Dragon Invitational 2025

Bowling Green, KY
Timing/Results Warren County Timing
Registration Closes in 9 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

*******Team entry limit has been met*******

This will be an Invitational meet. You may enter any athlete that is in 7th grade or above.  Three athletes per team will be permitted to compete in individual events; One relay from each team will be permitted to compete in relay events.

We will have two areas roped off as Tent City.  I will send a map out later in an email. 

Location:  Warren Central High School

Coaches meeting:  9:00 am CDT

Track & Field events:  10:00 am CDT

Events:  All 18 regular high school KHSAA/NFHS events will be contested.

Entry Limit:  Three athletes per team may compete in each individual event; one relay per team may compete in each relay event.

Entry Deadline:  March 23 at 8:00 pm CST.  Please enter your entire roster in Milesplit. 

Team Entry Fee:  $80 boys and $80 Girls

Additional Notes:  There will be no unattached athletes, club teams, home school athletes, homeschool cooperatives, or private schools not affiliated with KHSAA or neighboring state associations in this meet.

Concessions (cash only) and Restrooms on site
Admission 5$ (Go Fan)
Gates open @9:00am
Coaches Meeting @9am Field Events at 10:00 Running Events @10:15
For any questions please contact Lydia Hood lydia.hood@warren.kyschools.us Cell: 270-779-4942