Louis Richardson Memorial 5K 2009

Louisville, KY

Meet Information

I would like to invite ALL Singe A and Double A schools in Jefferson County to the First Annual Louis Richardson Memorial 5 K to be held on the Campus of Moore Traditional School on Tuesday, October 20, 2009. The meet will begin promptly at 4:30 PM. Girls Varsity will run at 4:30 and Boys Varsity at 5:00. There will be trophies for the top 15 finishers, Team trophies for the top 3 teams, and medals for finishers 16-30. The course will be fast, and this will give individuals and teams a great opportunity to have success.

As many of you are aware it is very difficult for many of the small schools to compete in most invitationals because of the AAA schools advantages due to the number of athletes in their program. This will give you an opportunity to see how your runners can compete against schools with similar challenges.

The Cost for the meet is:

$40.00 for BOTH a boys and girls team,

$20.00 for a boys or girls team ONLY,

$5.00 for individual entries.

Please email rosters to tony.brown@jefferson.kyschools.us

Send checks to Moore Athletics

C/O Mr. Steven Silvano

Moore Athletic Director

6415 Outer Loop

Louisville, Kentucky 40228

Deadline for checks is Tuesday, October 13, 2009. Please send rosters by October 01, 2009. Please feel free to email me any questions.

Good luck this season,

And I hope your team will compete against other small schools in memory of one of Moore High School