Last Minute Info Middle School State Meet
No tents are allowed on site. You may have personal umbrellas only. You may not bring a beach or porch type large umbrella. Coolers are not permitted inside the track area or in the bleachers. You may have coolers along the outside of the fence. Admission is $5 per person. Pre-school are free. Tickets can be purchased at the north and south end of the stadium. You will get a ticket and a wrist band. Wrist band allows you in and out of the stadium as well as the area outside the fence and around the backside of the track by the long jump pits. Tell parents not to try to stop on Arthur Street. We will have a police officer monitoring that area. Athletes can enter wearing their bib number. Make sure you distribute bibs before you go in.
Free parking is available at Papa John’s Stadium. $5.00 parking is available in the parking garage across the street from the track. Bus drop off is along South Floyd St. next to the track. Stop and unload quickly. Bus parking is at Papa John’s also.
No coaches, parents or fans will be allowed inside the fenced track area. The only entrance to the track for athletes for running events, long jump, triple jump, pole vault, and high jump is through the gate under the scoreboard. Gates at the start of the 100 and at the finish line will be exit gates only. Athletes are to enter for clerking and running events as well as field events through the gate by the scoreboard only. Clerking area will be under the scoreboard. Running event athletes will exit track through the medical tent which is located in the corner past the finish line.
For throwers who have conflicts with running events, the throws venue will be open for those throwers to get their throws in starting at 9 AM. Top nine will go to the finals.
Starting at 10:00:
Shot Put Boys( 4 kg) followed by Girls (6#)
Discus Girls(1 kg) followed by Boys (1 kg)
You may sub at check in as long as the sub has their own bib number. If you have extra athletes that met the extra entry standard, you may not sub for that athlete because now you are down to your one allowed entry.
Packet pickup will be in the room (The Bo Hole) at the south end of the track by the finish line. Your athletes must wear their number on the front to get in and out of the track access areas. If you need a new bib number, the cost will be $10 at the packet pickup room. Medals can be picked up by the coach in the registration room when you leave the meet. Please check your packets for the correct bibs. Make sure your athletes put the bibs on with the small Electricity Printing script at the bottom.
Communication cables will be run along the end by the high jump pit to the clerking trailers which will be in the corner by the scoreboard. Tell athletes to stay away from those.
No one will be allowed to warm up on the infield. Warmups can be done on the cardio path outside the fence.
Long jumps- We will have two girls pits going south, two boys pits going north. Top nine will go to finals for three more jumps. Girls with entry performances 13 feet and over will be on one pit, under 13 feet on the other. Boys 16 feet and over on one pit, under 16 feet on the other. Triple jump will follow the long jump. Both long and triple jumps will be open pit for 75 minutes followed by finals.
Long jump boards will be 10 feet for both girls and boys. Triple jump boards will be 20 feet and 30 feet for both girls and boys.
High jump-girls followed by boys. We will use two pits simultaneously. Girls’ starting height 3-10, girls with entry performances 4’4” and above on one pit, girls 4’2” and below on the other. Boys starting height 4-8, Boys 5’ feet and higher on one pit, 4’10” and lower on the other.
High jump, long jump and clerking areas are within 50 yards of each other. There should be no reason for showing up late or not returning from an event. It is the responsibility of the athlete in multiple events to make sure they check in and check out in a short period of time.
Turbojav will followed the girls’ high jump. It will be thrown on the infield off the high jump apron. Girls turbojav followed by boys turbojav.
Pole vault boys followed by girls on the pit in the infield at the north end. Starting height for boys 6-0, girls 5-0
Louisville Water Company will be providing water at the south end of the stadium. Water will also be available at the medical tent.
Please note, the middle school had recommended minimums. Based on the entries, there are at least ten entries in each event with either an NT or an entry time below the recommended minimum. In the information sent out, it was mentioned that the committee would review whether or not to make the recommended minimums mandatory. Based on the entries, it would look like going a mandatory verifiable minimum next year is a good possibility. Some of you may want to give an athlete the “championship experience” but realize that may affect your athletes in the future. Those minimums are there for a reason.
LIVE RESULTS Performance lists and field event flights are posted there.
Seeding will be done in the clerking area after all athletes have checked in for their event.
Events 10:00 Rolling schedule
4x800 m Relay G/B 2 sections
100 m Hurdles G/B (girls hurdles 8 meters between, boys hurdles 8.5 meters between) 30”
100 m Dash GB
4x200 m Relay G/B First & second exchange black to black, 3rd exchange yellow to yellow
1600 m Run G/B 3 sections Waterfall start
4x100 m Relay G/B Exchange zones yellow to yellow
400 m Dash G/B
300 m Low Hurdles G/B
800 m Dash G/B 3 sections Waterfall start
200 m Dash G/B
3200 m Run G/B 2 sections Waterfall start
4x400 m Relay G/B Two turn stagger-exchange is blue to blue, #2 cuts in at finish line.