7 Questions with Nathan Liversedge

1) Three Goals for this upcoming season.

Three goals I have for this next season are
1) win state
2) run the fastest time in the state
3) qualify for Footlocker Nationals

2) Describe West Jessamine as a team.

Though we\'re not the best team out there, I wouldn\'t trade my team for anything. We have a great coach, get along really well together and have a lot of fun throughout the season. Everyone has different personalities and abilities which all together make a great team experience.

3) What event do you like the best? (XC, 800, 1600, 3200)

I\'d have to say my favorite race is the 1600 because of the mixture of distance and speed which I believe suits my personal running style. It\'s long enough so my endurance comes into play but at the same time short enough that the race is fast and exciting.

4) What colleges are you looking at for next year?

I will be applying to the Naval Academy for sure, but other than that I\'m still not very sure. If I went in state, it would probably be to either UK or U of L.

5) How do you get prepared for a big race?

I make sure to get plenty of sleep the few nights before, eat lots of carbs, and stay hydrated. The night before I go for a short run and then stretch for about 15-20 minutes. The day of the race I eat light in the morning and drink a lot. Mentally, I envision the race, my main competition, and myself crossing the line.

6) What is your most memorable race you have run so far in your high school career?

Probably the Bulldog Invitational at U of L this past year. I got to the track just in time to sign in and walk out on the track for the mile. I was nervous considering I hadn\'t warmed up or stretched but ended up running a 4.20. This was a big PR and I felt really relaxed during the race.

7) Favorite course:

I like the Horse Park simply because I always run well there, but also the Archives in Frankfort just because of its legendary hill.