February 21, 2015 @ Nutter Fieldhouse in Lexington, KY
SANCTIONING: The University of Kentucky High School Invitational is sanctioned by USA Track & Field (USATF) and hosted by the Kentucky Milers' Club, a USATF club.
USATF sanctioning REQUIRES all entered athletes and their parent or legal guardian sign the Kentucky Invitational Liability Waiver. See page 3 of this meet information. Print the Liability Waiver page and send signed waivers BEFORE the entry deadline 9:00pm ~ Tuesday, February 17. If meet management does not have your signed waiver on Tuesday, February 17 you will not be entered into the competition and entry fees will not be reimbursed. Send a waiver NOW, even if you are just considering entering the meet
FAX signed waivers to Kristy Garrett at 859 323 0025
EMAIL scanned signed waivers to Kristy Garrett at
MAIL waivers to Kristy Garrett, Joe Craft Center, 338 Lexington Avenue, Lex. KY 40506
ENTRIES: Entry consideration into the Kentucky Invitational is open to any high school age athlete regardless of state of residence. Depending on each state's high school athletic association's eligibility rules, athletes may compete as members of their high school team, a track club or as unattached competitors. Individual membership in USATF is not required. The Kentucky Invitational is intended to be a quality competition with selective entries based on previous, verifiable individual performances. The entry limitations in each event are intended to ensure a quality competition in a timely, efficient format. Since the Kentucky Invitational is a selective entry competition rather than an open or all-comers meet, submitting an entry with an entry fee does not guarantee acceptance into the meet. Prior to entering, please check the entry guideline page (performance average of the last accepted entries in 2014,'13 & '12) to determine the likelihood of being accepted into the competition. Originally we refunded entry fees of athletes not accepted into the meet, but too many people ignored the entry guidelines and refunding all those fees created an administrative hassle we are unwilling to bear. Therefore, we will not refund entry fees for athletes not accepted into the meet. To assist everyone with entry decisions and to keep the competition high in quality, we will hold very closely to the entry limitations listed on the Kentucky Invitational Schedule of Events.
HOW TO ENTER: All entries must be submitted through DIRECT ATHLETICS by the February 17 entry deadline. If you do not have an account, please set up and individual athlete or a team account as soon as possible.
Entry deadline will be at 9:00pm eastern time on the Tuesday February 17
IMPORTANT: For entry into the 60m and 60m hurdles, the online entry form list the 100 meters and the 100m/110m hurdles events ... please use your athlete's best 100 meter or 100m/110m hurdle times for entry into the 60m and 60m hurdles. In the past we've received both indoor and outdoor performances and we do not want to convert times. To ensure the validity of entry performances, YOU MUST enter your athletes with accurate performances. Parents and coaches will be asked to indicate the meet, date and location where the entry performance was achieved. Additionally, the Kentucky Invitational "Challenge Rule" will be available. If a coach or parent has reason to believe an athlete has been entered with an inaccurate performance, the coach or parent may challenge that performance by contacting Don Weber at If the performance in question cannot be verified, the athlete will be re-seeded or rejected. If accepted athletes scratch, other athletes will move up the list to fill all events with the appropriate number of competitors. Enter field event performances in feet and inches.
ENTRY FEES: Entry fees must be paid on line through Direct Athletics, our on-line entry service. Entry fees are twelve dollars ($12) per athlete, per event in individual events, PLUS forty dollars ($40.) for relay teams
AWARDS: Kentucky Invitational Medals will be awarded to the top three (3) finishers in each event.
PRE-MEET WORKOUTS: The Nutter Field House will be available for pre-meet workouts between 6:00 pm -- 8:00 pm on Friday, February 20. Start list and updated meet information will be posted on Friday, during the workout period and on the meet website: The field house will close at 8:00 pm!
CONDUCT OF COMPETITION: Due to insurance regulations, a coach, parent or designated school representative must accompany athletes to the meet. All running events, except the 60 meters and 60m hurdles, will be contested as sections against time finals. Sections, heats, lanes, and flights of competition in field events will be seeded according to entry times / distances and other available performance information. In all events, the first section or flight will be the top seeded section. All long/ triple jumpers and shot put/weight contestants will receive four (4) final attempts. A tentative time schedule is enclosed. The "no false start" rule will be in effect. Starting Heights: M-PV (11'05") ~ W-PV (8'06") ~ M-HJ (5'08") ~ W-HJ (4'09")
NUTTER FIELD HOUSE LOCATION: Nutter Field House is located on the south side of the UK campus between Alumni and Cooper Drives, next to Commonwealth Football Stadium. Address: 1401 Sports Center Drive, 40506
TEAM CAMPS: All teams should establish a "team camp" in the area designated on the infield of the track. Athletes are not allowed in bleacher seating.Seating is reserved for spectators and coaches
WARM-UP LOGISTICS: Athletes must warm-up outdoors or in the designed area on the track infield. Warming-up on the track is not allowed!
COMPETITION CREDENTIALS: Coaches will be issued a wrist band credential required for bleacher seating access as well as access to restricted team and warm-up areas. Credentials are for official coaches only!
ATHLETE CHECK-IN: Athletes in all RUNNING EVENTS must check-in with the Clerk of Course located on the track infield at least 20 minutes prior to their race. Early check-in is encouraged. The infield clerk will distribute hip numbers. After receiving hip numbers, athletes should report to the starting line clerks at the starting line for their race. Finalists in the 60 meters and 60m hurdles will need to complete the entire check-in procedure a second time, prior to the finals, for new hip numbers. Athletes in all FIELD EVENTS will be allowed to begin specific warm-ups at the site of the competition 45 minutes prior to the start of the competition (1 hour / pole vault). Field event athletes must formally check in with the head official at the competition venue at least ten minutes prior to the start of the first flight. All field events will start on time!
ATHLETIC TRAINERS: The UK Sports Medicine Staff will provide athletic training services to all athletes.
RESULTS: Results will be posted on the track infield at the 50 yard line and on the wall near the entrance of the field house. Complete, printed meet results will be available shortly following the last event in the field house lobby.
DRESSING ROOMS: No formal dressing rooms are available in the field house, so please have your athletes come to the facility dressed to compete.
RESTROOMS: Field House restrooms located in the entrance lobby are very limited. Additional port-a-johns will be conveniently located in the Commonwealth Stadium elevator lobby just outside the entrance to the field house.
FOOD & DRINK POLICY: Although pre-competition snack foods (nutritional bars, fruit, etc) are allowed in the field house, team "fast food" picnic meals, nor any other food will not be allowed on the track infield. Please limit all drinks to containers with lids and ask your athletes to deposit all refuse in the trashcans. Your assistance in keeping the field house clean will be greatly appreciated. Food restrictions apply to spectators as well. Concessions will be available, but not allowed on the track infield
SPECTATOR ADMISSION: General Admission $10.00, Youth (3-18) & Seniors (65+) $2.00
The Field House will open Saturday morning at 8:30 am
2015 Kentucky High School Invitational
Entry Guidelines
Listed below are the average accepted performances from the past three years of the Kentucky Invitational. Use this list as a guide for entering your athletes and remember that entry fees are non-refundable so you should only enter athletes that you feel are VERY LIKELY to be accepted or you are willing to risk your entry fee. These are not entry standards that guarantee participation, just an accurate insight into the performances that have been accepted in the previous three years. Entries and participation vary from year to year, but if you enter with a performance less than those listed below you may not be accepted into the meet and your entry fee will not be refunded.
60 meter and 60m hurdle events require 100 and 100/110m hurdle performance for entry.
60m Dash 11.20 12.75 (100m)
60m Hurdles 15.75 16.50 (100mH/110mH)
200m 22.60 25.90
400m 51.20 1:00.50
800m 2:01.00 2:27.50
1 Mile 4:29.00 5:35.00
2 Mile 9:52.00 12:22.00
4x400m Relay 3:26.00 4:14.50
4x800m Relay 8:14.00 10:20.00
Distance Medley Relay new event new event
Pole Vault 12'00 8'06"
High Jump 5'08" 4'08"
Long Jump 20'04" 16'04"
Triple Jump 42'00" 35'04"
Shot Put 44'00" 30'00"
Weight Throw Relatively new event, so standards have not been established
February 21, 2015
Field Events
Weight Throw 10:00 am Girls (Boys follow 30 mins after girls) 16 Athletes
Long Jump 10:00 am Girls (Boys follow 40 mins after girls) 20 Athletes
High Jump 10:30 am Girls minimum starting heights 4'09" 16 Athletes
High Jump 10:30 am Boys minimum starting heights 5'08" 16 Athletes
Pole Vault 12:00 n Girls (Boys follow 60 mins after girls) 20 Athletes starting heights: G (8'06") ~ B (11'05")
Shot Put follows Boys WT Girls (Boys follow 30 mins after girls) 20 Athletes (45 minutes later) 4 final throws
Triple Jump follows Boys LJ Girls / Boys follow in 30 mins after girls) 16 Athletes (45 minutes later) 4 final jumps
Running Events
12:30 pm 60m hurdles (T) Men 45 Athletes/ 5 heats
60m hurdles (T) Women 45 Athletes/ 5 heats
60 meters (T) Men 54 Athletes/ 6 heats
60 meters (T) Women 54 Athletes/ 6 heat
1:30 pm Distance Medley Women 15 Teams/ 1 section
1:45 pm Distance Medley Men 15 Teams/ 1 section
2:00 pm Mile Women 45 Athletes/ 3 sections
2:20 pm Mile Men 45 Athletes/ 3 sections
2:25 pm 60m hurdles (F) Women 9 Athletes/ 1 section
2:30 pm 60m hurdles (F) Men 9 Athletes/ 1 section
2:35 pm 60 meters (F) Women 9 Athletes/ 1 section
2:38 pm 60 meters (F) Men 9 Athletes/ 1 section
2:40 pm 400 meters Women 48 Athletes / 8 sections
3:00 pm 400 meters Men 48 Athletes / 8 sections
3:20 pm 800 meters Women 45 Athletes/ 4 sections
3:35 pm 800 meters Men 45 Athletes/ 4 sections
3:50 pm 200 meters Women 48 Athletes/ 8 sections
4:05 pm 200 meters Men 48 Athletes/ 8 sections
4:20 pm Two Mile Women 30 Athletes / 1 section
4:35 pm Two Mile Men 30 Athletes / 1 section
4:50 pm 4 x 400m relay Women 18 Teams / 3 sections
5:10 pm 4 x 400m relay Men 18 Teams / 3 sections
5:30 pm 4 x 800m relay Women 15 Teams/ 1 section
5:45 pm 4 x 800m relay Men 15 Teams/ 1 section
Directions to Nutter Field House
From Bluegrass Parkway
When the Parkway ends, exit right and the road turns into US-60 East (Versailles Road). Follow US-60 East approximately 10 miles into Lexington and turn right onto Mason Headley Road. Follow Mason Headley 1.5 miles until the lighted intersection at Harrodsburg Road (Broadway). Go straight through the intersection as Mason Headley becomes Waller Avenue. Continue traveling Waller for a mile until the lighted intersection at Nicholasville Road. Go straight through the intersection as Waller Avenue becomes Cooper Drive. Continue on Cooper through the first light at University Drive and turn right at the next light (Sports Center Dr.). Nutter Field House will be at the end of that road.
From the North and West
Follow I-64 East/I-75 South to exit 115 (marked Lexington/Airport). Merge onto Newtown Pike. Follow Newtown Pike towards downtown for approximately 3 miles. Turn left onto Main Street. Follow Main Street for 0.4 miles as it turns into Vine Street. Follow Vine for 0.3 miles and turn right at Upper Street. Continue on Upper St. for 0.7 miles as it turns into Limestone. Continue on Limestone for 0.8 miles until the lighted intersection at Cooper Drive. Turn left onto Cooper Drive passing through the light at University Drive and turn right at the next light (Sportscenter Dr.). Nutter Field House will be at the end of that road.
From the East
Follow I-64 West to exit 113 (US-27/US-68 toward Lexington/Paris). Turn right onto Broadway (US-27 S/US-68 W). Follow Broadway towards downtown for approximately 3 miles. Turn left onto Vine Street. Follow Vine for 0.2 miles and turn right at Upper Street. Continue on Upper St. for 0.7 miles as it turns into Limestone. Continue on Limestone for 0.8 miles until the lighted intersection at Cooper Drive. Turn left onto Cooper Drive passing through the light at University Drive and turn right at the next light (Sports Center Dr.). Nutter Field House will be at the end of that road.
From the South
Follow I-75 North to exit 108 (Man O' War Blvd). Turn left off of the ramp onto Man O' War Blvd. Follow for 2.3 miles to the lighted intersection at Alumni Drive. Turn right onto Alumni. Follow Alumni 3.8 miles to the lighted intersection at Tates Creek Road. Continue through the light at Tates Creek and follow Alumni for 0.2 miles and take a right onto College Avenue. Go 0.3 miles around a curve and Nutter Field House will be on your left.