Logan County Cougar Run 2015

Russellville, KY
Hosted by Logan County

Meet Information

Registration help:

Varsity Team fee = $60 each, Indiv. = $10 each
Middle School fee = $40 each, Indiv. = $6 each
Elementary fee = $30 each, Indiv. = $6 each

Logan County High School
October, 3rd, 2015

We would like to invite you and your team to the 23rd Annual COUGAR RUN. The meet will be held on Saturday, October 3rd. We have a great course that is flat with some rolling hills and a section of woods. Weve had great runs in the past with some of the best teams in Kentucky and Tennessee participating. This year we added a long flat section that will make the course much faster. We hope that you and your team will come and join in on the fun and great competition! This course is the site of the 2015 Region 2 Super Regional.

Time Schedule/Races/Awards/Entry Fees
Race Distance Time Awards Team Fees Individuals
Varsity Girls 5K 9:00 *3 Teams/15 runners $60/Team $10.00
Varsity Boys 5K 9:40 *3 Teams/15 runners $60/Team $10.00
Middle School Girls 3K 10:00 *3 Teams/15 runners $40/Team $6.00
Middle School Boys 3K 10:20 *3 Teams/15 runners $40/Team. $6.00
Girls Elementary^ 2K 10:40 *3 Teams/15 runners $30/Team $6.00
Boys Elementary^ 2K 11:00 *3 Teams/15 runners $30/Team $6.00
***ALL races will be unlimited runners per team. Boys and girls constitute separate teams.
^Should there be a small number of runners in the elementary races we may merge them into a mixed race.

The awards ceremony will be held as soon as we have all results final. This year we will also be awarding an outstanding runner in both the girls and boys varsity races.

Entries are due by Monday, September 28th through milesplit. If you have any questions you can contact me; greg.howard@logan.kyschools.us. School 270-726-8454 Home 270-542-6611
Cell 270-725-5270

We expect to have several premier runners at this meet. I hope you consider the Cougar Run as one of the races to put on your schedules.

Make checks payable to Logan County High School