Meet Information
Registration help:
This meet is run by St. Mary High School in conjunction with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and is open to all schools, clubs, and individuals in the age or class divisions listed.
MeetFees $50 per school (boys and girls combined) - unlimited entries. Individual or unattached runners will be charged $2 per entry.
Payments Make checks payable to Saint Mary High School. Mail to Saint Mary High School, 1243 Elmdale Road, Paducah, KY 42001 or bring your check to the meet.
The Elementary Boys and Girls 1-mile race will be run first at 5 PM. The Combined High School/Middle School Girls and Combined High School/Middle School Boys 2-mile races will follow as soon as possible after the elementary race.
Awards will be t-shirts for the top five finishers in each division.
The meet will be held at Noble Park in Paducah, KY. Enter the park at the west entrance off Park Avenue near the baseball fields. The race start and finish will be near the picnic pavilion adjacent to the skate park. There is ample parking nearby for buses and personal vehicles.
This meet is run by St. Mary High School in conjunction with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and is open to all schools, clubs, and individuals in the age or class divisions listed.
MeetFees $50 per school (boys and girls combined) - unlimited entries. Individual or unattached runners will be charged $2 per entry.
Payments Make checks payable to Saint Mary High School. Mail to Saint Mary High School, 1243 Elmdale Road, Paducah, KY 42001 or bring your check to the meet.
The Elementary Boys and Girls 1-mile race will be run first at 5 PM. The Combined High School/Middle School Girls and Combined High School/Middle School Boys 2-mile races will follow as soon as possible after the elementary race.
Awards will be t-shirts for the top five finishers in each division.
The meet will be held at Noble Park in Paducah, KY. Enter the park at the west entrance off Park Avenue near the baseball fields. The race start and finish will be near the picnic pavilion adjacent to the skate park. There is ample parking nearby for buses and personal vehicles.