Centre College All Age # 2 (Wait List) 2025

Danville, KY
Timing/Results Timing King

Meet Information

550 Max athletes at this meet.  Once it is full it is full.  Payment must be received by Tuesday February 4th.  Once the meet is full then we will request payment be made or the sports will be given away.   These are going to be in High Demand, so do not delay on getting your entries and payments in.

Checks are to be made:

TK Race Management

1106 Sycamore St.

Falmouth KY 41040

We will be hosting a meet at Centre College for all age groups

The Running events will start at Noon With the layout of the facility we will not be able to allow a huge number of entries in this meet.  We are planning on hosting 3 meets.  Each school or club will be allowed to enter 2 of the 3 meets.  Entries will be limited to 3 per team or club per event and 1 relay team.

Age Divisions:

High School

Middle School

Elementary School



9 AM- Girls High Jump followed by Boys High Jump

10 AM- Boys Shot Put

12:00 PM-Girls Shot Put

10 AM-Boys Long Jump

11:30 AM- Girls Long Jump

1:00 PM- Boys Triple Jump

2:00 PM-Girls Triple Jump

12:00 PM-Girls Pole Vault followed by Boys

Running: 12:00 PM Start Order of events:

4 x 800 Relay

55 Meter Hurdles

55 Meter Dash

4x200 Meter Relay

1600 Meter Run

400 Meter Run

800 Meter Run

200 Meter Run

3200 Meter Run

4 x 400 Meter Relay

We will shut the entries off when we are at max capacity.

Entry fees are $15 event.