Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Anticipated Meet start time is 5:30 PM
The LCA Athletic Complex address is 450 W. Reynolds Road, Lexington KY 40503 (approximately 1/2 mile west of Fayette Mall and across from Meijer)
TurboJav will be contested
Pole Vault will be contested; Starting Height 5-00
Chris Thomas will be our starter
Jason Moncer will be our timer/scorer
Please enter all your athletes in the 100 Meter Dash so Jason can assign competitor numbers
Unlimited entries for individual track events
2 Relay Teams MAX per school per contested relay; athlete names do not need to be entered on Milesplit when entering your team
Due to time constraints, each school may enter a MAX of 4 participants (per Gender) per field event
No team entry fee for the but there will be an admission charge for spectators of $5.00 for Age 10 and Above. Age 9 and under no spectator charge
Concessions will be available
Please feel free to contact me with any questions
Raymond Hayes
Meet Director