Mustang Stampede T&F Inviational 2012

Greenville, KY

Complete Results

Licensed to Daviess County High School          HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/23/2012
              Muhlenberg County Mustang Stampede 2012 - 4/21/2012              
                         Muhlenberg County High School                         
                       Team Rankings - Through Event 36                        
                              Female Team Scores                               
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Murray                             MURR            147  
                2 Henderson County                   HECO            101  
                3 Muhlenberg County                  MUCO             80  
                4 Christian County                   CHCO             68  
                5 Hopkinsville                       HOP              62  
                5 Ballard Memorial                   BAME             62  
                7 Madisonville North Hopkins         MNH              48  
                8 Logan County                       LOGA             39  
                9 Caldwell County                    CALD             37  
               10 Union County                       UNIO             15  
               11 Trigg County                       TRIG             13  
                               Male Team Scores                                
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Logan County                       LOGA            127  
                2 Daviess County                     DAVC             88  
                3 Henderson County                   HECO             79  
                4 Murray                             MURR             65  
                5 Union County                       UNIO             59  
                5 Apollo                             APOL             59  
                7 Christian County                   CHCO             57  
                8 Trigg County                       TRIG             47  
                9 Muhlenberg County                  MUCO             43  
               10 Ballard Memorial                   BAME             22  
               11 Hopkinsville                       HOP              21  
               12 Madisonville North Hopkins         MNH              14  
               13 Caldwell County                    CALD              3  
Licensed to Daviess County High School HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/23/2012 06:26 PM
              Muhlenberg County Mustang Stampede 2012 - 4/21/2012              
                         Muhlenberg County High School                         
Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1    33 Jones, Brandi       11 Ballard Memorial         13.70   3  10   
  2   286 Hampton, Taylor     10 Madisonville             14.10   3   8   
  3   266 Martin, Jasmine     11 Logan County             14.50   3   6   
  4    58 Chambliss, Alyssa      Caldwell County          14.60   1   5   
  5   189 Weatherall, Laquis  11 Henderson County         14.70   3   4   
  6   321 Vincent, Sara       10 Muhlenberg Co.           14.80   2   3   
  7    31 Denton, Abbi        10 Ballard Memorial         14.90   2   2   
  8   354 McDonald, Rachel    09 Murray                   15.00   3   1   
  9   173 Calhoun, Jasmine    11 Henderson County         15.10   2 
 10   232 Rosado, Stephanie   10 Hopkinsville             15.20   2 
 11   291 Western, Shae       11 Madisonville             15.30   2 
 12   219 Boone, Zequoria     10 Hopkinsville             15.40   2 
 13   268 Thompson, Leah      11 Logan County             15.50   1 
Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   107 Alexander, Tameka   09 Christian County         28.39   3  10   
  2    33 Jones, Brandi       11 Ballard Memorial         28.82   3   8   
  3   286 Hampton, Taylor     10 Madisonville             29.32   2   6   
  4   266 Martin, Jasmine     11 Logan County             29.64   3   5   
  5    31 Denton, Abbi        10 Ballard Memorial         30.25   2   4   
  6   321 Vincent, Sara       10 Muhlenberg Co.           30.38   1   3   
  7   232 Rosado, Stephanie   10 Hopkinsville             30.66   3   2   
  8   354 McDonald, Rachel    09 Murray                   31.34   2   1   
  9   291 Western, Shae       11 Madisonville             32.06   2 
 10    58 Chambliss, Alyssa      Caldwell County          32.21   1 
 11   265 Markham, Kelsey     11 Logan County             32.22   3 
 12   312 Luckett, Sarah      10 Muhlenberg Co.           32.58   1 
 13    78 Reece, Abby            Caldwell County          32.81   1 
 14   118 Nicholls, Jaquasha  10 Christian County         32.88   2 
 15   421 Williams, Shabria   FR Union County             32.93   1 
Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   186 Outlaw, DeAsia      09 Henderson County       1:04.87   3  10   
  2   226 Felder, Lataviya    07 Hopkinsville           1:05.24   3   8   
  3   348 Bierbaum, Katie     10 Murray                 1:08.52   3   6   
  4   312 Luckett, Sarah      10 Muhlenberg Co.         1:11.98   3   5   
  5    67 Kelley, Crystal        Caldwell County        1:12.18   2   4   
  6   266 Martin, Jasmine     11 Logan County           1:12.27   2   3   
  7   120 Stallworth, D'Esma  08 Christian County       1:14.07   2   2   
  8   265 Markham, Kelsey     11 Logan County           1:14.51   1   1   
  9    32 Hargrove, Katey     10 Ballard Memorial       1:14.68   2 
 10    54 Boyd, A'Mya         07 Caldwell County        1:18.38   1 
 11    35 Lain, Michelle      12 Ballard Memorial       1:20.85   2 
 --   386 Hughes, Lanita      JR Trigg County                NT   2 
Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   311 Fueller, Alliah     11 Muhlenberg Co.         2:33.90   10   
  2   226 Felder, Lataviya    07 Hopkinsville           2:37.13    8   
  3   285 Borders, Julia      10 Madisonville           2:42.87    6   
  4   310 Estes, Autumn       07 Muhlenberg Co.         2:43.54    5   
  5   177 Elliott, Allyson    08 Henderson County       2:46.19    4   
  6   215 Baker, Ashley       12 Hopkinsville           2:48.83    3   
  7   111 Holmes, Rachel      09 Christian County       2:49.71    2   
  8   381 Futrell, Hannah     FR Trigg County           2:50.47    1   
  9   290 Stockton, Rachel    11 Madisonville           2:51.08  
 10   359 Vogt, Bethany       09 Murray                 2:52.60  
 11   112 Howard, Rhyne       06 Christian County       2:56.31  
 12   361 Wilson, Claire      08 Murray                 2:57.06  
 13   185 Nunez, Elena        09 Henderson County       3:00.02  
 14    32 Hargrove, Katey     10 Ballard Memorial       3:05.13  
 15   314 Mefford, Lacy       08 Muhlenberg Co.        x3:08.49  
 16    71 Loomis, Tori           Caldwell County        3:08.91  
 17    64 Hughes, Erin           Caldwell County        3:14.78  
 18   117 Meacham, Brooklyn   08 Christian County      x3:16.90  
 19    28 Bohn, Haley         09 Ballard Memorial       3:17.29  
Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   311 Fueller, Alliah     11 Muhlenberg Co.         5:30.50   10   
  2   313 Mathis, Lindsey     11 Muhlenberg Co.         5:45.60    8   
  3   215 Baker, Ashley       12 Hopkinsville           6:08.50    6   
  4   112 Howard, Rhyne       06 Christian County       6:08.70    5   
  5   224 Easton, Meghan      06 Hopkinsville           6:10.00    4   
  6   177 Elliott, Allyson    08 Henderson County       6:17.90    3   
  7   361 Wilson, Claire      08 Murray                 6:19.70    2   
  8   359 Vogt, Bethany       09 Murray                 6:20.90    1   
  9   188 Rickard, Hayleigh   09 Henderson County       6:32.80  
 10   417 Belt, Morgan        JR Union County           6:37.80  
 11    30 Chaykowsky, Cayce   06 Ballard Memorial       6:50.70  
 12   287 Logan, Emily        11 Madisonville           6:54.60  
 13   113 Johnson, Kaylea     05 Christian County       6:56.10  
 14   379 Chinn, Hope         SR Trigg County           6:57.30  
 15   117 Meacham, Brooklyn   08 Christian County      x7:04.00  
 16    34 Jones, Jessica      10 Ballard Memorial       7:04.20  
 17    64 Hughes, Erin           Caldwell County        7:08.80  
 18   289 Quinn, Amy          12 Madisonville           7:13.50  
Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   313 Mathis, Lindsey     11 Muhlenberg Co.        12:07.63   10   
  2   308 Beliles, Rachel     10 Muhlenberg Co.        13:12.02    8   
  3   357 Sparks, Kenzley     09 Murray                13:13.50    6   
  4   224 Easton, Meghan      06 Hopkinsville          13:16.67    5   
  5   288 Niestrath, Gabreil  11 Madisonville          13:27.96    4   
  6   315 Robards, Taylor Be  07 Muhlenberg Co.       x13:29.45  
  7   417 Belt, Morgan        JR Union County          14:10.47    3   
  8   360 Vogt, Sydney        09 Murray                14:18.27    2   
  9   188 Rickard, Hayleigh   09 Henderson County      14:27.86    1   
 10    30 Chaykowsky, Cayce   06 Ballard Memorial      16:22.56  
 11   185 Nunez, Elena        09 Henderson County      16:42.75  
 12    79 Richardson, Katrin     Caldwell County       16:43.89  
 13    56 Brown, Jade            Caldwell County       16:54.48  
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   174 Carter, Samantha    08 Henderson County         18.70   2  10   
  2   351 Homa, Yasmine       08 Murray                   18.80   2   8   
  3   178 Gentry, Kendall     12 Henderson County         19.20   2   6   
  4   106 Alexander, Alexiou  10 Christian County         20.00   2   5   
  5   420 McCallister, Jodie  SR Union County             20.90   1   4   
  6   356 Rowland, Jordyn     09 Murray                   21.20   2   3   
  7    63 Getz, Anna             Caldwell County          22.30   1   2   
  8   263 Harper, Brittany    11 Logan County             22.60   1   1   
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   286 Hampton, Taylor     10 Madisonville             51.05   2  10   
  2   351 Homa, Yasmine       08 Murray                   52.42   2   8   
  3   264 Hopkins, Claire     11 Logan County             54.19   2   6   
  4   109 Croney, Susie       10 Christian County         58.73   2   5   
  5   356 Rowland, Jordyn     09 Murray                 1:01.20   1   4   
  6    59 Clark, Cali            Caldwell County        1:06.07   1   3   
  7    34 Jones, Jessica      10 Ballard Memorial       1:07.27   1   2   
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Murray                                                52.82   10   
     1) 349 Bolin, Cammie Jo 12         2) 352 Hunt, Lindey 11            
     3) 358 Vance, Jessica 10           4) 350 Claywell, Catherine 12     
     5) 354 McDonald, Rachel 09         6) 351 Homa, Yasmine 08           
     7) 348 Bierbaum, Katie 10          8)                                
  2 Henderson County                                      55.80    8   
     1) 189 Weatherall, Laquisha 11     2) 171 Baker, Nika 09             
     3) 181 Hancock, Charity 09         4) 186 Outlaw, DeAsia 09          
     5) 179 Gibbs, Jayci 12             6) 191 Williams, Caroline 12      
     7) 174 Carter, Samantha 08         8) 178 Gentry, Kendall 12         
  3 Christian County                                      56.37    6   
     1) 114 Layne, Danietta 08          2) 107 Alexander, Tameka 09       
     3) 106 Alexander, Alexious 10      4) 108 Armstrong, Martajia 10     
     5) 110 Davis, O J 07               6) 118 Nicholls, Jaquasha 10      
  4 Hopkinsville                                          59.15    5   
     1) 217 Bennet, Taveca 09           2) 218 Benson, Deanna 11          
     3) 219 Boone, Zequoria 10          4) 221 Christian, Angel 06        
     5) 227 Forbes, Lori-Ann 11         6) 228 Hornbuckle, Jordyn 07      
     7) 229 Majors, Jakiera 10          8) 232 Rosado, Stephanie 10       
  5 Caldwell County                                     1:00.74    4   
     1) 80 Sims, Ali                    2) 71 Loomis, Tori                
     3) 58 Chambliss, Alyssa            4) 67 Kelley, Crystal             
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Murray                                              1:51.90   10   
     1) 352 Hunt, Lindey 11             2) 358 Vance, Jessica 10          
     3) 349 Bolin, Cammie Jo 12         4) 350 Claywell, Catherine 12     
     5) 354 McDonald, Rachel 09         6) 351 Homa, Yasmine 08           
     7) 348 Bierbaum, Katie 10          8)                                
  2 Christian County                                    2:01.30    8   
     1) 114 Layne, Danietta 08          2) 107 Alexander, Tameka 09       
     3) 121 Whitfield, Lexi 08          4) 106 Alexander, Alexious 10     
     5) 110 Davis, O J 07               6) 118 Nicholls, Jaquasha 10      
     7) 115 McCullough, Chayla 08       8)                                
  3 Logan County                                        2:02.40    6   
     1) 264 Hopkins, Claire 11          2) 265 Markham, Kelsey 11         
     3) 266 Martin, Jasmine 11          4) 267 Mayher, Hayley 11          
     5) 268 Thompson, Leah 11           6)                                
  4 Caldwell County                                     2:08.70    5   
     1) 80 Sims, Ali                    2) 71 Loomis, Tori                
     3) 58 Chambliss, Alyssa            4) 67 Kelley, Crystal             
  5 Hopkinsville                                        2:08.90    4   
     1)                                 2) 229 Majors, Jakiera 10         
     3) 228 Hornbuckle, Jordyn 07       4) 219 Boone, Zequoria 10         
     5) 227 Forbes, Lori-Ann 11         6) 217 Bennet, Taveca 09          
     7) 221 Christian, Angel 06         8)                                
  6 Muhlenberg County                                   2:10.10    3   
     1) 321 Vincent, Sara 10            2) 312 Luckett, Sarah 10          
     3) 320 Vincent, Kali 10            4) 307 Abshire, Sarah 10          
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Murray                                              4:42.59   10   
     1) 348 Bierbaum, Katie 10          2) 359 Vogt, Bethany 09           
     3) 361 Wilson, Claire 08           4) 351 Homa, Yasmine 08           
     5) 356 Rowland, Jordyn 09          6) 349 Bolin, Cammie Jo 12        
  2 Hopkinsville                                        4:44.90    8   
     1) 215 Baker, Ashley 12            2) 222 Christian, Aunye 10        
     3) 224 Easton, Meghan 06           4) 226 Felder, Lataviya 07        
     5) 228 Hornbuckle, Jordyn 07       6) 229 Majors, Jakiera 10         
     7) 231 O'Hara, Avery 06            8)                                
  3 Madisonville North Hopkins                          4:46.48    6   
     1) 285 Borders, Julia 10           2) 290 Stockton, Rachel 11        
     3) 286 Hampton, Taylor 10          4) 288 Niestrath, Gabreilla 11    
  4 Muhlenberg County                                   4:50.01    5   
     1) 320 Vincent, Kali 10            2) 311 Fueller, Alliah 11         
     3) 312 Luckett, Sarah 10           4) 319 Vincent, Bailey 08         
  5 Christian County                                    4:55.80    4   
     1) 107 Alexander, Tameka 09        2) 121 Whitfield, Lexi 08         
     3) 115 McCullough, Chayla 08       4) 111 Holmes, Rachel 09          
     5) 116 McGregory, KeKe 07          6) 112 Howard, Rhyne 06           
  6 Logan County                                        4:55.96    3   
     1) 264 Hopkins, Claire 11          2) 265 Markham, Kelsey 11         
     3) 267 Mayher, Hayley 11           4) 266 Martin, Jasmine 11         
     5) 268 Thompson, Leah 11           6) 263 Harper, Brittany 11        
  7 Caldwell County                                     5:17.51    2   
     1) 78 Reece, Abby                  2) 67 Kelley, Crystal             
     3) 77 Peek, Carli 06               4) 54 Boyd, A'Mya 07              
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Muhlenberg County                                  11:18.60   10   
     1) 319 Vincent, Bailey 08          2) 320 Vincent, Kali 10           
     3) 310 Estes, Autumn 07            4) 307 Abshire, Sarah 10          
  2 Madisonville North Hopkins                         11:30.00    8   
     1) 285 Borders, Julia 10           2) 290 Stockton, Rachel 11        
     3) 287 Logan, Emily 11             4) 288 Niestrath, Gabreilla 11    
  3 Christian County                                   11:48.60    6   
     1) 111 Holmes, Rachel 09           2) 116 McGregory, KeKe 07         
     3) 115 McCullough, Chayla 08       4) 121 Whitfield, Lexi 08         
     5) 113 Johnson, Kaylea 05          6) 117 Meacham, Brooklyn 08       
  4 Henderson County                                   12:02.60    5   
     1) 172 Bullock, Hannah 11          2) 177 Elliott, Allyson 08        
     3) 185 Nunez, Elena 09             4) 188 Rickard, Hayleigh 09       
     5) 183 Hester, Tori 10             6) 182 Hester, Kayleigh 11        
     7) 184 Meuth, Neal 10              8)                                
  5 Ballard Memorial                                   13:23.40    4   
     1) 32 Hargrove, Katey 10           2) 36 Meinschein, Emmy 11         
     3) 27 Ashworth, Haley 10           4) 34 Jones, Jessica 10           
     5) 30 Chaykowsky, Cayce 06         6) 28 Bohn, Haley 09              
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   350 Claywell, Catherin  12 Murray                 5-02.00   10   
  2   420 McCallister, Jodie  SR Union County           4-04.00    8   
  3   356 Rowland, Jordyn     09 Murray                 4-02.00    6   
  4    35 Lain, Michelle      12 Ballard Memorial       4-00.00    5   
  5    63 Getz, Anna             Caldwell County        3-10.00    4   
  6    71 Loomis, Tori           Caldwell County        3-08.00    3   
Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   351 Homa, Yasmine       08 Murray                 7-03.00   10   
  2   190 Wicker, Bethany     10 Henderson County       6-06.00    8    6 feet   pass
  3   377 Barnes, Valerie     SR Trigg County          J6-06.00    6    6 feet    XXO
  4   176 Deibler, Jenny      10 Henderson County       6-00.00    5   
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   349 Bolin, Cammie Jo    12 Murray                17-00.00   10   
  2    33 Jones, Brandi       11 Ballard Memorial      15-04.00    8   
  3   352 Hunt, Lindey        11 Murray                14-09.00    6   
  4   108 Armstrong, Martaji  10 Christian County      14-07.75    5   
  5   389 Mack, Shannon       FR Trigg County          13-07.00    4   
  6   173 Calhoun, Jasmine    11 Henderson County      13-03.00    3   
  7    31 Denton, Abbi        10 Ballard Memorial      13-02.00    2   
  8   109 Croney, Susie       10 Christian County      12-06.50    1    3rd best jump 12' 1"
  9   264 Hopkins, Claire     11 Logan County         J12-06.50   3rd best jump foul
 10   421 Williams, Shabria   FR Union County          12-02.00  
 11   221 Christian, Angel    06 Hopkinsville          12-01.00  
 11    59 Clark, Cali            Caldwell County       12-01.00  
 13   420 McCallister, Jodie  SR Union County          11-08.00  
 14   268 Thompson, Leah      11 Logan County          10-09.50  
Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    33 Jones, Brandi       11 Ballard Memorial      33-02.50   10   
  2   350 Claywell, Catherin  12 Murray                32-06.00    8   
  3   108 Armstrong, Martaji  10 Christian County      31-01.00    6   
  4   352 Hunt, Lindey        11 Murray                31-00.00    5   
  5   221 Christian, Angel    06 Hopkinsville          27-09.50    4   
  6   109 Croney, Susie       10 Christian County      27-02.00    3   
  7   173 Calhoun, Jasmine    11 Henderson County      26-02.50    2   
  8    59 Clark, Cali            Caldwell County       25-07.50    1   
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   353 Jackson, Venetia    10 Murray                31-07.50   10   
  2   175 Clark, Jonbenet     09 Henderson County      29-10.00    8   
  3   180 Gregory, Johnsha    11 Henderson County      29-02.00    6   
  4   220 Cabiness, Lexie     11 Hopkinsville          28-11.00    5   
  5   355 McDowell, Sarah     07 Murray                27-11.00    4   
  6   267 Mayher, Hayley      11 Logan County          27-02.00    3   
  7    37 Myers, Mallie       11 Ballard Memorial      27-01.00    2   
  8    68 Kendall, Jaycey        Caldwell County       26-08.00    1   
  9   262 Flatt, Krysten      09 Logan County          24-10.00  
 10   225 Edwards, Jazmyn     10 Hopkinsville          24-09.00  
 11    82 Traylor, Jordan        Caldwell County       22-07.75  
 12   316 Sanders, Ashten     12 Muhlenberg Co.        19-07.00  
 13   169 East, Shae          10 Frederick Fraize      19-06.00  
 14    29 Buchanon, Kayto     07 Ballard Memorial      19-01.00  
 15   394 Wilson, DeAsia      JR Trigg County          17-10.00  
 16   168 Brockway, Mary Bet  10 Frederick Fraize      16-00.00  
Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   180 Gregory, Johnsha    11 Henderson County         99-00   10   
  2   175 Clark, Jonbenet     09 Henderson County         95-09    8   
  3   355 McDowell, Sarah     07 Murray                   88-02    6   
  4    37 Myers, Mallie       11 Ballard Memorial         86-06    5   
  5   267 Mayher, Hayley      11 Logan County             86-04    4   
  6    68 Kendall, Jaycey        Caldwell County          73-01    3   
  7   391 Rakowski, Kaitlyn   SO Trigg County             71-03    2   
  8   262 Flatt, Krysten      09 Logan County             70-05    1   
  9   353 Jackson, Venetia    10 Murray                   68-09  
 10    73 Mimms, De'Arisha       Caldwell County          65-04  
 11   220 Cabiness, Lexie     11 Hopkinsville             62-03  
 12    29 Buchanon, Kayto     07 Ballard Memorial         56-11  
 13   287 Logan, Emily        11 Madisonville             56-08  
 14   316 Sanders, Ashten     12 Muhlenberg Co.           54-09  
 15   169 East, Shae          10 Frederick Fraize         52-05  
 16   225 Edwards, Jazmyn     10 Hopkinsville             46-07  
 17   168 Brockway, Mary Bet  10 Frederick Fraize         34-09  
Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   271 Collier, Avrey      12 Logan County             11.20   4  10   
  2   427 Harris, Silaf       JR Union County             11.30   1   8   
  3   122 Alexander, Jeffers  11 Christian County         11.80   4   6   
  4   212 Turner, Keyronn     12 Henderson County         11.88   3   5   
  5   133 Nichols, Devonte    12 Christian County         11.90   4   4   
  6   375 Therrell, Cody      12 Murray                   11.91   4   3   
  7    11 Hudson, Adonis      10 Apollo                   12.00   4   2   
  8   239 Kendrick, Terrence  10 Hopkinsville             12.10   3   1   
  9   202 Henigan, Robert     12 Henderson County         12.15   3 
 10   366 Fields, Bob         12 Murray                   12.20   4 
 11   234 Bell, Robert        11 Hopkinsville             12.30   3 
 12   334 Mason, Anthony      11 Muhlenberg Co.           12.50   3 
 13    49 Owsley, Cash        09 Ballard Memorial         12.70   3 
 14   326 Clay, Maurice       10 Muhlenberg Co.           12.80   2 
 15    87 Cain, Dee              Caldwell County          13.00   1 
 16    43 Hill, Fontez        12 Ballard Memorial         13.40   2 
 17   280 Rostampour, Brenna  10 Logan County             13.50   3 
 17   259 Rostampour, Collin  09 Logan "b"                13.50   2 
 19   300 Staggs, Josiah      09 Madisonville             15.50   2 
 20    99 Parks, Daniel          Caldwell County          15.80   1 
 --   297 Hines, Deonte       12 Madisonville                DQ   3 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   271 Collier, Avrey      12 Logan County             23.08   4  10   
  2   427 Harris, Silaf       JR Union County             23.82   2   8   
  3   194 Baker, Gavont       12 Henderson County         24.09   2   6   
  4   239 Kendrick, Terrence  10 Hopkinsville             24.29   4   5   
  5   122 Alexander, Jeffers  11 Christian County         24.45   4   4   
  6   366 Fields, Bob         12 Murray                   24.61   4   3   
  7   140 Smith, Isaiah       08 Christian County         24.72   3   2   
  8   270 Cole, Dylan         11 Logan County             24.86   4   1   
  9   375 Therrell, Cody      12 Murray                   24.93   4 
 10   210 Tuck, Anothony      11 Henderson County         25.37   3 
 11    40 Dunning, Ethan      09 Ballard Memorial         26.19   3 
 12   153 Douglas, Bradley    10 Daviess County           26.43   2 
 13    49 Owsley, Cash        09 Ballard Memorial         26.64   3 
 14   167 Thomson, Michael    10 Daviess County           27.66   1 
 15   431 Lewis, Wesley       10 Apollo                   28.43   3 
 16   261 Vanderpool, Blake   10 Logan "b"                28.52   1 
 17    89 Getz, Alan             Caldwell County          28.94   2 
 18   337 Pierce, Aaron       09 Muhlenberg Co.           29.92   1 
 19    99 Parks, Daniel          Caldwell County          32.33   1 
 20   293 Chumley, Sam        09 Madisonville             32.91   2 
 21   301 Tackett, Stuart     08 Madisonville             36.24   2 
Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   159 Morris, Wes         12 Daviess County           52.39   4  10   
  2   164 Shears, Aaron       12 Daviess County           53.07   4   8   
  3   281 Spencer, Colton     11 Logan County             53.60   4   6   
  4    38 Bledsoe, Dre        09 Ballard Memorial         54.27   4   5   
  5   270 Cole, Dylan         11 Logan County             55.12   4   4   
  6   207 Sohne, Zach         11 Henderson County         55.63   4   3   
  7    23 Patterson, Tristan  09 Apollo                   56.14   3   2   
  8    21 Morris, Bryson      08 Apollo                   56.76   3   1   
  9   364 Cashion, JD         08 Murray                   57.66   2 
 10   138 Sells, Kenneth      09 Christian County         58.23   3 
 11   369 McGee, Daniel       10 Murray                   58.89   3 
 12   299 McClearn, Parker    10 Madisonville           1:02.07   2 
 13   135 Reagan, Chance      11 Christian County       1:02.71   3 
 14    51 Suiter, Logan       09 Ballard Memorial       1:03.05   2 
 15   305 Willard, Luke       10 Madisonville           1:04.66   2 
 16   255 McCormick, Will     11 Logan "b"              1:05.11   1 
 17   346 Woodruff, Issac     09 Muhlenberg Co.         1:06.98   2 
 18    88 Gaither, Zach          Caldwell County        1:08.15   1 
 19   251 Gregory, Andrew     09 Logan "b"              1:10.34   2 
Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    22 O'Bryan, Alex       11 Apollo                 2:03.91   10   
  2   274 Head, Sye           11 Logan County           2:05.21    8   
  3   330 Geary, Chase        10 Muhlenberg Co.         2:09.34    6   
  4   213 Wilson, Kyle        11 Henderson County       2:12.63    5   
  5   292 Ashby, Evan         12 Madisonville           2:12.74    4   
  6   333 Mariney, Dan        08 Muhlenberg Co.         2:16.25    3   
  7   400 Cunningham, Romain  JR Trigg County           2:16.89    2   
  8   341 Sorrels, Hayden     11 Muhlenberg Co.        x2:18.26  
  9   303 Whitfield, Caleb    09 Madisonville           2:21.69    1   
 10   374 Taylor, Quinnen     10 Murray                 2:22.30  
 11   103 Traylor, Charlie       Caldwell County        2:22.92  
 12   422 Burnette, Seth      SR Union County           2:24.82  
 13   138 Sells, Kenneth      09 Christian County       2:25.89  
 14   163 Rowe, Arch          11 Daviess County         2:26.41  
 15   249 Eicher, Kelly       09 Logan "b"              2:28.24  
 16   428 Shockley, Jonathan  JR Union County           2:29.63  
 17   415 Pugh, Austin        SO Trigg County           2:31.41  
 18   273 Ford, Cory          09 Logan County           2:33.54  
 19   196 Busby, Billy        12 Henderson County       2:35.50  
 20   104 Walls, AJ              Caldwell County        2:44.60  
 21   251 Gregory, Andrew     09 Logan "b"              2:45.14  
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   330 Geary, Chase        10 Muhlenberg Co.         4:32.70   10   
  2    22 O'Bryan, Alex       11 Apollo                 4:40.30    8   
  3   130 Hurd, Logan         10 Christian County       4:46.90    6   
  4   165 Southard, Daniel    10 Daviess County         4:51.10    5   
  5   161 Quisenberry, Camer  11 Daviess County         4:53.10    4   
  6   213 Wilson, Kyle        11 Henderson County       4:55.50    3   
  7   292 Ashby, Evan         12 Madisonville           5:05.90    2   
  8    25 Vance, Phillip      09 Apollo                 5:08.40    1   
  9   272 Crossley, Levi      09 Logan County           5:10.80  
 10   241 Longstreath, Kenny  10 Hopkinsville           5:11.80  
 11   374 Taylor, Quinnen     10 Murray                 5:12.80  
 12   422 Burnette, Seth      SR Union County           5:17.50  
 13   373 Speed, Steven       12 Murray                 5:22.90  
 14   296 Higgins, Ben        09 Madisonville           5:24.60  
 15   273 Ford, Cory          09 Logan County           5:25.50  
 16   123 Clark, Brandon      10 Christian County       5:28.90  
 17   415 Pugh, Austin        SO Trigg County           5:30.10  
 18   428 Shockley, Jonathan  JR Union County           5:32.10  
 19   343 Walton, Dylan       10 Muhlenberg Co.         5:32.80  
 20   398 Chinn, Matthew      SO Trigg County           5:37.70  
 21   204 Meuth, Taylor       10 Henderson County       5:44.20  
 22   254 Lyne, Thomas        07 Logan "b"              5:57.30  
 23    91 Hammons, Kaleb         Caldwell County        6:13.90  
 24    42 Giles, Ben          09 Ballard Memorial       6:23.60  
 25    10 Grimes, Michael     09 Apollo                x6:30.10  
 26   100 Simmons, Cory          Caldwell County        7:13.50  
Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   130 Hurd, Logan         10 Christian County      10:26.92   10   
  2    19 Meserve, Landon     11 Apollo                10:45.90    8   
  3   213 Wilson, Kyle        11 Henderson County      10:55.43    6   
  4    14 Lambert, Mason      11 Apollo                11:01.34    5   
  5   162 Roberts, Jacob      10 Daviess County        11:04.55    4   
  6   283 Thomas, Noah        11 Logan County          11:06.97    3   
  7   241 Longstreath, Kenny  10 Hopkinsville          11:22.72    2   
  8   325 Campbell, Atlee     09 Muhlenberg Co.        11:44.07    1   
  9   368 Margle, Bryce       07 Murray                11:46.25  
 10   127 Crossett, Jon       11 Christian County      11:54.30  
 11   249 Eicher, Kelly       09 Logan "b"             11:58.62  
 12   306 Winstead, Ethan     11 Madisonville          12:08.70  
 13   343 Walton, Dylan       10 Muhlenberg Co.        12:11.56  
 14   428 Shockley, Jonathan  JR Union County          12:12.28  
 15   131 Lancaster, Alex     08 Christian County     x12:12.72  
 16   254 Lyne, Thomas        07 Logan "b"             12:23.06  
 17   204 Meuth, Taylor       10 Henderson County      12:34.92  
 18   236 Easton, Tyler       08 Hopkinsville          13:11.94  
 19   322 Abshire, Nicholas   07 Muhlenberg Co.       x14:07.25  
 20   430 Wilson, Dylan       FR Union County          15:26.17  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   271 Collier, Avrey      12 Logan County             16.80   2  10   
  2     8 Duvall, Ryan        10 Apollo                   16.90   2   8   
  3   362 Anderson, Lucas     11 Murray                   18.40   2   6   
  4   326 Clay, Maurice       10 Muhlenberg Co.           18.70   1   5   
  5   279 Rone, Justin        11 Logan County             18.80   2   4   
  6   363 Boone, Dylan        10 Murray                   19.00   2   3   
  7   126 Cooper, Lance       10 Christian County         19.10   1   2   
  8    19 Meserve, Landon     11 Apollo                   19.50   1   1   
  9   323 Bidwell, Taylor     10 Muhlenberg Co.           20.80   1 
 10    45 Meyer, Cody         11 Ballard Memorial         22.60   1 
 11    41 Fondaw, Michael     09 Ballard Memorial         23.10   1 
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   362 Anderson, Lucas     11 Murray                   43.77   3  10   
  2     8 Duvall, Ryan        10 Apollo                   46.05   3   8   
  3   279 Rone, Justin        11 Logan County             46.48   3   6   
  4   363 Boone, Dylan        10 Murray                   46.64   3   5   
  5   275 Hendrix, Jerry      11 Logan County             47.76   2   4   
  6   326 Clay, Maurice       10 Muhlenberg Co.           48.98   3   3   
  7   192 Armstead, Jordan    11 Henderson County         49.72   3   2   
  8    45 Meyer, Cody         11 Ballard Memorial         49.76   2   1   
  9   338 Pyle, Christian     11 Muhlenberg Co.           49.94   3 
 10   126 Cooper, Lance       10 Christian County         50.05   2 
 11   370 Orr, Stephen        11 Murray                  x50.61   3 
 12    17 McKenzie, Jereal    09 Apollo                   52.74   2 
 13    53 Taber, Darrin       08 Ballard Memorial         52.87   1 
 14   143 Adkins, Tyler       11 Daviess County           53.27   2 
 15   257 Parsons, Phineas    12 Logan "b"                55.69   1 
 16   125 Cooper, Chris       08 Christian County         56.22   2 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Henderson County                                      45.69   2  10   
     1) 210 Tuck, Anothony 11           2) 212 Turner, Keyronn 12         
     3) 203 Langley, Jermain 12         4) 193 Arnett, Jeremy 11          
     5) 192 Armstead, Jordan 11         6) 197 Chappell, Keilean 11       
     7) 211 Tuck, Kevin 11              8) 202 Henigan, Robert 12         
  2 Union County                                          46.83   1   8   
     1) 425 Flemming, Jashaud SO        2) 427 Harris, Silaf JR           
     3) 422 Burnette, Seth SR           4) 426 Foster, Jarrell SO         
     5) 424 Ellison, Shawn FR           6)                                
  3 Logan County                                          47.65   2   6   
     1) 275 Hendrix, Jerry 11           2) 279 Rone, Justin 11            
     3) 282 Sydnor, Michael 10          4) 280 Rostampour, Brennan 10     
     5) 281 Spencer, Colton 11          6) 277 Parsons, Phineas 12        
  4 Murray                                                47.80   2   5   
     1) 372 Snellen, Drew 11            2) 375 Therrell, Cody 12          
     3) 363 Boone, Dylan 10             4) 366 Fields, Bob 12             
     5) 364 Cashion, JD 08              6) 370 Orr, Stephen 11            
     7) 362 Anderson, Lucas 11          8)                                
  5 Christian County                                      47.83   2   4   
     1) 122 Alexander, Jefferson 11     2) 133 Nichols, Devonte 12        
     3) 141 Turner, Remariae 12         4) 140 Smith, Isaiah 08           
     5) 134 Nichols, Shaquon 10         6)                                
  6 Daviess County                                        48.78   2   3   
     1) 166 Thomas, Kavonta 10          2) 152 Cox, Zach 12               
     3) 157 Jones, Darren 10            4) 158 Mathew, Blaine 12          
     5) 145 Barker, Chase 12            6)                                
  7 Trigg County                                          49.22   2   2   
     1) 412 Nance, Deonquez JR          2) 411 Mitcheson, Taylor JR       
     3) 413 Nance, DeVonte SR           4) 406 Jones, Jayven SO           
     5) 400 Cunningham, Romaine JR      6) 399 Cunningham, Devanie FR     
     7) 401 Durham, Austin JR           8) 397 Brown, Garrett JR          
  8 Ballard Memorial                                      52.24   1   1   
     1) 49 Owsley, Cash 09              2) 40 Dunning, Ethan 09           
     3) 44 McGowan, Steven 09           4) 47 Neeley, Bubba 09            
     5) 38 Bledsoe, Dre 09              6) 39 Bledsoe, Jabarie 08         
     7) 43 Hill, Fontez 12              8)                                
  9 Logan Co. "b"                                         52.81   1 
     1) 252 Hall, Jared 11              2) 260 Stratton, Mason 11         
     3) 259 Rostampour, Collin 09       4) 258 Parsons, Spencer 10        
     5) 248 Baldwin, Aaron 11           6) 251 Gregory, Andrew 09         
 10 Muhlenberg County                                     55.03   1 
     1) 324 Burden, Clay 09             2) 339 Samek, Elijah 09           
     3) 337 Pierce, Aaron 09            4) 327 Davis, Tristen 09          
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Logan County                                        1:34.20   2  10   
     1) 270 Cole, Dylan 11              2) 278 Rogers, Barrett 12         
     3) 281 Spencer, Colton 11          4) 282 Sydnor, Michael 10         
     5) 280 Rostampour, Brennan 10      6) 279 Rone, Justin 11            
  2 Henderson County                                    1:36.00   2   8   
     1) 212 Turner, Keyronn 12          2) 194 Baker, Gavont 12           
     3) 193 Arnett, Jeremy 11           4) 203 Langley, Jermain 12        
     5) 197 Chappell, Keilean 11        6) 210 Tuck, Anothony 11          
     7) 211 Tuck, Kevin 11              8) 202 Henigan, Robert 12         
  3 Daviess County                                      1:37.30   2   6   
     1) 166 Thomas, Kavonta 10          2) 157 Jones, Darren 10           
     3) 159 Morris, Wes 12              4) 152 Cox, Zach 12               
     5) 164 Shears, Aaron 12            6)                                
  4 Christian County                                    1:37.70   2   5   
     1) 122 Alexander, Jefferson 11     2) 133 Nichols, Devonte 12        
     3) 140 Smith, Isaiah 08            4) 134 Nichols, Shaquon 10        
     5) 139 Shanklin, Jon 11            6)                                
  5 Murray                                              1:38.20   2   4   
     1) 364 Cashion, JD 08              2) 366 Fields, Bob 12             
     3) 362 Anderson, Lucas 11          4) 375 Therrell, Cody 12          
     5) 372 Snellen, Drew 11            6) 370 Orr, Stephen 11            
     7) 363 Boone, Dylan 10             8) 373 Speed, Steven 12           
  6 Trigg County                                        1:39.60   2   3   
     1) 412 Nance, Deonquez JR          2) 413 Nance, DeVonte SR          
     3) 409 Martin, Jakelze SR          4) 400 Cunningham, Romaine JR     
     5) 399 Cunningham, Devanie FR      6) 397 Brown, Garrett JR          
     7) 401 Durham, Austin JR           8) 406 Jones, Jayven SO           
  7 Apollo                                              1:42.30   2   2   
     1) 3 Butler, Anthony 12            2) 5 Dillard, CJ 10               
     3) 6 Dillard, Elijah 12            4) 11 Hudson, Adonis 10           
     5) 15 Lee, Ross 11                 6) 20 Milligan, Hunter 09         
     7) 26 Whittemore, Tre 10           8) 21 Morris, Bryson 08           
  8 Muhlenberg County                                   1:44.10   1   1   
     1) 328 Deason, Chase 10            2) 334 Mason, Anthony 11          
     3) 333 Mariney, Dan 08             4) 345 Whitehouse, Dillen 12      
     5) 323 Bidwell, Taylor 10          6) 326 Clay, Maurice 10           
     7) 347 Zach, Hayward 11            8)                                
  9 Ballard Memorial                                    1:45.50   1 
     1) 49 Owsley, Cash 09              2) 47 Neeley, Bubba 09            
     3) 44 McGowan, Steven 09           4) 43 Hill, Fontez 12             
     5) 40 Dunning, Ethan 09            6) 38 Bledsoe, Dre 09             
     7) 39 Bledsoe, Jabarie 08          8)                                
 10 Logan Co. "b"                                       1:51.60   1 
     1) 261 Vanderpool, Blake 10        2) 260 Stratton, Mason 11         
     3) 259 Rostampour, Collin 09       4) 258 Parsons, Spencer 10        
     5) 248 Baldwin, Aaron 11           6) 251 Gregory, Andrew 09         
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Daviess County                                      3:39.76   2  10   
     1) 150 Cecil, James 10             2) 159 Morris, Wes 12             
     3) 164 Shears, Aaron 12            4) 166 Thomas, Kavonta 10         
     5) 153 Douglas, Bradley 10         6)                                
  2 Henderson County                                    3:42.60   2   8   
     1) 194 Baker, Gavont 12            2) 207 Sohne, Zach 11             
     3) 208 Stauffer, Jacob 09          4) 193 Arnett, Jeremy 11          
     5) 201 Fredrick, Logan 09          6) 197 Chappell, Keilean 11       
     7) 203 Langley, Jermain 12         8) 192 Armstead, Jordan 11        
  3 Logan County                                        3:48.52   2   6   
     1) 278 Rogers, Barrett 12          2) 281 Spencer, Colton 11         
     3) 282 Sydnor, Michael 10          4) 270 Cole, Dylan 11             
     5) 274 Head, Sye 11                6) 271 Collier, Avrey 12          
     7) 269 Baldwin, Aaron 11           8) 275 Hendrix, Jerry 11          
  4 Christian County                                    4:00.53   2   5   
     1) 134 Nichols, Shaquon 10         2) 138 Sells, Kenneth 09          
     3) 139 Shanklin, Jon 11            4) 140 Smith, Isaiah 08           
     5) 132 Lancaster, Kyle 12          6) 135 Reagan, Chance 11          
  5 Ballard Memorial                                    4:01.30   1   4   
     1) 45 Meyer, Cody 11               2) 38 Bledsoe, Dre 09             
     3) 47 Neeley, Bubba 09             4) 51 Suiter, Logan 09            
     5) 44 McGowan, Steven 09           6) 49 Owsley, Cash 09             
     7) 43 Hill, Fontez 12              8)                                
  6 Muhlenberg County                                   4:01.90   2   3   
     1) 341 Sorrels, Hayden 11          2) 333 Mariney, Dan 08            
     3) 332 Krawiec, Chad 08            4) 345 Whitehouse, Dillen 12      
     5) 322 Abshire, Nicholas 07        6) 340 Sheppherd, Andy 10         
     7) 329 Dixon, Gunner 10            8) 331 Harris, Taylor 07          
  7 Murray                                              4:02.23   2   2   
     1) 364 Cashion, JD 08              2) 369 McGee, Daniel 10           
     3) 374 Taylor, Quinnen 10          4) 373 Speed, Steven 12           
  8 Madisonville North Hopkins                          4:33.31   1   1   
     1) 299 McClearn, Parker 10         2) 298 Martin, Freddie 10         
     3) 294 Collins, Noah 08            4) 295 Hall, Zach 08              
     5) 302 Waide, Jonathan 10          6) 303 Whitfield, Caleb 09        
     7) 304 Whitfield, Zach 07          8) 305 Willard, Luke 10           
  9 Caldwell County                                     4:44.78   1 
     1) 88 Gaither, Zach                2) 84 Ashley, Max                 
     3) 91 Hammons, Kaleb               4) 104 Walls, AJ                  
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Logan County                                        8:42.00   10   
     1) 274 Head, Sye 11                2) 278 Rogers, Barrett 12         
     3) 281 Spencer, Colton 11          4) 283 Thomas, Noah 11            
     5) 272 Crossley, Levi 09           6) 273 Ford, Cory 09              
  2 Henderson County                                    8:59.20    8   
     1) 208 Stauffer, Jacob 09          2) 207 Sohne, Zach 11             
     3) 213 Wilson, Kyle 11             4) 204 Meuth, Taylor 10           
     5) 205 Price, Caleb 10             6) 195 Boehni, Jonas 11           
     7) 196 Busby, Billy 12             8) 201 Fredrick, Logan 09         
  3 Madisonville North Hopkins                          9:30.40    6   
     1) 292 Ashby, Evan 12              2) 296 Higgins, Ben 09            
     3) 303 Whitfield, Caleb 09         4) 305 Willard, Luke 10           
     5) 298 Martin, Freddie 10          6) 295 Hall, Zach 08              
     7) 299 McClearn, Parker 10         8) 302 Waide, Jonathan 10         
  4 Daviess County                                      9:35.20    5   
     1) 149 Cavender, Hunter 10         2) 148 Carpenter, Grant 09        
     3) 163 Rowe, Arch 11               4) 151 Cooper, McKay 10           
     5) 162 Roberts, Jacob 10           6) 153 Douglas, Bradley 10        
  5 Christian County                                    9:53.20    4   
     1) 123 Clark, Brandon 10           2) 136 Scott, Brandon 10          
     3) 135 Reagan, Chance 11           4) 127 Crossett, Jon 11           
     5) 139 Shanklin, Jon 11            6) 138 Sells, Kenneth 09          
  6 Muhlenberg County                                  10:30.40    3   
     1) 343 Walton, Dylan 10            2) 325 Campbell, Atlee 09         
     3) 332 Krawiec, Chad 08            4) 327 Davis, Tristen 09          
     5) 329 Dixon, Gunner 10            6) 331 Harris, Taylor 07          
     7) 335 McCay, Joseph 08            8) 347 Zach, Hayward 11           
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   234 Bell, Robert        11 Hopkinsville           5-06.00   10   
  2   409 Martin, Jakelze     SR Trigg County          J5-06.00    8   
  3   201 Fredrick, Logan     09 Henderson County       5-04.00    6   
  4   424 Ellison, Shawn      FR Union County          J5-04.00    5   
  5   275 Hendrix, Jerry      11 Logan County           5-02.00    4   
  6   146 Boling, Jesse       11 Daviess County         5-00.00    3   
  7    87 Cain, Dee              Caldwell County       J5-00.00    2   
  8   104 Walls, AJ              Caldwell County        4-04.00    1   
Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   370 Orr, Stephen        11 Murray                12-00.00   10   
  2   362 Anderson, Lucas     11 Murray                 9-00.00    8   
  3   398 Chinn, Matthew      SO Trigg County           8-06.00    6   
 --   145 Barker, Chase       12 Daviess County              NH  
 --   147 Brumley, Hunter     10 Daviess County              NH  
 --   410 Martin, Richard     JR Trigg County                NH  
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   426 Foster, Jarrell     SO Union County          20-02.00   10   
  2   425 Flemming, Jashaud   SO Union County          19-09.25    8   
  3   409 Martin, Jakelze     SR Trigg County          19-09.00    6   
  4   134 Nichols, Shaquon    10 Christian County      19-05.25    5   
  5   406 Jones, Jayven       SO Trigg County          19-03.00    4   
  6   279 Rone, Justin        11 Logan County          18-01.00    3   
  7   202 Henigan, Robert     12 Henderson County      17-06.00    2   
  8    38 Bledsoe, Dre        09 Ballard Memorial      17-04.25    1   
  9    87 Cain, Dee              Caldwell County       17-03.00  
  9   210 Tuck, Anothony      11 Henderson County      17-03.00  
 11    21 Morris, Bryson      08 Apollo                17-01.50  
 12    23 Patterson, Tristan  09 Apollo                16-09.00  
 13   146 Boling, Jesse       11 Daviess County        16-08.00  
 14   246 Stevens, Sam        10 Hopkinsville          16-03.00  
 15    43 Hill, Fontez        12 Ballard Memorial      16-01.50  
 16   235 Bennett, Markail    11 Hopkinsville          15-04.00  
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   409 Martin, Jakelze     SR Trigg County          41-07.00   10   
  2   426 Foster, Jarrell     SO Union County          41-02.50    8   
  3   406 Jones, Jayven       SO Trigg County          39-02.00    6   
  4   373 Speed, Steven       12 Murray                38-08.50    5   
  5   425 Flemming, Jashaud   SO Union County          38-06.00    4   
  6   246 Stevens, Sam        10 Hopkinsville          38-00.00    3   
  7   282 Sydnor, Michael     10 Logan County          37-08.00    2   
  8   334 Mason, Anthony      11 Muhlenberg Co.        36-03.00    1   
  9    39 Bledsoe, Jabarie    08 Ballard Memorial      35-09.00  
 10    21 Morris, Bryson      08 Apollo                34-08.00  
 11    43 Hill, Fontez        12 Ballard Memorial      34-03.00  
 12   197 Chappell, Keilean   11 Henderson County      33-06.00  
 13   235 Bennett, Markail    11 Hopkinsville          33-01.00  
 14   209 Thomas, Carson      10 Henderson County      27-07.00  
 15   125 Cooper, Chris       08 Christian County      27-06.00  
 16    84 Ashley, Max            Caldwell County       25-07.00  
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   160 Parker, Tyler       12 Daviess County        43-00.00   10   
  2   156 Johnson, Chris      10 Daviess County        42-00.00    8   
  3    46 Myers, Nathan       12 Ballard Memorial      39-09.50    6   
  4   276 Johnson, Aaron      12 Logan County          38-03.00    5   
  5   206 Rosenhamer, Aaron   12 Henderson County      36-06.00    4   
  6    13 Ladd, Jason         09 Apollo                36-00.00    3   
  7   342 Sumner, Richard     10 Muhlenberg Co.        35-09.00    2   
  8   284 Wood, Tyler         11 Logan County          35-07.00    1   
  9   406 Jones, Jayven       SO Trigg County          33-08.00  
 10   432 Skinner, Rodney     12 Murray                33-06.00  
 11   367 Lankford, Will      10 Murray                33-05.00  
 12    87 Cain, Dee              Caldwell County       33-02.00  
 13   240 Killebrew, Lesel    11 Hopkinsville          33-00.00   second best throw 32
 14    20 Milligan, Hunter    09 Apollo               J33-00.00   second best throw 30
 15   250 Givens, Dylan       11 Logan "b"             32-09.50  
 16   402 Greer, Tim          SR Trigg County          32-08.00  
 17   235 Bennett, Markail    11 Hopkinsville          32-02.50  
 18   434 Stewart, Austin        Muhlenberg Co.        31-00.00  
 19   252 Hall, Jared         11 Logan "b"             30-10.00  
 20   433 Nonweiler, Dalton   10 Apollo               x29-10.00  
 21    98 Parker, James          Caldwell County       27-00.00  
Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   160 Parker, Tyler       12 Daviess County          127-07   10   
  2   276 Johnson, Aaron      12 Logan County            125-00    8   
  3   284 Wood, Tyler         11 Logan County            120-07    6   
  4   342 Sumner, Richard     10 Muhlenberg Co.          117-04    5   
  5    46 Myers, Nathan       12 Ballard Memorial        114-07    4   
  6   206 Rosenhamer, Aaron   12 Henderson County        106-04    3   
  7   152 Cox, Zach           12 Daviess County          105-11    2   
  8   367 Lankford, Will      10 Murray                  104-00    1   
  9     4 Collins, Hunter     09 Apollo                   99-11  
 10     8 Duvall, Ryan        10 Apollo                   96-04  
 11   405 Johnson, Zach       SR Trigg County             92-11  
 12   253 Landreth, Jake      10 Logan "b"                89-03  
 13   240 Killebrew, Lesel    11 Hopkinsville             86-04  
 14   371 Roth, Luke          09 Murray                   79-02  
 15   340 Sheppherd, Andy     10 Muhlenberg Co.           74-08  
 16    98 Parker, James          Caldwell County          74-00