Meet Information
Meet start time is 10:00 AM
The LCA Athletic Complex address is 450 W. Reynolds Road, Lexington KY 40503.
(approximately mile west of Fayette Mall and across from Meijer)
Turbo Jav will be contested
Pole Vault will be contested. As a reminder, all Pole Vault Coaches must be current with their required safety course to participate.
No team entry fee for the but there will be an admission charge for spectators of $5 for adults and $3 for age 10 and under and adults 60 and over.
Concessions will be available.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Raymond Hayes
Meet Scheduler
Lexington Christian Academy
Lexington, Kentucky
The LCA Athletic Complex address is 450 W. Reynolds Road, Lexington KY 40503.
(approximately mile west of Fayette Mall and across from Meijer)
Turbo Jav will be contested
Pole Vault will be contested. As a reminder, all Pole Vault Coaches must be current with their required safety course to participate.
No team entry fee for the but there will be an admission charge for spectators of $5 for adults and $3 for age 10 and under and adults 60 and over.
Concessions will be available.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Raymond Hayes
Meet Scheduler
Lexington Christian Academy
Lexington, Kentucky