E.R. "Doc" Gray Invitational 2025

Harlan, KY
Hosted by Harlan
Timing/Results Timing King
Registration Closes in 27 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

This will be the first meet held at Harlan with our new facility. 

Location: Joe Gilley Athletic Complex (Harlan High School football field..for directions contact Trent McKenzie or call Harlan High School).

Time: Coaches meeting will be 10:30 a.m. Throwing and Field events will begin at 11:00 a.m, running events begin at 11:30.

The meet will be held on a rolling schedule.

Entry fee: $100 per school (this includes boys and girls).

Make checks payable to Harlan High School Track and Field.

Checks will need to be brought to the meet and took to concession. Where you will receive a team packet.

Admission: Tickets will be sold at the front gate $5 per person.

Awards: Team trophy will be given to top 2 teams, medals will be given to places 1-3 in each event.

Check-In: All athletes should be checked in by 2nd call, any athlete failing to check-in by 3rd call will be scratched. Running event check in will be at mid field under tent. Field event athletes will check in at their event.

The 3200 may be ran together depending on number of entries. We will not be having pole vault at this meet. There will be a place designated for team tents. Athletes will have a designated entry to and from the track. If the athlete is not involved in a warm up or event athlete should not be on the field. Spectators should also not be on field as they are required to stay in their designated area. Wristbands for coaches will be provided in team packet. We may also request assistance with exchange zones and some field events.

Meet Timer: Tim King

Official: Gordon Bocock

Contact: Trent McKenzie, 276 269-4109 or by email at trenton.mckenzie@ky.gov