Pendleton County 1A/2A Classic (MEET FULL) 2025

Falmouth, KY
Timing/Results Timing King
Registration Closes in 40 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions



Date: Saturday, May 10th, 2025
Time: Start time is @ 9:00am (Coaches meeting at 8:45am) / Track is open until 8:45am

 Unified Long Jump proceeded by Unified Shot Put Starting at 8:30 a.m. 
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, May 7th -10:00pm.

This meet is open for 1A and 2A schools only.

This will be a small meet, only accepting a maximum of 5 teams, as this is our first meet in our new stadium. 

Concessions will be available. 

There will be a designated Team/Tent area. No teams/tents will be allowed outside the designated area. 

Teams and athletes are asked to stay off the infield. TurboJav and Discus will be taking place in the infield. Athletes will be strictly disqualified and spectators will be asked to leave the facility if this is not followed. There will be a designated waiting area for upcoming heats. 

Athletes must check in by the 3rd call or they will be scratched. 

Check-in will be located at the start of the 100m dash.

Participation & Entry Limitations: There will be no limit for each event, as this is a small meet. Substitutions will be allowed. 

 Entry Fee: is $100 per team: (Boys team $100.00, and Girls team $100.00).

Make check payable to Pendleton County High School and send to: Lisa Younger

Pendleton County High School 2359 HWY 27 N Falmouth, KY 41040

Contact Information for questions: Sara Remley Email:

Entries/Timer: Tim King w/ Tim King Timing

KYMileSplitScoring: Scoring through 8 places. Scoring-10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1

Awards: Awards will be packaged after results are combined and delivered to coaches to pass out.

Order of Events: Girls 3200m relay followed by boys - Rolling schedule after

Unified Events will be included

Field Events (3 Jumps/throws): 

There is only one sand pit, we will have open long jump and triple jump at designated times. Athletes will only be permitted to jump during those times. Triple Jump, After Unified to 10 a.m. Long Jump, 10 a.m. to noon

Girls Turbo Jav will be open starting around 11 a.m. after Discus is complete

1st Session (90 Min): Girls High, Boys Discus, Girls Shot, Boys Pole Vault

2nd Session (90 Min): Boys High, Girls Discus, Boys Shot, Girls Pole Vault

We will begin the pole vault height for the girls at 6'0" and at 7'0" for the boys. We will begin the high jump height at 4'0" for the girls and at 5'0" for the boys.