Carroll County Invite 2021

Carrollton, KY
Timing/Results MMT

Meet Information

The Carroll County High School Track and Field team would like to invite you to our High School meet on Saturday, May 15th, 2021, starting at 9 a.m. MileSplit deadline for entries is Thursday, May 13th at midnight.

There will be a brief coaches meeting at 8:45 am with a brief senior recognition immediately following.  The track will be open for warm-ups between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.

Field events (Beginning at 9 am, jumps and throws will have 3 attempts, possibly more depending on numbers):

Long Jump & Triple Jump (G/B) - open pit

Discus (G/B)

Shot Put (B/G)

High Jump (B/G)

Running events begin at 9 am with a rolling schedule. The 4x800 and 3200 MAY BE combined if numbers allow.

We will contest the following unified events: 

Shot Put, Long Jump, 2x50, 4x100, 2x200

There is a $70 per team (boys and girls separate teams) entry fee.

There is no limit on the number of athletes you put in an event so run everybody. We may need help with the field events. 

There will be a $5/person admission fee for non-participants. 

There will NOT be concessions available.

School Address:Carroll County High School1706 Highland Ave

Carrollton, KY 41008

Please direct any questions to: