Coach Johnson Memorial Classic 2025

Fort Campbell, KY
Hosted by Fort Campbell
Timing/Results Coach Shaq's Timing

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

When: Saturday, April 13th (all times CST)

Where: Fort Campbell High School (Fryer Stadium)

Time: 9:00 AM Coaches meeting

Registration Fee: $75 per gender team 

9:30 AM Field Events

10:00 AM Running Events on a rolling schedule.

Timing: Timing will be done with FinishLynx Automatic Timing. 

Entries:***All schools, please use the ONLINE ENTRY enter your athletes. If you cannot figure out how to do this, please email us and ask for help.

A maximum of four events per athlete. You may enter three individuals in all field and running events. One relay team per school. No unattached athletes will be allowed to participate, all teams must have a coach or sponsor from their school, and all KHSAA rules will be enforced. Please make an attempt to finalize scratches. All scratches must be finalized by Wednesday, April 10th by Midnight. There will be no B teams. NO ADDITIONS WILL BE PERMITTED THE DAY OF THE MEET!

Scratches/Changes: Contact Tavis Kennedy at or

Entry Deadline: Thursday, April 10th, 2024.

Scoring: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1

Awards: Trophies go to the top three Boys and Girls Teams

Medals to individual places 1 - 3

The referee will enforce all rules of the KHSAA specifically regarding uniforms, jewelry, and sportsmanlike conduct.


Field Events will start at 9:30 AM

G Long Jump, B Long Jump (2 pits)

G High Jump followed by B High Jump

B Pole Vault followed by G Pole Vault

G Shot followed by B Shot (shot must be weighed and marked at the event)

B Discus followed by G Discus (discus must be weighed and marked at the event)

B Triple Jump, G Triple Jump (2 pits)

Running Events will start at 10:00 AM

G 4x800 M Relay

B 4x800 M Relay

G 100 M Hurdles (33)

B 110 M Hurdles (39)

G 100 M Dash

B 100 M Dash

G 4x200 M Relay

B 4x200 M Relay

G  1600 M

B 1600 M

G 4x100 M Relay

B 4x100 M Relay

G 400 M Dash

B 400 M Dash

G 300 M Hurdles (30)

B 300 M Hurdles (36)

G 800 M

B 800 M

G 200 M

B 200 M

G 3200 M

B 3200 M

G Varsity 1600 M Relay

B Varsity 1600 M Relay