Muhlenberg Pony Express MS/ES Championship 2014

Greenville, KY

Meet Information

Muhlenberg County Pony Express Elementary / Middle School Championship 2014
Muhlenberg County High East Campus
Thursday October 16 2014

Race Schedule and Distances
4:30 PM Elementary Girls 3K 6th grade and under
4:50 PM Elementary Boys 3K 6th grade and under
5:15 PM Middle School Girls 4K 8th grade and under
5:45 PM Middle School Boys 4K 8th grade and under
Schools may enter an unlimited number of runners.

Trophies to the top 2 teams
Awards will be given to the top 10 finishers in each race and
Overall winner of each race will receive 1st place trophy

Entry Fees
$40 per team / $10 per individual
Coaches, please try to have entries in by Monday October 13
Send hy-tek entries to or