Diocese of Covington Championship 2016

Alexandria, KY

Diocese of Covington Championship 2016 vs Diocese of Covington Championship 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -88 128 216
Overall Average -2:56.92 21:46.74 24:43.66
1st-10th Place -26.13 17:06.57 17:32.70
1st-25th Place -29.22 17:45.54 18:14.76
1st-50th Place -25.47 18:36.55 19:02.02
1st-100th Place -2.70 20:25.12 20:27.82
Common Athletes -- -- 69
Ran Faster 41 55 14
Ran Season Best 2 4 2
Average Time -1:17.04 21:37.59 22:54.64
Median Time -58.71 21:05.29 22:04.00
Middle 80% Times -1:04.99 21:26.51 22:31.50
Top 10% Times -5.23 17:14.63 17:19.86
Top 25% Times -12.39 17:55.45 18:07.83
Top 50% Times -34.07 18:56.81 19:30.89
Bottom 50% Times -1:57.81 23:41.30 25:39.11
Bottom 25% Times -3:03.46 26:01.32 29:04.78
Bottom 10% Times -4:19.40 28:03.03 32:22.43
Average Difference -1:17.04 -- --
Median Difference -1.72 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:03.88 -- --
Top 10% Difference -6.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference -25.95 -- --
Top 25% Difference -6.08 -- --
Top 50% Difference -25.95 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:05.99 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:23.43 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:48.38 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Owen Piatt Covington Catholic +17.26 17:01.26 16:44.00
Ethan Snyder St. Henry District -22.70 16:56.30 17:19.00
John Komaromy-Hiller Villa Madonna -31.10 17:05.90 17:37.00
Will Akin Covington Catholic +4.43 17:16.43 17:12.00
Nick Eten Covington Catholic -13.24 17:21.76 17:35.00
Will Tate Covington Catholic +0.63 17:25.63 17:25.00
Joe Curtsinger Bishop Brossart +1:25.22 18:52.22 17:27.00
Josh Gray St. Henry District -1:47.86 17:35.14 19:23.00
Michael Kessans Covington Catholic +0.84 17:44.84 17:44.00
Conor Hicks St. Henry District -39.51 17:45.49 18:25.00
Brendan Hansen St. Henry District -56.38 18:03.62 19:00.00
Aiden Smith Covington Catholic +32.62 18:40.62 18:08.00
David Roberdeaux Holy Cross (Covington) +48.47 19:05.47 18:17.00
Jack Dunham Covington Catholic -19.38 18:18.62 18:38.00
Casey Wolnitzek Covington Catholic -58.45 18:21.55 19:20.00
Dylan Loos St. Henry District -1.58 18:27.42 18:29.00
Luke Brockman St. Henry District -50.90 18:29.10 19:20.00
Zach Stringer Villa Madonna -30.18 18:35.82 19:06.00
Ben Jacobs Covington Catholic -21.85 18:42.15 19:04.00
Brandon Leicht Bishop Brossart -4.61 18:46.39 18:51.00
Brian Davis Villa Madonna -28.18 19:02.82 19:31.00
Noah Wilson St. Henry District -5:06.62 19:08.38 24:15.00
Collin Strasburger St. Henry District -1:28.02 19:08.98 20:37.00
Matt Davis Villa Madonna -28.93 19:34.07 20:03.00
Tobias Gray Covington Latin -1:08.06 19:36.94 20:45.00
Connor Stahl Holy Cross (Covington) -1:00.11 20:00.89 21:01.00
Abby Jones Newport Central Catholic -1:21.48 20:14.52 21:36.00
Ryan Garuccio Covington Latin -1:30.15 20:21.85 21:52.00
Cayce Cobaugh Villa Madonna -36.60 20:28.40 21:05.00
Meghan Pawsat St. Henry District -2:27.43 20:36.57 23:04.00
Malia Heck St. Henry District -39.23 20:39.77 21:19.00
Kate Williams Notre Dame -10.22 20:47.78 20:58.00
Brooke Reis St. Henry District -1:46.21 20:52.79 22:39.00
Maria Klocke Bishop Brossart -52.35 20:53.65 21:46.00
Manon Stovik Notre Dame -1:24.71 21:05.29 22:30.00
Noah Smith Bishop Brossart -2:39.44 21:10.56 23:50.00
Libby Bihl St. Henry District -4:58.45 21:17.55 26:16.00
Victor Voight Holy Cross (Covington) -1.17 21:17.83 21:19.00
Lauren Janzaruk Villa Madonna -37.19 21:26.81 22:04.00
Maddie Dickman Villa Madonna -16.45 21:44.55 22:01.00
Rebecca Schroer Bishop Brossart +1:11.56 23:11.56 22:00.00
Luke Verst Bishop Brossart +48.20 22:54.20 22:06.00
Gabriele Harlan St. Henry District -57.57 22:11.43 23:09.00
Ashley Beck Bishop Brossart -1.72 22:22.28 22:24.00
Matthew Voight Holy Cross (Covington) -24.06 22:41.94 23:06.00
Abigail Leonhard St. Henry District -50.19 22:48.81 23:39.00
Caroline Mcdonald Villa Madonna +55.40 23:50.40 22:55.00
Casey Shelton Notre Dame -5:23.85 23:06.15 28:30.00
Preston Hollingsworth Newport Central Catholic +9.08 23:33.08 23:24.00
Vincetta Kahmann Holy Cross (Covington) -1:00.12 23:28.88 24:29.00
Piper Mcgehee Villa Madonna -2:49.22 23:35.78 26:25.00
Cameron Bier St. Henry District +1:39.73 25:24.73 23:45.00
Kole Bleser Newport Central Catholic +4.55 23:54.55 23:50.00
Libby Arlinghaus Notre Dame -4:23.70 23:55.30 28:19.00
Caroline Lucas Notre Dame -3:06.42 24:02.58 27:09.00
Sydney Arthur St. Henry District -2:12.57 24:11.43 26:24.00
Nikhil Thimmadasaiah Covington Latin -38.32 24:39.68 25:18.00
Jessica Judge St. Henry District -1:18.53 24:41.47 26:00.00
Jack Wilburn Covington Latin -1:41.97 25:00.03 26:42.00
Breanna Younger Holy Cross (Covington) -2:07.09 25:14.91 27:22.00
Kaitlyn Spangler Newport Central Catholic -10:54.92 25:27.08 36:22.00
Olivia Whisman Bishop Brossart -1:39.28 25:30.72 27:10.00
Kaitlin Turner Holy Cross (Covington) -1:55.59 25:34.41 27:30.00
Nathan Wood Newport Central Catholic -1:10.33 26:21.67 27:32.00
Kalyn Obermeyer Covington Latin -2:02.78 27:00.22 29:03.00
Christina Weller Holy Cross (Covington) -4:36.95 28:13.05 32:50.00
Kevin Garuccio Covington Latin +37.68 29:37.68 29:00.00
Jordan Vice Newport Central Catholic -6:26.73 29:35.27 36:02.00
Alison McDonald Bishop Brossart -4:51.11 29:58.89 34:50.00