KY Coaching Blogs: Brian Crumbo, Oldham County Jonathan Grooms May 05, 2013


Since this schedule takes me through the state meet, this will be the last entry in this season blog.  I've enjoyed sharing what we do, and I hope it's been informative.  As I said at the beginning, this is intended only to represent one approach, and there are many valid ones.  Hopefully, Jonathan can convince another coach to do this next year so that I can see the interesting things that others are doing.  Thanks for reading.

KY Coaching Blogs: Brian Crumbo, Oldham County Dec 04, 2012

As I discussed in the last post, the first 10 weeks of training for distance runners will be focused on aerobic conditioning and strength, and the first 5 weeks for sprinters will concentrate on form, strength, and conditioning.  Today, let’s take a closer look at what our early-season weekly schedule looks like.  Below you will see the schedule for the first week of December as it has been given to the team.  It is for both boys and girls.

KY Coaching Blogs: Brian Crumbo, Oldham County Nov 29, 2012

Brian Crumbo is the Head Track Coach at Oldham County High School.  He has coached many state champion teams throughout his career including most recently the individual Class AAA 1600m State Champion Luke Weishaar in 2012.  He has agreed to blog about his season this spring.