Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Estimated Schedule of Events
Meet Information
The Apollo Track & Field family would like to cordially invite you to the Apollo Invitational. This will be our fourth season hosting this invite at our new state-of-the-art facility. Our goal for this meet is to give athletes one last opportunity to set a personal best before the post-season gets underway.
If you have any questions that aren't answered below please don't hesitate to reach out! We hope to see your team this May!
Kris D Crawford
Meet Time and Date: Saturday, May 3rd, 2025. The Field Events and the girls 4x800 will begin at 10:00 am. The remainder of the running events will immediately follow. The track will open for warmups and implement weigh-in for the throwing events will begin at 8:30. The coaches' meeting will start at 9:00 by the finish line area, and Field Events will be open to warmups starting at 9:30.
Entries: Each team will be permitted to enter 2 athletes per event. If you would like to get more of your athletes involved we will be allowing teams to enter B & C teams for an extra fee.
Entry Fees: The entry fee will be $75 for a boys' team and $75 for a girls' team. A full team will be considered any team that enters more than 5 athletes. Teams entering less than 5 athletes may pay $10 per athlete. There will be a charge of $50/gender to enter a B Team and the same for a C Team. Entry Fees can be mailed or brought on the day of the competition. If you mail your entry fee please put ATTN: Kris D Crawford. Checks should be made out to Apollo High School Track and Field.
Entry Deadline: All entries must be done using Mile split and are due by Tuesday, May 1st by 10:00 Am.
Awards: Medals will be awarded to 1st-3rd place in each event, and 4th-6th place will be awarded ribbons. The 1st and 2nd place teams will receive team trophies.
Scoring & Timing: Scoring for the meet will be 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 for both individual events and relays. We will be timing the competition using Finish Lynx Fully Automated Timing.
Spectator Information: Admission will be $5 for students and adults. Concessions will be available.
Event Info:
4x800 - 100h - 100m - U2x50* - 4x200 - F1600m** - 1600m - 4x100 - 400m - 300h - 800m - 200m - 3200m - 4x400
More details will be emailed out the week of the meet to the coaches of the registered teams. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Kris D Crawford at (270)314-5777 or