CHHS MS All-Comers 2024

Cecilia, KY

Athlete Entries

Boys Javelin 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coslow, Garrett 61-2 Taylor County Middle School
Detre, Jace 43-7 LaRue County Middle School
Edlin, Rhett Central Hardin
Goff, Wes St. James (Elizabethtown)
Berry, Carver Green County Middle School
Brockman, Bryce Green County Middle School
Hessig, Jacob Green County Middle School
Thompson, Colton Green County Middle School
Thompson, Houston Green County Middle School
Veach, Luke Green County Middle School
Wright, Carter Green County Middle School
Mudd, Jonah St. James (Elizabethtown)
Goff, Justin St. James (Elizabethtown)
Slinker, Dutch LaRue County Middle School
Cundiff, Rylee LaRue County Middle School
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Girls Javelin 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tucker, Emma 35-8 LaRue County Middle School
Pendleton, Abagail 28-1 LaRue County Middle School
Gray, Kenzie Central Hardin
Peak, Callie St. James (Elizabethtown)
Brockman, Scout Green County Middle School
Walsh, Ainsley LaRue County Middle School
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MS Boys 100 Meter Dash 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bennett, Kendall Central Hardin
Kelley, Ky Nelson County Middle
Badhu, Aloysius Central Hardin
Evans, Grant Central Hardin
Gingerich, Will St. James (Elizabethtown)
Humphries, John St. James (Elizabethtown)
Shafer, Henry Elizabethtown
Sublett, Jaren Nelson County Middle
Robey, Conner Central Hardin
Walker, Louis Central Hardin
Fairbanks, Jordan Central Hardin
Shelton, Brock 11.95 LaRue County Middle School
Anderson, Jaelyn 12.24h Taylor County Middle School
Coppage, Nigel 12.34h Taylor County Middle School
Hancock, Demetrius 12.58 Green County Middle School
Harris, Noah 12.62 LaRue County Middle School
Wayne, Connor 12.82 Elizabethtown
Hawkins, Maddox 12.84h Taylor County Middle School
Lofton, Shannon 12.87 Taylor County Middle School
Zuniga, Aiden 12.94h Taylor County Middle School
Sidebottom, Brody 13.06 Campbellsville Middle School
Segarra, Giazzi 13.14h Central Hardin
Nnorom, Chuma 13.44h Central Hardin
Anderson, Tyren 13.47 Green County Middle School
Butler, Legend 13.53 Elizabethtown
Buechele, Kingston 13.58 Nelson County Middle
Goins, Romeo 13.62 Campbellsville Middle School
Dale, Jawan 13.68 Elizabethtown
Williams, Jimmy 13.71 Bluegrass Middle School
Charles, Jose 13.73 Campbellsville Middle School
Braeger, Aden 13.84 Elizabethtown
Mann, Marion 14.04 Campbellsville Middle School
Wright, Jackson 14.12 Campbellsville Middle School
Montero, Lorenzo 14.17 Elizabethtown
Albertazzi, Jace 14.21 Central Hardin
Yates, Wade 14.24 Elizabethtown
Alers Soler, Josiel 14.37 Elizabethtown
Dalton, Alex 14.42 Campbellsville Middle School
Murga, Raffi 14.54 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Williams, Elijah 14.59 Campbellsville Middle School
Abang, Bryce 14.61 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Anderson, Quentin 14.66 Green County Middle School
Baylor, Makhai 14.75 Bluegrass Middle School
VanCleave, Kaiyden 14.78 Campbellsville Middle School
Kubat, Brian 14.79 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Adkins, Abram 14.84h Taylor County Middle School
Sensabaugh, Ryan 15.12 LaRue County Middle School
Kuiee, Koa 15.21 Bluegrass Middle School
Mann, Chanler 15.22 Campbellsville Middle School
Green, Thelvyn 15.30 Bluegrass Middle School
York, Billy 15.42 LaRue County Middle School
Smith, Owen 15.98 Elizabethtown
Luttrell, Nickson 16.06 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Gadlage, Caleb 16.26 Elizabethtown
Coogle, Noah 16.74h Central Hardin
Brown, Lincoln 16.90 Bluegrass Middle School
Smith, Brennan 17.06 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Riggs, Braiden 17.14h Central Hardin
Caven, Hunter 17.20 LaRue County Middle School
Terry, Samuel 17.23 Campbellsville Middle School
Howard, Tj 17.24 Elizabethtown
Jones, Antonio 17.33 Campbellsville Middle School
Back, Gavin 17.65 Nelson County Middle
Kasper, Bronx 17.81 Elizabethtown
Shader, Linkin 18.32 Central Hardin
Williams, Jaxon 18.45 Campbellsville Middle School
Smallwood, Mace 18.62 LaRue County Middle School
Hornback, Kaden 19.20 LaRue County Middle School
Jones, Anthony Jr 20.98 Campbellsville Middle School
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MS Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sidebottom, Brody Campbellsville Middle School
Mann, Chanler Campbellsville Middle School
Taylor, Zyhaven Campbellsville Middle School
Goodwin, Micah 17.54h Taylor County Middle School
Shuffett, Grady 17.83 Green County Middle School
Williams, Tristan 20.29 Campbellsville Middle School
Olson, Carson 20.33 Elizabethtown
Learmond Jr, Carnell 20.94h Taylor County Middle School
Sandfer, Wesley 21.27 LaRue County Middle School
Hunley, Jaiven 21.65 Green County Middle School
VanCleave, Kaiyden 21.93 Campbellsville Middle School
Coslow, Aden 22.14h Taylor County Middle School
Schiess, Mason 22.44h Taylor County Middle School
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MS Boys 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benjamin, Matthew LaRue County Middle School
Rogers, Shawn 5:18.59 North Hardin Christian School
Luttrell, Jackson 5:22.64 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Mora, Matthew 5:31.93 Bluegrass Middle School
Dennis, Tyson 5:33.55 LaRue County Middle School
Cecil, Cayden 5:36.50 Green County Middle School
Dugan, Rylan 5:42.78 Bluegrass Middle School
Abbott, Gabriel 5:51.41 Bluegrass Middle School
Cline, Thomas 6:01.29 Central Hardin
Weddle, Logan 6:01.36 Green County Middle School
Bishop, Derik 6:17.32 Campbellsville Middle School
Johnson, Justin 6:25.00 Central Hardin
Propes, Davis 6:27.68 Central Hardin
Edlin, Rhett 6:37.76 Central Hardin
Curry, Colton 6:44.24 Green County Middle School
Price, Jackson "Brody" 7:18.82 Green County Middle School
Crepps, Esau 7:36.77 Central Hardin
Kumar, Agasthyaa 7:59.37 Elizabethtown
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MS Boys 200 Meter Dash 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Back, Gavin Nelson County Middle
Robey, Conner Central Hardin
McKee, Keasten Elizabethtown
Kelley, Ky Nelson County Middle
Smallwood, Mace LaRue County Middle School
Sublett, Jaren Nelson County Middle
Badhu, Aloysius Central Hardin
Shuffett, Grady Green County Middle School
Bennett, Kendall Central Hardin
Sloan, Caiden St. James (Elizabethtown)
Shelton, Brock 24.69 LaRue County Middle School
Edwards, Willis 25.59 Central Hardin
Hancock, Demetrius 25.84 Green County Middle School
Anderson, Jaelyn 25.84h Taylor County Middle School
Wayne, Connor 26.45 Elizabethtown
Harris, Noah 27.03 LaRue County Middle School
Nnorom, Chuma 27.35 Central Hardin
Anderson, Tyren 27.60 Green County Middle School
Anderson, Quentin 27.63 Green County Middle School
Segarra, Giazzi 27.74h Central Hardin
Evans, Grant 27.94 Central Hardin
Williams, Jimmy 28.43 Bluegrass Middle School
Murga, Raffi 28.67 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Braeger, Aden 28.90 Elizabethtown
Mann, Marion 29.05 Campbellsville Middle School
Dale, Jawan 29.38 Elizabethtown
Buechele, Kingston 29.43 Nelson County Middle
Butler, Legend 29.73 Elizabethtown
Goins, Romeo 29.74h Campbellsville Middle School
Albertazzi, Jace 30.15 Central Hardin
Baylor, Makhai 30.44 Bluegrass Middle School
Dalton, Alex 30.44 Campbellsville Middle School
Williams, Elijah 30.47 Campbellsville Middle School
Adkins, Abram 30.54h Taylor County Middle School
Sandfer, Wesley 30.60 LaRue County Middle School
Kuiee, Koa 31.28 Bluegrass Middle School
Yates, Wade 31.53 Elizabethtown
Bush, Jaeden 31.54h Taylor County Middle School
Sensabaugh, Ryan 31.96 LaRue County Middle School
Hunley, Jaiven 32.75 Green County Middle School
Thurman, Jarius 33.04 LaRue County Middle School
Green, Thelvyn 33.20 Bluegrass Middle School
Cox, Alex 34.69 Central Hardin
Riggs, Braiden 34.84h Central Hardin
Mckee, Keaston 35.53 Elizabethtown
Humphries, John 36.19 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Terry, Samuel 36.39 Campbellsville Middle School
Coogle, Noah 37.14h Central Hardin
Williams, Jaxon 38.35 Campbellsville Middle School
Brown, Lincoln 39.07 Bluegrass Middle School
Shader, Linkin 41.11 Central Hardin
Walker, Louis 41.14h Central Hardin
Hornback, Kaden 41.94 LaRue County Middle School
Kasper, Bronx 42.50 Elizabethtown
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MS Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shuffett, Grady Green County Middle School
Sandfer, Wesley LaRue County Middle School
Hunley, Jaiven Green County Middle School
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MS Boys 3200 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Curry, Colton Green County Middle School
Dennis, Tyson 11:30.41 LaRue County Middle School
Cecil, Cayden 12:08.59 Green County Middle School
Cline, Thomas 12:56.89 Central Hardin
Bishop, Derik 13:06.25 Campbellsville Middle School
Weddle, Logan 13:59.76 Green County Middle School
Price, Jackson "Brody" 14:07.11 Green County Middle School
Stewart, Benjamin 15:42.79 Central Hardin
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MS Boys 400 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fairbanks, Jordan Central Hardin
Shuffett, Grady Green County Middle School
Caven, Hunter LaRue County Middle School
Thurman, Jarius LaRue County Middle School
Robey, Conner Central Hardin
Yates, Wade Elizabethtown
Shader, Linkin Central Hardin
York, Billy LaRue County Middle School
Anderson, Quentin 1:03.00 Green County Middle School
Williams, Jimmy 1:04.35 Bluegrass Middle School
Anderson, Tyren 1:05.69 Green County Middle School
Butler, Legend 1:05.74 Elizabethtown
Sloan, Caiden 1:05.90 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Charles, Jose 1:07.13 Campbellsville Middle School
Hathaway, Dustin 1:09.82 LaRue County Middle School
Taylor, Zyhaven 1:11.70 Campbellsville Middle School
Johnson, Griffin 1:12.95 Elizabethtown
Albertazzi, Jace 1:13.24h Central Hardin
Wright, Jackson 1:15.50 Campbellsville Middle School
Bush, Jaeden 1:16.24h Taylor County Middle School
Schiess, Mason 1:23.24h Taylor County Middle School
Cox, Alex 1:23.24h Central Hardin
Lawless, Caleb 1:26.24h Taylor County Middle School
Walker, Louis 1:39.24h Central Hardin
Kasper, Bronx 1:39.60 Elizabethtown
Edwards, Willis 56.98 Central Hardin
Hancock, Demetrius 57.98 Green County Middle School
Noyola, Demarcus 58.96 Campbellsville Middle School
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MS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Green County Middle School
Relay Team A 47.10 Central Hardin
Relay Team A 48.19 Elizabethtown
Relay Team A 50.24h Taylor County Middle School
Relay Team A 51.57 Campbellsville Middle School
Relay Team B 51.57 Campbellsville Middle School
Relay Team A 52.75 LaRue County Middle School
Relay Team B 58.32 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Relay Team A 58.32 St. James (Elizabethtown)
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MS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:55.85 Central Hardin
Relay Team A 4:33.85 LaRue County Middle School
Relay Team A 5:13.00 Taylor County Middle School
Relay Team A 5:13.37 Campbellsville Middle School
Relay Team A 6:13.12 Green County Middle School
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MS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Green County Middle School
Relay Team A 10:12.00 Central Hardin
Relay Team A 10:42.16 LaRue County Middle School
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MS Boys 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stewart, Benjamin Central Hardin
Kasper, Bronx Elizabethtown
Noyola, Demarcus Campbellsville Middle School
Rogers, Shawn 2:23.14 North Hardin Christian School
Mora, Matthew 2:27.21 Bluegrass Middle School
Locke, Jessie 2:33.85 LaRue County Middle School
Addison, Grant 2:37.05 Elizabethtown
Benjamin, Matthew 2:37.80 LaRue County Middle School
Cecil, Cayden 2:38.28 Green County Middle School
Dugan, Rylan 2:40.05 Bluegrass Middle School
Weddle, Logan 2:40.34 Green County Middle School
Hobbs, Andrew 2:46.41 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Abbott, Gabriel 2:46.54 Bluegrass Middle School
Price, Jackson "Brody" 2:53.47 Green County Middle School
Johnson, Justin 2:53.97 Central Hardin
Edlin, Rhett 2:54.05 Central Hardin
Curry, Colton 2:55.52 Green County Middle School
Hobbs, David 2:57.65 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Propes, Davis 2:58.72 Central Hardin
Gingerich, Nicholas 3:04.02 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Bishop, Derik 3:04.24 Campbellsville Middle School
Kumar, Agasthyaa 3:21.17 Elizabethtown
Geist, Jacob 3:23.09 Central Hardin
Crepps, Esau 3:34.64 Central Hardin
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MS Boys Discus Throw 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Julian 145-10 Campbellsville Middle School
Wright, Carter 118-0 Green County Middle School
Brockman, Bryce 111-0 Green County Middle School
Chavez, Alex 92-5 Bluegrass Middle School
Kelsay, Maxwell 91-9 Taylor County Middle School
Bradfield, Kaiden 84-9 Taylor County Middle School
Coslow, Garrett 79-6 Taylor County Middle School
Berry, Carver 77-5 Green County Middle School
Prince, Chris 74-0 Elizabethtown
Clayborne, Jontae 73-5 Campbellsville Middle School
Slinker, Dutch 71-5 LaRue County Middle School
Detre, Jace 63-0 LaRue County Middle School
Brittian, Alex 62-8 Nelson County Middle
Hessig, Jacob 62-0 Green County Middle School
Thompson, Houston 58-5 Green County Middle School
Williams, Tristan 57-8 Campbellsville Middle School
Veach, Luke 57-5 Green County Middle School
Edlin, Rhett 55-5 Central Hardin
Thompson, Foster 54-10 Taylor County Middle School
Thompson, Colton 51-0 Green County Middle School
Jones, Anthony Jr 50-4 Campbellsville Middle School
Jones, Antonio 47-9 Campbellsville Middle School
Gibson, William 46-5 Bluegrass Middle School
Hicks, Konnar 43-3 Campbellsville Middle School
Mudd, Jonah 42-5 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Goff, Wes 37-5 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Goff, Justin 37-5 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Cundiff, Rylee LaRue County Middle School
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MS Boys High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goins, Romeo 5-2 Campbellsville Middle School
Anderson, Tyren 5-0 Green County Middle School
Mudd, Jacob 4-6 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Humphries, John 4-4 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Harris, Noah LaRue County Middle School
Sidebottom, Brody Campbellsville Middle School
Charles, Jose Campbellsville Middle School
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MS Boys Long Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coppage, Nigel 17-11 Taylor County Middle School
Lofton, Shannon 16-8 Taylor County Middle School
Wayne, Connor 16-2.25 Elizabethtown
Buechele, Kingston 15-6 Nelson County Middle
Luttrell, Jackson 14-10 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Anderson, Quentin 14-9.5 Green County Middle School
Zuniga, Aiden 14-4.5 Taylor County Middle School
Segarra, Giazzi 14-4 Central Hardin
Sandfer, Wesley 14-3.5 LaRue County Middle School
Abang, Bryce 14-1 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Taylor, Zyhaven 13-10.5 Campbellsville Middle School
Alers Soler, Josiel 13-7.5 Elizabethtown
Kubat, Brian 12-11.5 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Braeger, Aden 12-8.5 Elizabethtown
VanCleave, Kaiyden 12-7 Campbellsville Middle School
Coslow, Aden 12-2 Taylor County Middle School
Olson, Carson 11-9.5 Elizabethtown
Mann, Chanler 11-4 Campbellsville Middle School
McKee, Keasten 11-2.5 Elizabethtown
Luttrell, Nickson 9-10.25 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Smith, Brennan 9-8 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Back, Gavin 8-10 Nelson County Middle
Edwards, Willis Central Hardin
Dale, Jawan Elizabethtown
Kelley, Ky Nelson County Middle
Sublett, Jaren Nelson County Middle
Shader, Linkin Central Hardin
Cox, Alex Central Hardin
Williams, Tristan Campbellsville Middle School
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MS Boys Shot Put 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Julian 44-9 Campbellsville Middle School
Kelsay, Maxwell 36-8 Taylor County Middle School
Williams, Tristan 35-4 Campbellsville Middle School
Prince, Chris 34-4 Elizabethtown
Brockman, Bryce 32-9 Green County Middle School
Wright, Carter 30-9.5 Green County Middle School
Detre, Jace 29-4 LaRue County Middle School
Thompson, Foster 28-7 Taylor County Middle School
Slinker, Dutch 28-0 LaRue County Middle School
Bradfield, Kaiden 27-7 Taylor County Middle School
Berry, Carver 27-6 Green County Middle School
Clayborne, Jontae 27-2.5 Campbellsville Middle School
Goff, Wes 27-0 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Coslow, Garrett 26-7 Taylor County Middle School
Brittian, Alex 25-9 Nelson County Middle
Mudd, Jonah 24-7 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Chavez, Alex 24-1 Bluegrass Middle School
Hessig, Jacob 23-5.5 Green County Middle School
Shaw, Wyatt 22-10 Elizabethtown
Jones, Antonio 22-3 Campbellsville Middle School
Thompson, Houston 21-1.25 Green County Middle School
Luttrell, Nickson 21-1 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Jones, Anthony Jr 19-10.5 Campbellsville Middle School
Hicks, Konnar 19-10 Campbellsville Middle School
Veach, Luke 19-2 Green County Middle School
Goff, Justin 18-9 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Gibson, William 17-3 Bluegrass Middle School
Thompson, Colton 17-1 Green County Middle School
Gadlage, Caleb Elizabethtown
Cundiff, Rylee LaRue County Middle School
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MS Girls 100 Meter Dash 74 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Drew Central Hardin
Singer, Gracyn Central Hardin
Kennedy, Bell Central Hardin
Lyon, Alexandra St. James (Elizabethtown)
Sharpe, Hallie Green County Middle School
Walter, Lexus Central Hardin
VanZant, Lia Central Hardin
Cunningham, Bailey Elizabethtown
Ajong, Danielle Central Hardin
Clifton, Emmarie Nelson County Middle
Miller, Peyton Elizabethtown
Watson, Brelynn Nelson County Middle
Cain, Layla 13.60 LaRue County Middle School
Bates, Maddison 13.73 North Hardin Christian School
Gholston, Destini 14.23 Campbellsville Middle School
Harris, Mariah 14.34 Campbellsville Middle School
Taylor, Aleja 14.34h Taylor County Middle School
Storm, Addison 14.36 Elizabethtown
Coffey, Dayni 14.54 Green County Middle School
Robinson, Bella 14.54h Central Hardin
Bradley, Kayley 14.60 Central Hardin
Minton, Isabella 14.92 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Williams, Olyvia 14.93 Elizabethtown
Wimp, Teagan 14.99 Elizabethtown
Simpson, Julianne 15.11 Nelson County Middle
Jackson, Keajah 15.14 Elizabethtown
Rouse, Emmalee 15.22 Green County Middle School
Primm, Presley 15.27 Nelson County Middle
Williams, Andreah 15.40 Elizabethtown
Sutton, Tiffany 15.52 Central Hardin
Williams, Sophia 15.56 Central Hardin
Hedinger, Kandace 15.64h Central Hardin
Lipps, Olivia 15.68 Central Hardin
McIntosh, Sabrina 15.72 Central Hardin
Clopton, Isabella 15.76 LaRue County Middle School
Harmon, Lamvi 15.80 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Hurrerra, Geraldine 15.84h Central Hardin
Phelps, Julie 15.84h Taylor County Middle School
Rhodes, Reagan 15.94 North Hardin Christian School
Torres, Emily 16.02 Elizabethtown
Workman, Abigail 16.02 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Barnett, Taleah 16.16 Elizabethtown
Lopp, Kennedy 16.18 Elizabethtown
Godson, Monroe 16.24 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Gay, Lily 16.38 Elizabethtown
Welch, Audrey 16.55 Nelson County Middle
Dickerson, Janelle 16.57 Central Hardin
Kennedy, Lily 16.64h Central Hardin
Reburn, Abigail 16.73 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Fulkerson, Paris 16.76 Campbellsville Middle School
Forbis, Lauren 16.84h Central Hardin
Lee, Ava 16.87 LaRue County Middle School
Eaton, Riley 16.90 LaRue County Middle School
Taylor, Jillian 17.04h Taylor County Middle School
Perkins, Jaelyn 17.05 Nelson County Middle
Vessels, Kyleigh 17.20 Elizabethtown
Herbert, Sophia 17.20 Elizabethtown
Ochoa, Kalina 17.30 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Hunley, Brailea 17.33 Green County Middle School
Hall, Nielle 17.33 Elizabethtown
Cisneros, Emely 17.39 LaRue County Middle School
Kane, Kailanie 17.47 Elizabethtown
Clark, Ally 17.52 Green County Middle School
Spencer, Lily 17.64h Taylor County Middle School
Anderson, Isabella 17.74 Campbellsville Middle School
Phillips, Chloe 17.94h Taylor County Middle School
Washington, Miya 17.99 Campbellsville Middle School
Menold, McKenna 18.24 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Bates, Maileyah 18.78 North Hardin Christian School
Starks, Brooklyne 18.89 Central Hardin
Brown, Aaliyah 18.93 Elizabethtown
Philpott, Abigail 19.00 Central Hardin
Bickett, Harper 20.05 Elizabethtown
Cecil, Abigail 38.17 Central Hardin
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MS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rivera, Gabriella Elizabethtown
Saley, Olivia St. James (Elizabethtown)
Dixon, Molly 19.29 Green County Middle School
Yarber, Ba'Nasia 22.29 Campbellsville Middle School
Terry, London 22.96 Elizabethtown
Clark, Charley 23.80 Elizabethtown
Morton, Ani 24.49 Elizabethtown
Walsh, Ainsley 24.84 LaRue County Middle School
Shook, Peyton 29.56 LaRue County Middle School
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MS Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Atkinson, Chloe Central Hardin
Resto-Santos, Amary Central Hardin
Johnson, Julianna 5:46.31 Elizabethtown
Coffey, Riley 5:47.70 Green County Middle School
Bloyd, Ansley 5:55.06 Green County Middle School
Hodges, Parker 6:14.89 Green County Middle School
Wilcox, Piper 6:23.00 Central Hardin
Fortner, Chloe 6:29.14 Green County Middle School
Feese, Rylee 6:33.49 Green County Middle School
Nirenberg, Josslyn 6:49.93 North Hardin Christian School
Shader, Abby 6:53.27 Central Hardin
Shelton, Hayley 6:58.12 Green County Middle School
Crew, Kendall 7:07.10 Central Hardin
Groh, Clara 7:13.51 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Weddle, Zoe 7:23.90 Green County Middle School
Burton, Evie 7:26.10 North Hardin Christian School
Head, Macie 8:03.20 LaRue County Middle School
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MS Girls 200 Meter Dash 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Michael, Noelle Elizabethtown
Wimp, Teagan Elizabethtown
Kennedy, Bell Central Hardin
Chenault, Madelyn Central Hardin
Cunningham, Bailey Elizabethtown
Walter, Lexus Central Hardin
VanZant, Lia Central Hardin
Clifton, Emmarie Nelson County Middle
Jackson, Keajah Elizabethtown
Perkins, Jaelyn Nelson County Middle
Lawrence, Allie Elizabethtown
Davis, Drew Central Hardin
Watson, Brelynn Nelson County Middle
Phillips, Chloe Taylor County Middle School
Dave, Aagna Taylor County Middle School
Brown, Aaliyah Elizabethtown
Cain, Layla 29.19 LaRue County Middle School
Harris, Mariah 29.97 Campbellsville Middle School
Coffey, Dayni 30.32 Green County Middle School
Robinson, Bella 30.43 Central Hardin
Primm, Presley 30.53 Nelson County Middle
Bates, Maddison 30.95 North Hardin Christian School
Minton, Isabella 31.39 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Smith, Logan 31.56 Campbellsville Middle School
Bradley, Kayley 31.74h Central Hardin
Singer, Gracyn 31.84h Central Hardin
Williams, Olyvia 32.04 Elizabethtown
Taylor, Aleja 32.04h Taylor County Middle School
Sutton, Tiffany 32.16 Central Hardin
Starks, Brooklyne 32.36 Central Hardin
Pruitt, Rebekaha 32.67 Green County Middle School
Rouse, Emmalee 32.97 Green County Middle School
McIntosh, Sabrina 33.04h Central Hardin
Harmon, Lamvi 33.25 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Ajong, Danielle 33.35 Central Hardin
Clopton, Isabella 33.42 LaRue County Middle School
Rhodes, Reagan 33.62 North Hardin Christian School
Lipps, Olivia 33.71 Central Hardin
Reburn, Abigail 34.06 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Williams, Sophia 34.21 Central Hardin
Lopp, Kennedy 34.24 Elizabethtown
Yarber, Ba'Nasia 34.34h Campbellsville Middle School
Storm, Addison 34.47 Elizabethtown
Simpson, Julianne 34.65 Nelson County Middle
Godson, Monroe 34.74 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Phelps, Julie 34.74h Taylor County Middle School
Lee, Ava 35.51 LaRue County Middle School
Hurrerra, Geraldine 35.54h Central Hardin
Forbis, Lauren 35.66 Central Hardin
Cecil, Abigail 35.67 Central Hardin
Fulkerson, Paris 35.71 Campbellsville Middle School
Dickerson, Janelle 36.09 Central Hardin
Kennedy, Lily 36.14h Central Hardin
Eaton, Riley 36.19 LaRue County Middle School
Hunley, Brailea 36.21 Green County Middle School
Williams, Andreah 36.82 Elizabethtown
Spencer, Lily 38.34h Taylor County Middle School
Clark, Ally 38.35 Green County Middle School
Cisneros, Emely 38.40 LaRue County Middle School
Welch, Audrey 40.44 Nelson County Middle
Philpott, Abigail 40.85 Central Hardin
Barnett, Taleah 43.83 Elizabethtown
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MS Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dixon, Molly Green County Middle School
Shook, Peyton LaRue County Middle School
Walsh, Ainsley LaRue County Middle School
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MS Girls 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shelton, Hayley Green County Middle School
Hodges, Parker Green County Middle School
Weddle, Zoe Green County Middle School
Bloyd, Ansley Green County Middle School
Coffey, Riley 12:29.12 Green County Middle School
Cox, Leah 13:40.56 Elizabethtown
Fortner, Chloe 14:07.03 Green County Middle School
Shader, Abby 14:53.53 Central Hardin
Feese, Rylee 15:27.38 Green County Middle School
Crew, Kendall 15:57.15 Central Hardin
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MS Girls 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cooper, Lexi Taylor County Middle School
Powell, Keeley Taylor County Middle School
Bates, Maddison 1:03.29 North Hardin Christian School
Coffey, Dayni 1:08.05 Green County Middle School
Gholston, Destini 1:09.96 Campbellsville Middle School
Robinson, Bella 1:10.83 Central Hardin
Goff, Carly 1:12.88 Green County Middle School
Bowman, Ryleigh 1:13.57 Central Hardin
Preen, Annabelle 1:14.74 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Sutton, Tiffany 1:15.15 Central Hardin
Lyon, Alexandra 1:15.15 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Stith, Anna 1:15.83 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Pruitt, Rebekaha 1:17.14h Green County Middle School
Smith, Logan 1:17.65 Campbellsville Middle School
Burks, Elizabeth 1:17.81 Elizabethtown
McIntosh, Sabrina 1:18.50 Central Hardin
Singer, Gracyn 1:20.52 Central Hardin
Ochoa, Kalina 1:22.71 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Warren, Leah 1:22.96 LaRue County Middle School
Hedinger, Kandace 1:23.94 Central Hardin
Resto-Santos, Amary 1:24.14 Central Hardin
Gardner, Harper 1:25.08 LaRue County Middle School
Brockman, Raegan 1:26.88 Taylor County Middle School
Forbis, Lauren 1:27.24h Central Hardin
Bates, Maileyah 1:29.21 North Hardin Christian School
Cisneros, Emely 1:30.31 LaRue County Middle School
Tamez Jiménez, Maria 1:35.31 Elizabethtown
Hanks, Olivia 1:35.37 Elizabethtown
Tate, Grace 1:35.45 Elizabethtown
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MS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Green County Middle School
Relay Team A 1:01.93 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Relay Team B 1:01.93 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Relay Team A 1:03.16 LaRue County Middle School
Relay Team A 1:08.24h Taylor County Middle School
Relay Team A 50.40 Central Hardin
Relay Team A 53.36 Elizabethtown
Relay Team A 57.23 Campbellsville Middle School
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MS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Taylor County Middle School
Relay Team A 4:23.12 Central Hardin
Relay Team A 5:09.77 Green County Middle School
Relay Team A 5:32.86 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Relay Team A 5:42.63 LaRue County Middle School
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MS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:34.79 Elizabethtown
Relay Team A 11:37.79 Green County Middle School
Relay Team A 12:15.84 Central Hardin
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MS Girls 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hanks, Olivia Elizabethtown
Atkinson, Chloe Central Hardin
Gardner, Harper LaRue County Middle School
Resto-Santos, Amary Central Hardin
Hodges, Parker Green County Middle School
Johnson, Julianna 2:29.59 Elizabethtown
Priddy, Mallory 2:32.61 Central Hardin
Saley, Olivia 2:36.93 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Coffey, Riley 2:41.53 Green County Middle School
Wilcox, Piper 2:49.29 Central Hardin
Bloyd, Ansley 2:49.38 Green County Middle School
Fortner, Chloe 2:59.07 Green County Middle School
Feese, Rylee 3:02.64 Green County Middle School
Preen, Annabelle 3:03.32 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Nirenberg, Josslyn 3:05.07 North Hardin Christian School
Crew, Kendall 3:12.74 Central Hardin
Hobbs, Evelyn 3:13.11 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Shelton, Hayley 3:20.30 Green County Middle School
Weddle, Zoe 3:22.40 Green County Middle School
Stith, Anna 3:22.92 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Burton, Evie 3:24.19 North Hardin Christian School
Head, Macie 3:41.10 LaRue County Middle School
Gribbins, Trinity 3:57.00 Taylor County Middle School
Sallee, Caroline 4:05.00 Taylor County Middle School
Tate, Grace 4:14.07 Elizabethtown
Craig, Kenzli 4:18.00 Taylor County Middle School
Tamez Jiménez, Maria 4:24.71 Elizabethtown
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MS Girls Discus Throw 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brockman, Scout 109-3 Green County Middle School
Carchio, Mataya 62-3 Campbellsville Middle School
Byrd, Molly 44-6 Campbellsville Middle School
Tucker, Emma 43-11 LaRue County Middle School
Pletz, Sadie 42-5 Nelson County Middle
Anderson, Isabella 41-11 Campbellsville Middle School
Pendleton, Abagail 34-3 LaRue County Middle School
Peak, Callie 30-0 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Gray, Kenzie 28-1 Central Hardin
Workman, Abigail 22-0 St. James (Elizabethtown)
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MS Girls High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goff, Carly 4-8 Green County Middle School
Stith, Anna 4-2 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Saley, Olivia 4-0 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Menold, McKenna 3-4 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Kane, Kailanie 3-4 Elizabethtown
Ochoa, Kalina 3-2 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Reburn, Abigail St. James (Elizabethtown)
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MS Girls Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goff, Carly 14-6 Green County Middle School
Primm, Presley 14-0 Nelson County Middle
Rouse, Emmalee 13-11.5 Green County Middle School
Dixon, Molly 13-6 Green County Middle School
Saley, Olivia 13-1.5 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Jordan, Ava 12-8 Taylor County Middle School
Simpson, Julianne 12-3.5 Nelson County Middle
Pruitt, Rebekaha 12-0 Green County Middle School
Williams, Olyvia 11-10 Elizabethtown
Smith, Logan 11-10 Campbellsville Middle School
Sharpe, Hallie 11-9.5 Green County Middle School
Welch, Audrey 11-1 Nelson County Middle
Terry, London 10-6 Elizabethtown
Perkins, Jaelyn 10-6 Nelson County Middle
Godson, Monroe 9-10 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Hanks, Olivia 9-9 Elizabethtown
Gay, Lily Elizabethtown
Williams, Andreah Elizabethtown
Morton, Ani Elizabethtown
Michael, Noelle Elizabethtown
Bickett, Harper Elizabethtown
Watson, Brelynn Nelson County Middle
Taylor, Jillian Taylor County Middle School
Dave, Aagna Taylor County Middle School
Phillips, Chloe Taylor County Middle School
Yarber, Ba'Nasia Campbellsville Middle School
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MS Girls Shot Put 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brockman, Scout 39-5 Green County Middle School
Pletz, Sadie 25-7 Nelson County Middle
Anderson, Isabella 25-3.5 Campbellsville Middle School
Carchio, Mataya 25-0 Campbellsville Middle School
Pendleton, Abagail 22-3 LaRue County Middle School
Peak, Callie 22-1 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Tucker, Emma 22-0 LaRue County Middle School
Workman, Abigail 20-9 St. James (Elizabethtown)
Byrd, Molly 18-3 Campbellsville Middle School
Gray, Kenzie 13-9 Central Hardin
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