Meet Information
The SEKC Championships will be contested at Leslie County High School on October 15th. Only SEKC member schools are eligible to compete.
The race schedule is as follows:
5:30 PM - Girls Varsity (5,000 meters) - 10 entries per team
6:15 PM - Boys Varsity (5,000 meters) - 10 entries per team
The entry deadline is October 13, 2024 by 9:30 PM (EST).
Boys Varsity - Medals 1-20 (Plaques 1-7 for All-SEKC)
Girls Varsity - Medals 1-20 (Plaques 1-7 for All-SEKC)
Team Awards - Top 2 teams
Medals will be given out in the chute - the top 7 finishers (and team awards) will be recognized at the close of the meet. The top overall finishers will be named SEKC Runner of the Year, with the top finishers recognized as All-SEKC.
Entry Fee:
125.00 per school. Make checks payable to Leslie County Cross Country.
Concessions will be available at the race. Both food and drinks will be sold. Indoor restrooms are available.
Parking: Vehicles will be directed to park at the race site on the campus of LCHS. All spectators will enter through the lower entrance on the track. The race will start and end on the infield of the track. There will be a 5.00 entry fee for spectators. Buses will be directed where to park on site.
Spectators: Please keep infield of track clear. We have no bleachers, so bring your own chairs.
Notes about course: We unfortunately have a lot of pavement on our course. Spikes may not be advisable.