Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Welcome to our 2nd annual Run Wild Fall Classic! . All Middle school races will run the 4k course. All Elementary will run the same 2k Course which is set up for spectators to be able to see their athletes most of the race. This will be a fast course with a couple mild hills to keep it honest. We had almost 600 athletes compete last year and it was a blast!!
Race schedule:
9:00 AM MS 6th Grade Girls
9:30 AM MS 6th Grade Boys
10:15 AM MS 7-8 Grade Girls
10:45 AM MS 7-8 Grade Girls
11:15 AM Girls K-1
11:45 AM Boys K-1
12:15 PM Girls 2-3
12:45 PM Boys 2-3
1:15 PM Girls 4-5
1:45 PM Boys 4-5
Special Award to Top 3 Overall in Each Race!
Top 10 Athletes in Each Race
Complimentary Run Wild Sticker will be given to every finisher!
Overall XC Spirit award given to the team with the most fans!
We hope to see you out there!