Meet Information
Cougar Prowl Invitational
***NOTE: As of 8/31/20, we reached our capacity of teams for the meet.
Hosted by Somerset Christian Cross Country
Saturday, September 12, 2020
The Cougar Prowl Invitational is a KHSAA race held on the beautiful Somerset Christian XC course that covers
over 65 acres of land. The 3.1 mile single loop course will allow all runners plenty of space to run safely and
includes a variety of elements and terrain such as long flat stretches through fields, gradual hill climbs, wooded areas, and creek scenery the runners will love.
*NOTE: Due to the situation with COVID, the size of the meet for 2020 is limited and the registration Is
password protected.
9:00 AM High school girls (5k)
10:00 AM High school boys (5k)
11:00 AM Middle school: 7th -8th grade boys (3k)
11:45 AM Middle school: 7th -8th grade girls (3k)
12:30 PM Elementary girls: 4th- 6th grade
1:00 PM Elementary boys: 4th- 6th grade
1:30 PM Elementary girls 3rd grade & under
2:00 PM Elementary boys 3rd grade & under
Scoring will be via hy-tek. Schools may enter 10 runners per race and will receive a team score for the first 5
runners in each division (runners 6 and 7 are push scorers).
***There will not be an awards ceremony. Team trophies and individual medals will be given to coaches.
High school boys and girls: trophies for top 2 teams for boys and girls, medals for top 5 individuals in both races
Middles school boys and girls: trophies for top 2 teams for boys and girls, medals for top 5 individuals in both races
Elementary boys and girls: trophies for top 2 teams and medals for top 5 individuals in each race
High school boys$40 team max/$10 for individual
High school girls$40 team max/$10 for individual
Middle school boys$40 team max/$8 for individual
Middle school girls$40 team max/$8 for individual
Elementary boys and girls$40 team max/$5 for individual
***Make checks payable to SCS Cross Country
***$150 max fee per school
Submit entries by September 8thon MileSplit.
QUESTIONS:Todd Meadows (SCS Coach), or Leslie Smith (Race Timer) leslielsmith@ATT.NET
LOCATION: The meet will be held at Somerset Christian School. The course will begin and end on the soccer
field. Plenty of parking is available at the school.
Address: 815 Grand Central Blvd., Somerset, KY 42503.
COVID INFO (subject to change depending on new recommendations on race day):
Concessions will NOT be available
Team tents must be spaced 25 feet apart
Starting boxes will be 6 feel wide and spaced 6 feet apart
Teams limited to 10 runners per race
Awards will be available only for a coach to pick up at a designated table
Fans, volunteers, coaches, and runners not actively running or warming up will be required to wear masks
6 restrooms will be available and equipped with necessary disinfectant products.
***More information and instruction regarding race safety and requirements will be given to teams closer to race day. Thank you for your flexibility and patience. All KHSAA requirements will be followed.