FCA All Comers Meet 2021

Paducah, KY

Meet Information

This meet is put on by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and is open to all schools, clubs, and individuals in the age or class divisions listed. High School and Middle School will run two miles. Elementary will run one mile.

Meet Fees $30 per High School Team, $30 per Middle School Team (boys and girls considered separate). Max $$$ amount per school not to exceed $100; $10 per individual entry for Varsity & Middle School.

Elementary entries are $5 each and $30 for a team. 

Online Registering through MileSplit is BEST (especially if you have a large group to enter), but Individual Entries can be emailed to Vito Spadafino at steven.spadafino@mccracken.kyschools.us. Include First & Last Name, School, Grade, & Gender of Runner.

**Since High School & Middle School Divisions will be Running Together, BE SURE to Register your 7th/8th Graders in the Divisions you Want Them to SCORE FOR...7th & 8th Graders are Eligible for Either HS or MS Division but a Runner CAN'T Score in Both. Both the Rules & Timing Program Won't Allow It, Registering them in HS or MS Declares which team they score for.

Payments Make checks payable to West KY FCA. Mail to PO Box 8206 Paducah, KY 42002 (c/o Eric Grogan) or bring your check to the meet.

The meet will kick off with an Athlete Testimony and prayer at 5:00 PM. Immediately following the speaker/prayer, races will begin in the following order: The Combined Elementary Boys and Girls 1-mile race followed by The Combined High School/Middle School Girls 2 mile race followed by the Combined High School/Middle School Boys 2-mile race. These will occur on a rolling schedule.

Awards will be t-shirts for the top five finishers in each division.


WE ARE MOVING THE VENUE BACK TO NOBLE PARK THIS YEAR. Registration will be held in pavilion across from basketball courts. Race will begin in open field to the right of the pavilion and finish right behind pavilion.

Any questions, please email Maria Grogan @ mgrogan@fca.org