Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Where: Bath County High School, 645 Chenault Dr. Owingsville KY 40360
Time: Track will open for warm-ups at 5:00pm. Coaches meeting 5:45pm Track Events 6:00pm, Field Events 6:00pm. Rolling Schedule.
Facility: An eight-lane, rubberized, 400-meter track with lights & 2 large bleacher areas. A small grassy area for tents (NO Tents in the West Side "Visitors" bleachers)
Concession will be available - Pull Pork, Hot Dogs, Chili, Nachos, Candy, Drinks, donuts, kettle corn, cotton candy, strawberry and regular lemonades, popsicles, event t-shirts
Public restrooms will be available but no dressing rooms or showers.
Admission: Cost: Adults $5. Kids free and free parking
Events: All events will be offered including pole vault.
Entries: Upload team entries NLT 12:00 a.m., May 4th on
Times and Schedule of Events: Click Here for Tentative Schedule