Henderson Quad 2025

Henderson, KY
Registration Closes in 24 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Email: Coach Martin for password: samantha.martin@henderson.kyschools.us 

No 3200 and no 300mh

We will combine the Boy and girls LJ & TJ to try and speed it up. They will be jumping on our boys pit that has a 12' board for Long. We have a temporary 8' board to help prevent injury for those athletes who can't jump 12'. Our TJ has marking for 18, 24, 30, & 36.'.

Enter all athletes into 100m so we can get comp #'s.
Start Field events and 4X800 at 5:15pm.

5 athletes per event
We will run the Sprint 8 for timing. 
Entry Fee-$20 per gender. If you bring a volunteer entry fee will be reduced. Please let Coach Martin know before the meet.