Meet Information
Admission Link-
Discounted Pre-Purchased Tickets (Friday only) - $3 per Adult or $5 per family
Saturday Meet Day Tickets will increase to $5 per Adult.
Athletes and Children are always Free.
Please purchase tickets in advance!
Starting Line Boxes -
Parking/Entry Map -
Tiger Run Meet Information Document
Tiger Run sponsored by:
St. Xavier High School is pleased to extend this invitation to your schools boys and girls cross country team(s) to participate in the 2024 TIGER RUN. As in the past years, we will use chip timing.This meet has been sanctioned by the National Federation of State High School Associations. Entries are limited to the first 35 schools in each race. In the middle school division, a team consists of up to 7 runners, scoring the first 5 finishers. Middle school is considered to be grades 6-8. In the high school division, a team may consist of up to 10 runners, scoring the first 5 finishers. Because of the size of the fields for each race, no school may enter more than one team in the Varsity high school division. Seniors may run in the B-Squad race.
Admission - Ticket Link --->
Pre Purchased Tickets (before Meet day) are $3 per adult or $5 per family.
Meet Day Tickets are $5 per adult
Children and Athletes are free.
RACE LOCATION: Louisville Champions Park
2050 River Road - Louisville, KY 40206
RACE SCHEDULE, FEES, and AWARDS: See Coaches Letter above for printable document

**Fees are based on Registered entries/runners, not the number of athletes racing.
Complete the payment form (last page) and mail form with payment.
Cell phone: 502-836-1605
St. X Athletic Office: 502-635-5300
Mail checks to: Saint Xavier High School Athletics
Attn: Kyle Yochum
c/o St. Xavier High School
1609 Poplar Level Road Louisville, KY 40217
Contact Coach Kyle Yochum for questions.
TIMING & LIVE RESULTS: Timing is provided by DC Timing. Live Results will be available online.
SHOE CHIPS - We will be using the Hytek Scoring System and Chip Timing. Each competitor will be issued a bib number and a chip. Make sure the chip number matches the bib number. Attach the bib number to the front of the jersey. Attach the chip to the runners shoe with TWO zip ties and make sure the chip is secure.
We will be removing the chips with scissors in the finish corral. If you have entered an athlete in the meet and they are not racing, please return the chips to the scoring table in the baggie that the chips came in.
Division | Team Award | Individuals |
High School Varsity | Top 3 | Top 25 Medals |
High School JV | Top 3 | Top 25 Medals |
HS Awards at Approximately 10:30 | ||
Middle School | Top 3 | Top 50 Medals |
MS Awards at Approximately 11:30 | ||
4th-5th Elementary | Top 3 | Top 25 Medals |
2nd-3rd Elementary K-1st Elementary | Top 3 Top 3 | Top 25 Medals Top 25 Medals |
ES Awards at conclusion of event |
Club teams are NOT eligible for Team awards but they may receive individual awards.
When Club teams can verify that all racers attend the same school, that club may be considered for team awards.
Email before race day with the club and school name for eligibility confirmation.
ADMISSION: Ticket Link coming soon
CONCESSIONS: Concessions will be located near Tent City & will offer water, gatorade, breakfast items, snacks and Chick-Fil-a sandwiches. Tizik Shaved Ice will be available for purchase.
SHIRTS: Our popular Tiger Run Shirts will be available once again! They are soft cotton shirts and will be sold for $20. We will have a variety of colors!
COURSE MAPS: (See links above)
MEDICAL: Medical Tents are at the finish line and provided by Saint Xavier Sports Medicine and Bellarmine University. Water will be available at the finish line.
PARKING: All Spectators should park at the Louisville Water Tower. Follow directions of parking volunteers as you arrive. Please carpool if possible.
Coaches and Handicapped parking - Park in the Dog Park Parking lot until full. There is additional coach and handicapped parking on the front left side of the Water Tower Lawn.
Bus parking - Buses will park in the back of the Water Tower Lawn.
We want to extend a huge thank you to our Title Sponsor - FINAL SURGE. This is Final Surge's 3rd year sponsoring Tiger Run! Final Surge offers an in depth program to track & communicate with athletes with an ability to share workouts, reports, engage in team communication. Additionally, thank you to the Hanger Clinic, our newest Tiger Level Sponsor, as well as SWAGS sports shoes for sponsoring our bibs.
We look forward to seeing you and your team on August 24th, and we wish you the best of luck during the upcoming season. If you are aware of anyone else who is interested in the meet and did not receive this information, please have them contact Kyle Yochum (, so we can forward the necessary information to them.