Where should the Kentucky State Track Meet be? Louisville or Lexington
With the 2013 track season comes the opening of the brand new track facility at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. I have not seen the facility, but have seen pictures and it is a beautiful set-up. The State Meet had always been held at UK until it was moved to Paul Dunbar High School in 2006 & 2007. Since the 2008 the University of Louisville has stepped up and hosted at their own excellent facility which has produced the fastest times in state meet history (multiple records broke each year.)
The question now begins where should the Kentucky State Track Meet be held, both towns Louisville and Lexington want it. The surge of money from hotels, food, and gas would be a great addition to any local economy. The last five years have seen record crowds with the meet held in the area of the state with by far the most schools concentrated around it. Does a move to Lexington hurt the crowds, which hurts the ticket gate? Which town is willing to give more on the front end, maybe rooms for the officials? The KHSAA will take that all into account in their decision in their decision for 2014.
But let's hear the fans and coaches perspective, where do you want it to be and why?
Kentucky State Track Meet