Pictures from the NCAA D1 Southeast Regional held Saturday, November 14th. (Former Greenwood State Champion Michael Eaton)
The Kentucky cross country teams begin their quest for an NCAA Championship berth at the NCAA Southeast Regional hosted by the University of Louisville at E.P. "Tom" Sawyer Park in the Derby City Saturday morning.
College of Charleston men's cross country travels to Louisville, Ken. for the NCAA Southeast Region Meet on Saturday.
The Richmond cross country teams continue the postseason portion of their schedules Saturday with the NCAA Southeast Regional Championship at the University of Louisville.
The cross country teams will travel to Louisville, KY this weekend to tape part in the NCAA Southeast Regional Championships. The meet will be held at E.P. "Tom" Sawyer Park for the third time, all within the last four years. The men's 10K competition will begin at 10:00 AM, followed by the women's 6K race at 11:15. The top two teams and top four individuals earn automatic berths in the NCAA Cross Country Championships on Nov. 23.
The Western Kentucky University cross country teams will be traveling to Louisville Saturday to take on the NCAA Southeast Region at E.P. "Tom" Sawyer Park. Behind the strength of three-time all-American Janet Jesang, the Lady Toppers are ranked seventh in the Southeast Region by the United States Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA), which is the highest ranking the WKU women have ever received heading into the region weekend.
The University of Louisville will team with the Greater Louisville Sports Commission to host the NCAA Southeast Regional Championships for the third time on Saturday, Nov. 14 at E.P. "Tom" Sawyer Park.