Harry Greschel Invitational 2025

Louisville, KY
Timing/Results C3 Timing
Registration Closes in 2 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Christian Academy of Louisville's 14th Annual Harry Greschel Invitational

March 15, 2025

Coaches, we are excited to host you this 14th year for a day of exciting competition and fellowship, honoring the memory of the great Louisville area coach Harry Greschel.

Entries: All entries will be through KY Milesplit this year. The entry deadline will be Tuesday March 11th, 2025, 9:00pm. Any additions after FINAL DEADLINE (Wednesday, March 12th @ 9:00pm) will be $5 /addition payable to C3 Timing. Cash or Check

Coaches can enter 2 athletes per team for individual events and 1 relay per team. Athletes are limited to compete in no more than 4 events total.

Due to the size of our meet we will not accept entries for a B team from any schools.

Entry Deadline: March 11th. C3 Timing will be accpeting entries through milesplit and sending out the performance sheets later after the entry closes and before the invitational on Saturday.

Entry Fees: $80 per boys teams and $80 per girls teams or $10 per athlete, if you have a smaller team. Deadline is March 12th.

Any fees not paid or received after March 13th will be charged an additional $15 late fee.

Make checks payable to Christian Academy of Louisville.

Mail checks to:

Athletic Department Christian Academy of Louisville
C/O:  Andrew Lorenz

700 S. English Station Road

Louisville, KY 40245

Team Packets will be distributed at the coaches meeting Saturday morning. Teams will not get their packets if they have not paid the entry fee.

**If your team is willing to provide a coach to run a field event for us there will be a $10 deduction from your team fee. Please email coachadanner@gmail.com if interested** **In an extreme case of inclement weather - we will be in communication with the officials and Athletic Department at CAL to make the safest and best decision for all schools attending and will let you know by Friday night of any changes/postponements/ cancelations. In the worst case that this meet is canceled because of weather we WILL NOT be rescheduling and all schools will receive a refund.**

Saturday, March 18th schedule:

8:45 am Coaches Meeting at Start/Finish Line

9:00 am Start of Field Events**

Pole Vault (Boys followed by Girls)

High Jump (Girls followed by Boys)

Shot Put (Boys followed by Girls) UNIFIED COMPETES FIRST

Discus (Girls followed by Boys)

Long Jump (Boys and Girls)** UNIFIED COMPETES FIRST

Triple Jump (Girls and Boys)**

9:30 am Start of Running Events on a rolling schedule

(Girls, then Boys for all events):

Unified 4x100 relay

4x800m relay

100/110m hurdles

Unified 100m dash

100m dash

4x200m relay

1600m run

4x100m relay

Unified 2x50m relay

400m dash

300m hurdles

800m run

200m dash

3200m run

4x400m relay

Unified 2x200m relay

Shot Put (Boys followed by Girls) will throw in flights (3 throws); Top 9 finishers will be called back for Finals (3 more throws)

Discus (Girls followed by Boys) will throw in flights (3 throws); Top 9 finishers will be called back for Finals (3 more throws)

Long Jump (Boys AND Girls) Open pit from 9am-10:30am (three jumps per athlete), Top 9 finishers will be called back for a Final (3 jumps each), to begin at 10:30am.

Triple Jump (Girls AND Boys) Open pit from 11:30am-1:00pm (3 jumps per athlete), Top 9 finishers will be called back for a Final (3 additional jumps each), to begin at 1:30pm.

Scoring: We will score eight places as follows: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1.

Awards: Medals will be awarded for 1st through 3rd places. There will also be an award for Top Individual Point Earner for both boys and girls (relays will be scored as 14 the points of an individual event for this award). Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 placing teams.

All NFHS and KHSAA rules will be followed. Each competitor will be assigned a number and that number should be placed on the right hand. If a competitor shows up to an event without a number they will be scratched.

Substitutions can be made at the start line but no additions. Athlete must already have a number to be a substitute. All throwing implements will be weighed as well as pole vaulters before the beginning of the meet.

All timing will be FAT using Finish Lynx.

Team tents in designated areas only, see maps below

Please park buses according to the bus parking (also will be sent ahead of time).

Saturdays gate fee will be $8 adults and  children, children 5 and under free

Hospitality Room: We love having all of the teams out to our campus every year for this big weekend! We are thrilled to host our 14th hospitality room in our athletic complex conference room for coaches and official to enjoy throughout the meet on Saturday. We hope you stop by and enjoy the goodies and pick me ups throughout the meet!

Prayer Requests: The athletes and coaches here at CAL will be praying for you and your team throughout this season. Each of our athletes will have a notecard with the name of one of your schools on it that they can keep with them this season as a guide when they pray same for us coaches at CAL. We will also divide up the names of our officials and operators and pray for them too. If there are any specific ways we can pray for you and your team, please let us know. We have seen God work in mighty ways when we ask.

Questions/comments should be directed to: Andrew Lorenz at andrewlorenz@hotmail.com

**In an extreme case of inclement weather - we will be in communication with the officials and Athletic Department at CAL to make the safest and best decision for all schools attending and will let you know by Friday night of any changes/postponements/cancelations. In the worst case that this meet is canceled because of weather we WILL NOT be rescheduling and all schools will receive a refund.**