Meet Information
Daviess County March Madness Classic
Date: March 31, 2022
Coaches Meeting: 4:45
Field Events: 5:00 (Girls long followed by boys long, boys triple followed by girls triple, girls PV followed by boys PV, boys high followed by girls high, boys shot followed by girls shot, girls discus followed by boys discus)
Running Events: 5:10 (standard rolling schedule)
Cost: $55 / team (Boys and Girls separate); B-teams $45
Facility: 8-lane rubberized track, renovated stadium with artificial infield, latest in FAT timing and digital results board, two jumping pits, on-site discus and shot put, new PV and HJ pits
Entries: Entries must be submitted using the MileSplit portal. If you're having issues, please let me know. 4 entries per individual event, 2 relays (Only top 2 individuals, top relay scored). Substitutions allowed prior to 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
Timing: Fully-automated timing
Awards: Team awards only (Top 2 boys teams and top 2 girls teams)
Apparel: T-shirts and more available for purchase on-site
Concessions: standard concession stands
Admission: $5
This weekday meet will provide an invitational experience the Thursday before most school districts begin spring break.