Signing Day Pictures
Ryan Eaton (Greenwood) Signs with the University of Kentucky
Claire Grogan (Oldham County) Signs with Samford University
Elizabeth Anderson (duPont Manual) Signs with Vanderbilt
Derek Woodmore (duPont Manual) Signs with Kentucky State, Football
Kentucky Track/Cross Country Signees
Athlete |
High School |
College |
Date Added |
Comment |
2009-12-05 |
18:41 5K: 11:14 3200m |
2010-02-03 |
14.48 110m Hurdles, 38.04 300m Hurdles |
2010-01-22 |
18:20 5K |
2010-02-02 |
5:07 1600m, 10:56 3200m |
2009-12-21 |
16:13 5K, 4:37 1600m |
2010-02-02 |
19:21 5K |
2010-02-02 |
18:53 5K, 11:37 3200m |
2009-12-13 |
4:13 One Mile, 15:16 5K, 9:24 Two Mile |
2009-12-19 |
17:51 5K; 5:11 1600m |
2010-02-03 |
2:44 800m |
2009-12-16 |
1:54 800m, 9:32 3200m. 15:58 5K |
2010-02-02 |
2:19 800m, 19:25 5K |
2010-01-29 |
18:46 5K, 2:20 800m |
2009-12-08 |
19:04 5K, 5:17 1600m |
2010-02-02 |
1:52.43 800m, 4:17 One Mile Run |
2009-12-05 |
16:16 5K; 4:29 1600m |
Kentucky Track Athletes Football Signees
Bivin, Harris (Apollo) to Louisville
Collinsworth, Austin (Highlands) to Notre Dame
Hardin, Drew (Ballard) to Indiana
McDuffen, Malcolm (Hopkinsville) to Kentucky
Robinson, Stephon (Central) to Louisville
Weaver, Quan (Frankfort) to Kentucky State
Woodmore, Derek (duPont Manual) to Kentucky State