Walton Verona Invitational 2010

Verona, KY
Hosted by Walton-Verona

Walton Verona Invitational 2010 vs Walton Verona Happy Feet Invitational 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -37 166 203
Overall Average -18.33 23:29.21 23:47.54
1st-10th Place -17.33 18:08.99 18:26.31
1st-25th Place -2.69 18:49.85 18:52.53
1st-50th Place +0.45 19:31.58 19:31.12
1st-100th Place +23.36 21:00.93 20:37.57
Common Athletes -- -- 60
Ran Faster -8 26 34
Ran Season Best -- 59 59
Average Time +13.39 22:19.86 22:06.48
Median Time +24.89 21:23.73 20:58.84
Middle 80% Times +10.58 22:00.37 21:49.79
Top 10% Times +26.14 18:39.71 18:13.58
Top 25% Times +27.68 19:10.80 18:43.13
Top 50% Times +17.10 19:47.00 19:29.90
Bottom 50% Times +9.68 24:52.73 24:43.06
Bottom 25% Times -10.50 26:36.90 26:47.40
Bottom 10% Times +23.10 28:35.95 28:12.86
Average Difference +13.39 -- --
Median Difference +49.16 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +10.93 -- --
Top 10% Difference +12.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference +18.89 -- --
Top 25% Difference +23.28 -- --
Top 50% Difference +18.89 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +7.88 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -19.05 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +33.99 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Connor Bartels Newport Central Catholic -33.50 17:34.90 18:08.40
Tyler Soward Ludlow +46.93 18:26.98 17:40.05
Tim Woeste Holy Cross (Covington) +52.26 19:05.40 18:13.14
Steven Cummins Bracken County +1:57.65 20:17.68 18:20.03
Miles Grothaus Newport Central Catholic +1:03.42 19:27.79 18:24.37
Jaylin Wilson Holmes +46.86 19:22.35 18:35.49
Alex Griesinger Boone County +1:14.54 19:59.16 18:44.62
Grant Crawford Bracken County -3.50 18:47.00 18:50.50
Jared Dwyer Walton-Verona +10.66 19:04.30 18:53.64
Ethan Warner Walton-Verona +1:02.66 19:57.02 18:54.36
Garrett Wherle Highlands -1:07.50 18:59.71 20:07.21
Colin Schell Walton-Verona +37.88 19:43.85 19:05.97
Griffin Jordan Newport Central Catholic +7.54 19:18.17 19:10.63
Cameron Kruse Highlands +25.67 19:39.30 19:13.63
Adam Griesinger Boone County +1.81 19:15.85 19:14.04
Chris Johnson Dayton +34.86 19:52.90 19:18.04
Patrick Allen Newport Central Catholic +6.96 19:31.73 19:24.77
Derek Gaiser Ludlow +26.91 20:02.61 19:35.70
Cody McMillen Ludlow -11.29 19:38.39 19:49.68
Sean Fausz Campbell County -1:08.92 19:46.35 20:55.27
William Dowd Boone County +12.73 20:08.11 19:55.38
Seth Pence Ludlow -38.92 19:58.07 20:36.99
Bret Bey Holy Cross (Covington) +14.83 20:15.42 20:00.59
Evan Trauth Newport Central Catholic +22.39 20:31.12 20:08.73
Aaron Fuller Holy Cross (Covington) +13.69 20:26.13 20:12.44
Joey Thiem Newport Central Catholic -16.23 20:13.59 20:29.82
Madison Peace Walton-Verona -1:15.80 20:22.99 21:38.79
Lauren Ossege Highlands +1:08.82 21:35.05 20:26.23
Nick Ware Bracken County +26.05 21:11.78 20:45.73
Chad Stephenson Bracken County +49.16 21:36.90 20:47.74
Austin Kidwell Simon Kenton +2:40.58 23:34.33 20:53.75
James Dean Holy Cross (Covington) +11.62 21:10.46 20:58.84
Logan Vier Boone County +19.81 21:20.80 21:00.99
Adam Bryan Ludlow +1:48.58 22:50.14 21:01.56
Aaron Stricker Boone County -1:34.38 21:23.73 22:58.11
Haylee Rose Campbell County +47.30 22:32.47 21:45.17
Abby Vandergriff Campbell County +53.98 22:51.17 21:57.19
Jennah Flairty Campbell County +1:41.84 23:42.97 22:01.13
James Watson Boone County +2:17.16 24:46.19 22:29.03
Jacob Shafer Simon Kenton +2:17.88 24:49.39 22:31.51
Corrine Carnohan Highlands -9.19 23:12.94 23:22.13
Caitlin Graham Simon Kenton -15.15 23:27.86 23:43.01
Kelsey Clark Highlands -18.14 23:40.34 23:58.48
Patsy Harrington Highlands -2:32.96 23:41.51 26:14.47
Malia Kidwell Simon Kenton -1:12.82 24:11.02 25:23.84
Jessie Gregg Walton-Verona -56.75 24:20.23 25:16.98
Emily Clements Covington Latin -1:02.08 24:27.84 25:29.92
Alex Schalk Newport Central Catholic -1:19.32 24:32.36 25:51.68
Jamie Kruer Newport Central Catholic -4.74 24:56.87 25:01.61
Elliott Clements Covington Latin -30.74 24:57.51 25:28.25
Joe Speth Covington Latin +2:24.52 27:37.74 25:13.22
Alex Antrobus-algiers Simon Kenton -23.22 25:30.66 25:53.88
Kara Pangburn Campbell County -44.00 25:46.15 26:30.15
Emily Ripberger Campbell County -42.76 25:46.67 26:29.43
Emma Due Simon Kenton +18.19 26:43.55 26:25.36
Vanessa Hollon Simon Kenton -18.26 26:31.96 26:50.22
Jonathan Kinross Covington Latin -0.81 27:02.50 27:03.31
Hannah Sykes Newport Central Catholic -1:57.11 27:06.60 29:03.71
Lauren Knight Simon Kenton +4:35.76 32:17.84 27:42.08
Alexis Smith Holmes -1:20.19 30:47.49 32:07.68