Kristen 6 St. Henry District 16:08.1
38 #729 Gonzales, Emily 7 Ryle 16:10.5
39 #50 Volpenhiem, Paige 7 Boone County 16:12.0
40 #71 Haney, Amanda 7 Calvary Christian 16:14.6
41 #1676 Graham, Caitlin Summit View MS 16:16.6 27
42 #481 Klump, Madison 7 Highlands 16:18.2
43 #1918 Weyer, Emily 7 Saint Mary School 16:21.7
44 #1644 Kelly, Hannah 8 St.Therese 16:24.6 28
45 #987 Kroth, Molly 8 St. Henry District 16:26.3
46 #302 Courtney, Tina 7 Dayton 16:27.7 29
47 #1593 Tabeling, Bethany 7 St. Henry District 16:32.5
48 #1723 Thomas, Palmer 7 The Lex. School 16:34.2 30
49 #86 Conway, Kaitlin 8 Campbell County 16:36.2 31
50 #378 Foster, Jessica 8 Gallatin County 16:37.0
51 #740 Wriedt, Taylor 7 Ryle 16:37.6
52 #176 Cummins, Laura 08 Conner 16:38.3
53 #849 Mason, Jillian 08 Scott 16:45.2 32
54 #1703 Bonnano, Kelsey 7 The Lex. School 16:47.2 33
55 #787 Kitchen, Molly 7 Saint Mary School 16:51.9
56 #936 Allis, Mary 7 Southgate 16:56.0 34
57 #344 Hardtke, Emily 07 Dixie Heights 16:58.0
58 #782 Greis, Emily 7 Saint Mary School 17:01.7
59 #1794 Blaire, Hailie 7 Walton Verona 17:07.7
60 #935 Abney, Shayla 7 Southgate 17:08.6 35
61 #1716 Marshall, Tara 7 The Lex. School 17:20.7 36
62 #860 Williamson, Audrey 08 Scott 17:23.2 37
63 #944 Maley, Megan 7 Southgate 17:24.6 38
64 #516 Courtney, Samantha 6 Holmes 17:27.0 39
65 #1753 Cox, Rachel 6 Twenhofel MS 17:27.9 40
66 #1801 Noel, Autumn 7 Walton Verona 17:30.0
67 #541 Venable, Abby 7 Cov. Holy Cross 17:40.4
68 #1681 Key, Andrea Summit View MS 17:45.3 41
69 #698 Green, Skyler 7 Notre Dame MS 17:46.8 42
70 #1611 Winbigler, Kristin 7 St. Joseph 17:50.2
71 #540 Tewes, Rachel 6 Cov. Holy Cross 17:54.9
72 #1691 Stevens, Kylie Summit View MS 17:55.1 43
73 #1603 Klocke, Kristin 7 St. Joseph 17:56.5
74 #778 Campbell, Natalie 7 Saint Mary School 18:01.2
75 #519 Troxell, Kristen 6 Holmes 18:02.5 44
76 #942 Keener, Emily 8 Southgate 18:02.7 45
77 #991 McNabb, Bethany 8 St. Henry District 18:03.3
78 #185 Sullenbarger, Eliz 07 Conner 18:06.4
79 #1637 Buchanan, Ellen 8 St.Therese 18:06.8 46
80 #704 Morris, Becky 8 Notre Dame MS 18:19.0 47
81 #537 Raia, Leigh Anne 7 Cov. Holy Cross 18:24.5
82 #174 Chitwood, Marissa 07 Conner 18:29.8
83 #842 Evans, Carly 07 Scott 18:41.2 48
84 #1718 McGinty, Meghan 7 The Lex. School 18:45.9 49
85 #312 Oder, Kim 7 Dayton 18:58.5 50
86 #840 Coleman, Katlyn 07 Scott 18:59.4 51
87 #93 Gulley, Tiffany 8 Campbell County 19:01.9 52
88 #532 Barth, Audrey 6 Cov. Holy Cross 19:13.3
89 #189 Wolfer, Lauren 08 Conner 19:27.9
90 #1755 Gardella, Abby 6 Twenhofel MS 19:29.8 53
91 #1756 Kidwell, Malia 8 Twenhofel MS 19:41.1 54
92 #320 Whitehead, Becca 8 Dayton 19:49.4 55
93 #1690 Sowder, Vivian Summit View MS 19:50.4 56
94 #351 Schwitzer, Arianna 07 Dixie Heights 19:52.3
95 #1678 Harlow, Jill Summit View MS 19:54.2 57
96 #517 Hill, Zuri 8 Holmes 19:55.2 58
97 #1752 Clark, Lori 6 Twenhofel MS 20:06.7 59
98 #1682 Koumelis, Eleni Summit View MS 20:08.6 60
99 #1686 Nolte, Morgan Summit View MS 20:18.0
100 #940 Curry, Katie 8 Southgate 20:18.2 61
101 #1754 Curry, Elysia 6 Twenhofel MS 20:46.7 62
102 #514 Bowling, Brooke 6 Holmes 20:47.8 63
103 #1688 Simon, Carissa Summit View MS 20:59.6
104 #1757 McDannold, Katlyn 8 Twenhofel MS 21:08.2 64
105 #848 Martinez, Ashley 08 Scott 21:14.9 65
106 #119 Weber, Hannah 6 Campbell County 21:37.7 66
107 #1675 Eversole, Courtney Summit View MS 21:49.0
108 #1683 Lackman, Lindsay Summit View MS 21:54.4
109 #1673 Barnes, Rachel Summit View MS 21:56.5
110 #1642 Jones, Hannah 8 St.Therese 22:00.8 67
111 #859 Thurber, Colleen 6 Scott 22:06.1 68
112 #520 Tucker, Lauren 8 Holmes 22:09.5 69
113 #995 Perrigan, Sam 8 St. Henry District 22:17.7
114 #693 Anneken, Maddy 7 Notre Dame MS 23:14.7 70
115 #705 Reinersman, Alicia 7 Notre Dame MS 23:15.1 71
116 #1758 Patterson, Savanna 7 Twenhofel MS 23:30.1 72
117 #1751 Bridges, Stephanie 8 Twenhofel MS 23:34.5
118 #1760 Sturdivant, Autumn 8 Twenhofel MS 23:38.5
119 #1671 Allen, Brook Summit View MS 23:42.6
120 #1677 Hamilton, Julie Summit View MS 24:26.1
121 #1685 Miller, Ashley Summit View MS 26:13.7
122 #402 Milburn, Kassidy 6 Grant County 26:28.0 73
123 #856 Smolkovich, Terra 08 Scott 27:02.7 74
124 #1692 Wilson, Catherine Summit View MS 27:07.5
125 #1672 Allender, Marissa Summit View MS 28:11.4
Team Scores
Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9
1 St. Henry District 59 9 10 11 12 17 19 24
Total Time: 1:13:40.60
Average: 14:44.12
2 Grant County 66 1 7 13 20 25 73
Total Time: 1:14:06.60
Average: 14:49.32
3 Campbell County 70 3 5 15 16 31 52 66
Total Time: 1:14:31.00
Average: 14:54.20
4 Notre Dame MS 131 2 18 22 42 47 70 71
Total Time: 1:20:48.10
Average: 16:09.62
5 The Lexington School 154 6 30 33 36 49
Total Time: 1:23:40.60
Average: 16:44.12
6 Southgate 166 14 34 35 38 45 61
Total Time: 1:24:38.30
Average: 16:55.66
7 Summit View MS 171 4 27 41 43 56 57 60
Total Time: 1:25:57.20
Average: 17:11.44
8 St.Therese 172 8 23 28 46 67
Total Time: 1:26:40.20
Average: 17:20.04
9 Dayton 181 21 26 29 50 55
Total Time: 1:27:09.30
Average: 17:25.86
10 Scott 233 32 37 48 51 65 68 74
Total Time: 1:33:03.90
Average: 18:36.78
11 Twenhofel MS 268 40 53 54 59 62 64 72
Total Time: 1:37:32.20
Average: 19:30.44
12 Holmes 273 39 44 58 63 69
Total Time: 1:38:22.00
Average: 19:40.40
Event 6 Boys 3k Run CC Middle School
Name Year School Finals Points
1 #217 Turner, Ben 08 Conner 11:33.0 1
2 #56 Griesinger, Adam 8 Boone County 11:51.4 2
3 #384 Biddle, David 8 Gallatin County 12:21.1
4 #222 Wolfer, Daniel 07 Conner 12:21.3 3
5 #1813 Dwyer, Jared 7 Walton Verona 12:24.0 4
6 #1884 Hess, Danny 8 Williamstown 12:25.2 5
7 #236 Vennefron, Chase 6 CovCath MS 12:43.1 6
8 #57 Griesinger, Alex 8 Boone County 12:44.5 7
9 #237 Williamson, Max 7 CovCath MS 12:46.4 8
10 #600 Brown, Andrew 8 Lexington Christian 12:48.9
11 #497 Griffith, John Mic 6 Highlands 12:51.2 9
12 #424 Edmondson, Tyler 8 Grant County 12:52.0 10
13 #425 Ellis, Chris 8 Grant County 12:52.4 11
14 #1900 Moreland, Sean 8 Williamstown 12:59.7 12
15 #1750 Wermeling, Alex 8 The Lex. School 13:10.4
16 #508 Parian, Jacob 7 Highlands 13:11.4 13
17 #771 Tillinghast, Tyler 8 Ryle 13:14.1 14
18 #235 Sesher, Quinn 8 CovCath MS 13:16.1 15
19 #1883 Harris, Drew 6 Williamstown 13:16.3 16
20 #369 McGehee, Max 07 Dixie Heights 13:20.9 17
21 #1651 Allen, Patrick 7 St.Therese 13:22.5
22 #1737 Gardner, Logan 7 The Lex. School 13:25.2
23 #228 Helton, Michael 8 CovCath MS 13:25.7 18
24 #607 Myers, Daniel 7 Lexington Christian 13:29.8
25 #879 Ruckel, Jonathan 8 Scott 13:33.5 19
26 #821 Nienaber, Hank 7 Saint Mary School 13:36.6
27 #513 Wiegard, Conner 8 Highlands 13:38.6 20
28 #512 Wehrle, Garrett 7 Highlands 13:39.2 21
29 #1873 Alger, Isaac 8 Williamstown 13:39.7 22
30 #126 Bryan, Austin 8 Campbell County 13:40.4 23
31 #741 Adams, Gus 7 Ryle 13:40.9 24
32 #415 Baker, Jarred 7 Grant County 13:43.1 25
33 #526 Owens, Casey 8 Holmes 13:49.0 26
34 #774 Wiehoff, Michael 8 Ryle 13:55.3 27
35 #77 Madden, Orry 7 Calvary Christian 13:55.6
36 #1660 Mariani, Mason 7 St.Therese 13:57.4
37 #363 Hartman, Jacob 07 Dixie Heights 13:57.6 28
38 #233 Ruwe, Sam 8 CovCath MS 14:00.3 29
39 #147 Valdez, Dylan 7 Campbell County 14:01.9 30
40 #1770 Minsky, Garrett 7 Twenhofel MS 14:05.0 31
41 #501 Kruse, Cameron 7 Highlands 14:05.5 32
42 #421 Crupper, Boston 8 Grant County 14:07.6 33
43 #1699 Johnson, Tyler Summit View MS 14:08.1 34
44 #213 Shuttleworth, Matt 08 Conner 14:08.5 35
45 #446 Whalen, Dakota 7 Grant County 14:13.0 36
46 #947 Askins, Jacob 8 Southgate 14:14.6
47 #1875 Barker, Brian 8 Williamstown 14:18.2 37
48 #870 Heath, Jacob 07 Scott 14:18.5 38
49 #230 Lamarre, Nathan 6 CovCath MS 14:19.5 39
50 #225 Greenwell, Christi 7 CovCath MS 14:20.0 40
51 #372 Ruedebusch, Chris 06 Dixie Heights 14:27.6 41
52 #874 Moore, Casey 7 Scott 14:31.4 42
53 #1832 Warner, Ethan 7 Walton Verona 14:32.1 43
54 #361 Grove, Brady 05 Dixie Heights 14:45.2 44
55 #869 Hanrahan, Keegan 06 Scott 14:45.6 45
56 #58 Griesinger, Andrew 8 Boone County 14:45.9 46
57 #232 Piccirillo, Andy 7 CovCath MS 14:46.2
58 #52 Brown, Tanner 8 Boone County 14:46.5 47
59 #1897 McClanahan, Easton 8 Williamstown 14:48.6 48
60 #231 Mariconi, Chase 7 CovCath MS 14:49.2
61 #204 Karrick, Andrew 06 Conner 14:53.1 49
62 #325 Duke, Tyler 7 Dayton 14:55.2
63 #63 Ramstetter, Alex 7 Boone County 15:04.1 50
64 #1911 Bates, Reggie 8 Holmes 15:07.8 51
65 #439 Ratliff, Brett 8 Grant County 15:09.5 52
66 #761 Mead, Garrett 7 Ryle 15:12.0 53
67 #757 Lokits, Jesse 6 Ryle 15:12.4 54
68 #1826 Schell, Colin 7 Walton Verona 15:13.0 55
69 #59 Mitchell, Dustin 7 Boone County 15:13.8 56
70 #55 Edmondson, Keith 8 Boone County 15:14.4 57
71 #192 Brassfield, Jon 07 Conner 15:16.9 58
72 #1830 Wakefield, Josh 7 Walton Verona 15:26.0 59
73 #887 Whitehead, Will 06 Scott 15:30.7 60
74 #1811 Czechorski, Travis 7 Walton Verona 15:32.9 61
75 #224 Blank, Jacob 6 CovCath MS 15:38.1
76 #66 Watson, James 9 Boone County 15:43.6
77 #1728 Betts, Andrew 7 The Lex. School 15:46.2
78 #619 Laws, Josh 05 Ludlow 15:53.6
79 #1876 Boone, Lee 8 Williamstown 15:54.2 62
80 #373 Simpson, Luke 07 Dixie Heights 15:57.1 63
81 #150 Wilson, Tyler 8 Campbell County 15:59.7 64
82 #1829 Wakefield, Jeremy 7 Walton Verona 16:01.4 65
83 #629 Thiel, Alex 7 Newport 16:08.5
84 #528 Troxell, CJ 5 Holmes 16:36.9 66
85 #867 Forton, Ollie 6 Scott 16:39.5 67
86 #136 Groneck, Jacob 8 Campbell County 16:57.5 68
87 #948 Bowman, Tyler 8 Southgate 16:59.4
88 #389 Schwab, Austin 8 Gallatin County 17:08.5
89 #608 Padgett, Andrew 7 Lexington Christian 17:18.2
90 #229 Kresser, Mitch 8 CovCath MS 17:26.0
91 #1696 Evans, Dillon Summit View MS 17:30.8 69
92 #523 Turney, Kameron 6 Holmes 17:32.7 70
93 #1698 Hoffman, T.J. Summit View MS 17:35.7 71
94 #428 Gillespie, David 8 Grant County 17:43.9 72
95 #1694 Callahan, Nicholas Summit View MS 17:47.6 73
96 #1693 Brown, Darryl Summit View MS 17:56.6 74
97 #1767 Gamble, Cody 6 Twenhofel MS 17:59.3 75
98 #617 Laws, Jake 07 Ludlow 18:03.6
99 #627 Aldridge, Andy 6 Newport 18:18.5
100 #511 Snider, Nick 6 Highlands 18:19.2 76
101 #1772 Powell, Nate 8 Twenhofel MS 18:32.0 77
102 #139 Schuchter, Kenny 7 Campbell County 18:38.8 78
103 #323 Cavanaugh, Evan 7 Dayton 18:40.0
104 #1695 Chapman, James Summit View MS 18:55.1 79
105 #866 Eisner, Tyler 06 Scott 19:11.7 80
106 #758 Wetenkamp, Mitchel 7 Ryle 19:17.7 81
107 #234 Schmidt, Joey 8 CovCath MS 19:31.3
108 #128 Carson, William 8 Campbell County 19:44.0 82
109 #1762 Bridges, Jacob 8 Twenhofel MS 19:52.9 83
110 #864 Clark, James 06 Scott 19:56.5
111 #628 Richmond, Josh 6 Newport 20:05.3
112 #227 Hellman, Daniel 7 CovCath MS 20:25.5
113 #1769 Maynard, Austin 7 Twenhofel MS 20:39.9 84
114 #770 Tillinghast, Jeffe 6 Ryle 21:22.2 85
115 #211 Schmit, Colton 08 Conner 21:42.8 86
116 #1658 Hartzel, Austin 7 St.Therese 23:11.8
117 #1761 Beasley, Jordan 6 Twenhofel MS 23:15.4 87
118 #522 Tracy, Trevor 6 Holmes 24:10.7 88
119 #122 Andrae, Jimmy 8 Campbell County 24:11.3 89
120 #1697 Giles, Marshall Summit View MS 25:06.2 90
121 #127 Carson, Douglas 6 Campbell County 26:19.7
122 #1768 Hucker, Cody 7 Twenhofel MS 26:46.0 91
123 #1765 Dean, Seth 8 Twenhofel MS 26:46.3
124 #1764 Clark, Dustin 7 Twenhofel MS 29:33.2
125 #1771 Patton, Steven 6 Twenhofel MS 30:02.0
DQ #875 Newberger, Stewart 7 Scott DQ (cut the course)
Team Scores
Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9
1 CovCath MS 76 6 8 15 18 29 39 40
Total Time: 1:06:11.60
Average: 13:14.32
2 Williamstown 92 5 12 16 22 37 48 62
Total Time: 1:06:39.10
Average: 13:19.82
3 Highlands 95 9 13 20 21 32 76
Total Time: 1:07:25.90
Average: 13:29.18
4 Grant County 115 10 11 25 33 36 52 72
Total Time: 1:07:48.10
Average: 13:33.62
5 Conner 146 1 3 35 49 58 86
Total Time: 1:08:12.80
Average: 13:38.56
6 Boone County 152 2 7 46 47 50 56 57
Total Time: 1:09:12.40
Average: 13:50.48
7 Ryle 172 14 24 27 53 54 81 85
Total Time: 1:11:14.70
Average: 14:14.94
8 Dixie Heights 193 17 28 41 44 63
Total Time: 1:12:28.40
Average: 14:29.68
9 Scott 204 19 38 42 45 60 67 80
Total Time: 1:12:39.70
Average: 14:31.94
10 Walton Verona 222 4 43 55 59 61 65
Total Time: 1:13:08.00
Average: 14:37.60
11 Campbell County 263 23 30 64 68 78 82 89
Total Time: 1:19:18.30
Average: 15:51.66
12 Holmes 301 26 51 66 70 88
Total Time: 1:27:17.10
Average: 17:27.42
13 Summit View MS 321 34 69 71 73 74 79 90
Total Time: 1:24:58.80
Average: 16:59.76
14 Twenhofel MS 350 31 75 77 83 84 87 91
Total Time: 1:31:09.10
Average: 18:13.82