AOC Distance Night 2023

Louisville, KY
Hosted by Assumption
Timing/Results DC Timing LLC

Meet Information

Meet Schedule link (updated 3/28)

Draft of the Heat Sheets (updated 3/28)

Ticket purchasing link

Tickets will be $8/person


AOC Distance Night

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Assumption Green (start time 6pm)

AOC Distance Night is a distance only meet that provides an opportunity for athletes to run a fast early season time in a fun, festive event setting. We don't advocate taxing the rich, but we are all in on the goal of running fast. While hosted at the Assumption Green, this meet is a result of the collaborative efforts of Assumption and Oldham County HSs.

Entry submission:  entry submission is through Milesplit. Teams accepted into the meet can get a meet entry password from Coach Barry Haworth ( We do have a group of teams who've accepted an invitation to compete, and we have room to add some more. The meet will close when we hit capacity or when we hit our entry deadline, whichever comes first.

Entry fees:  there is no team entry fee

Entries:  all athletes should be entered in their respective race (one race per athlete), the 800, 1600 or 3200. Once entered, Milesplit should list that athlete in terms of the athletes personal best performance in that event.  After the meets entry deadline passes, we will seed all athletes into sections on the basis of each athletes personal best performance in that event. Sections will run slow to fast, with the fastest races of the night run at the end of the meet.

Coaches are also strongly advised to check that the performances listed for their athletes by Milesplit are correct and reflective of what each athlete is capable of running.

Entry deadline:  Sunday, March 26, at 11:00pm

Pre-Meet communication:  Coaches are strongly advised to check their email regularly in the days leading up to the meet so that they are aware of any announcements regarding the meet.  We will do our best to also post announcements at Milesplit, but the primary means of communicating meet information will be via email to coaches.

Awards:  there are no extrinsic awards, but the intrinsic awards will be numerous, and we'll have the PR bell set up for each kid who drops a PR that evening!


Questions:  please direct questions to Coach Barry Haworth (

More complete meet information (e.g. meet schedule) is forthcoming, but the basic plan is to start with what will be open races (800, then 1600) with athletes who didn't make the fast heat in their event, and then run the main Varsity races last - in this order: 800, 3200, 1600.