2022 Mason County Indoor Track Meets
Mason County Indoor Athletic Complex
721 Clarks Run Rd
Maysville, Kentucky41056
Host:Mason County High School
Meet ScheduleEntry Deadline
January 29 High School & Middle School & USATF Masters & Open
February 12 High School & Middle School & USATF Masters & Open
February 19 High School & Middle School & USATF Masters & Open
Start Times
All meets start at 8:00 AM with Pole Vault for High School & Masters Male and Female combined.
Running and other field events begin at 10:00 AM. There is a coach's meeting at the finish line at 9:45 AM.
8:00 AM - Pole Vault-We will contest the pole vault as a separate event. KHSAA rules apply for pole vault.A school coach/representative must be present during the competition.Otherwise for insurance purposes, athletes must have a 2022 USATF membership and compete in the Open/Masters division. DUE TO THE INCREASING NUMBER OF POLE VAULTERS, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CAP THE TOTAL NUMBER OF POLE VAULTERS AT 30. PLEASE GET YOUR ATHLETES ENTERED EARLY.
10:00 AM -Rolling Schedule:Middle School girls & boys, and masters 4x800 relay, high school girls/boys 4x800 relay, middle school girls & boys 55 Hurdles, high school girls & boys 55 hurdles, masters hurdles.55 Meter Dash(ms & masters girls, hs girls, ms & masters boys, hs boys), 1600 Meters(ms & master combined, girls & boys ms may becombined depending on numbers, hs girls, hs boys), 400 Meters(ms & masters girls, hs girls, ms & masters boys, hs boys),800 Meters(ms & master girls & boys combined, hs girls, hs boys), 3000 (High School Only),4x400 Relay(ms girls & boys combined, hs girls, hs boys),200 (Open/Masters Only)
Finish Lynx Timing will be used.
10:00 AM- Shot Put (middle school girls & boys & masters combined, then high school girls, then high school boys) 3 throws
10:00 AM- High Jump high school girls, followed by high school boys followed by middle school boys, girls, & masters combined)
10:00 AM-Triple Jump Open pit girls, boys, masters, open 45 minutes followed by Long Jump (open pit for two hours) 3 jumps
High school & Middle School Unlimited entries, only top 2 individuals score and only 1 relay team per school scores.Scoring 10-8-6-4-2-1
High School & Middle School-- Maximum of four events per athlete.
Note an additional event will be the pentathlon. (55 hurdles, high jump, long jump, shot put, 800) This event will not be run separately.Athletes must compete in each of the five events during the regular competition.Performances in the regular events will be rolled in to the pentathlon scoring table.Email Fmiklavcic@aol.com the names of those competing in the pentathlon before each meet.
High School
Entry fees -$100 per team (girls and boys are separate teams) $15 per individual (Must be a member of a school team with high school coach/school rep present at the meet). $25 late fee per team. Any entry fee not submitted by the morning of the meet is considered late. No exceptions.
Middle School
Entry fees $75 per team (girls and boys are separate teams) $15 per individual.$25 late fee per team. Any entry fee not submitted by the morning of the meet is considered late. No exceptions.
Master & Open
Entry fee $20 per athlete, unlimited events.Late entry-meet day $25 per athlete
Mail All Checks to:
Mason Co High School
% Mark Kachler
179 Edgemont Road
Maysville, KY41056
Entry Process
High School and Middle School will enter online at www.kymilesplit.com
Enter athletes in the events you think they will compete in.You may change and add other events at the line on meet day.Make sure all the athletes who will be competing are entered in at least one event.
Competitor numbers for the right hand will be emailed by Thursday prior to the event date.Masters and Open athletes will enter using the mail-in form below.USATF Masters & Open will wear bib numbers during the meet.
Due to KHSAA regulations, anyone competing in the high school division as a member of their school team must be accompanied by the school coach or authorized school designated representative. Unattached or club athletes can compete but must be a member of USATF. You may join USATF online at https://www.usatf.org/
These meets also serve as a qualifier for the Ohio Association of Track & Cross County Coaches indoor high school championships.Only those competing in the high school division under their school name with their school coach/representative present will have their results forwarded to the OATCCC entry chairman.
Note: Due to possible size limitations of the facility, we reserve the right to cutoff entries depending on the number of athletes entered.Insure your participation by getting entries made online early.
USATF Entries:
2022 USA TRACK AND FIELD MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED for OPEN/MASTERS.Place Membership number on entry form or enclose the correct additional membership fee with entry form and a separate completed membership application.Applications available from addresses listed below or join directly online at http://usatf.org/associations/info.asp?associationNumber=41
Kentucky USA Track & Field Membership$20 for Youth, Age 18 and Under.
$30 for Adults, Age 19 and Older
Further information concerning entries, procedures-contact Frank Miklavcic 502-875-2904Fmiklavcic@aol.com
Information & Resultswww.kytrackxc.com
Surface is inch polyurethane rubberized. 3/16" Pyramid spike length is strictly enforced.
The track has four 42" lanes on the oval. The oval is 133.33 meters. 1.5 laps for 200 meters, 3 laps per 400, 6 laps per 800, 12 laps per 1600, 22.5 laps per 3000. 55 straight will have eight lanes. Lanes will be numbered from outside in. Lane 1 being on the outer edge of the track. Lane 8 will be next to the long jump runway. Lane 4 will be the inside lane of the oval. 4x400 and 4x800 relays will have the exact same exchange zones at the starting line.
400will be two turn stagger and break in after hitting the straightaway. 800, 1600, and 3000 will have waterfall start with andan extra alley arch starting line through lanes 1 & 2 on the outside. Long jump/triple jump boards(painted) at 3', 8', 20', 32' Oval races will finish in to the finish chute stretch cross country style. The radius of the turn will be37.8 feet for the inside lane.
There is permanent bleacher seating. Concessions are available. Interior photos are available on our Facebook page:
Mason County Track and Cross Country
General Admission charge will be $7 per person not competing.
FACILITY ADDRESS: 721 Clarks Run Road, Maysville, KY 41056.
Information on Maysville-Mason County area: Mark Kachler - mark.kachler@gmail.com,
606 301 3386 or go to the Maysville Tourism website: