Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Click here for the 5K course (Varsity)
Click here for the 3K course ( Middle School)
Click here for the 1600M course (Elem School)
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Live results:
Host: Montgomery County Schools
Saturday, August 19th, 2023
Location: The Warpath at Northview Elementary, 1040 Maysville Road, Mount Sterling, KY 40353
Come enjoy some early competition on a tough, spectator friendly course. Open your season with the Montgomery County Indians!
We will be on a rolling schedule once we get started, but here is a tentative time schedule:
8:45 a.m. Coaches' meeting
9:00 a.m. Girl's Varsity (5K)
9:40 a.m. Boy's Varsity (5K)
10:20 a.m. Girl's Middle (3K) 6th - 8th Grades
10:40 a.m. Boy's Middle (3K) 6th - 8th Grades
11:00 a.m. Girl's Elementary (1600m) 6th and Under
11:15 a.m. Boy's Elementary (1600m) 6th and Under
Cost: FREE!
Awards for top three competitors in each event.
Very limited concessions will be available (water and Gatorade). Tents and tarps may be used. Indoor bathrooms will be available for use.
Please make parents and spectators aware that there will be a $5 parking fee.
Additional guidelines, information, and instructions for teams will be sent out once registration is complete.
For additional meet information please contact: Coach Krista Reeves, (606) 356-5409,