Carl Deaton Classic 2025

Greensburg, KY
Hosted by Green County
Timing/Results Knoy Timing

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions


I would like to invite you to attend the 2025 Carl Deaton Classic in Greensburg, Ky on Friday, May 2nd 2025, with a make-up date of 5/3/24. This is a long-standing, premier, meet in central Kentucky. We have a deep track and field heritage and a reputation for running a swift , well organized meet. We have a 6 lane rubberized track with separate LJ and TJ pit, and isolated HJ, PV, D and SP areas.

We will cap this meet at 21 teams.

Medals will be awarded for 1st to 3rd

Team trophies for team champion and team runner-up

The Carl Deaton Award will be given to the male and female athletes for most points scored.

** Scoring: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1**

All events will be timed finals with 3 attempts in the throws and the LJ/TJ.

Starter - 

Secondary Starter - 


Athletes arrive at 3:45
Gate will open at 3:45
Senior Night at 5:00
First call for field events at 5:15
Field events will begin at 5:30
First call for running events at 5:45
Running events will begin at 6:00 
Late arriving field event athletes will be worked in on arrival but, weather allowing, the meet will start ON TIME.
Track will be open for warmups from 4:45 to 5:30
After that the track and infield will be 100% closed.
Only clerking, or competing, athletes will be allowed.
Call schedule must be strictly adhered to.  Athletes that miss the call will not be written into the event.
No tents in the bleachers. The hillside, as you come into the stadium, is for tents . I would prefer to not have teams in the bleachers at this meet. With 15 teams, and 400 athletes, there is potential to have a lot of fans in the stands and they need a place to sit.  Overflow is bound to happen but all teams need to choose the hill first. 

General Admission Fee: $6 CASH ONLY

Full concessions will be available. CASH ONLY

T-Shirts available. Limited availability. No holds $15 small to large. $17 for XL/XXL

There will be a coach's hospitality in the building behind the 100 start. 


1. Each team may have 2 participants in each event, 1 relay per event.
2. Vulgarity will not be tolerated.  

3. No electronics on the track or out in any competitive area. Coaches can film away from the competition area.
4. No athlete should have any food outside of the bleachers
5. Please keep your area tidy.
Important links:

The meet will be held at Dragon Stadium adjacent to the Green County ATC @ 102 Carlisle Ave, Greensburg, KY 42743

Please call, text, or email any questions. We are looking forward to a good meet and hope you will be a part of it.


Grant Karnes

Green County High School

Green County Middle School

Head Track and Field Coach
