Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Welcome friends!
Varsity Outdoor Track Meet on the newly named "Tim Bailey Track and Sports Complex"
Bath County: High School Track & Field Meet on our 8 lane rubberized track, Sand Pit, Pole Vault, High Jump, Shot Put, and Discus.
Where: Bath County High School, 645 Chenault Dr. Owingsville KY 40360
Team (School) Cost: $0 per school per gender (zero)~ No cost to participate
Time: Track will open for warm-ups at 5:00pm. Coaches meeting 5:45pm, Track Events 6:00pm, Field Events 6:00pm. Rolling Schedule.
Facility: An eight-lane, rubberized, 400-meter track with lights & 2 large bleacher areas. A small grassy area for tents (NO Tents in the West Side "Visitors" bleachers)
Concession will be available - Pulled Pork, Hot Dogs, Chili, Nachos, Candy, Drinks, kettle corn, and cotton candy.
Public restrooms will be available but no dressing rooms or showers.
Admission Cost: Adults $5 and free parking.
Events: All events will be offered including pole vault.
Entries: Upload team entries NLT 12:00 a.m., April 15th on
Section 1 - 6:00pm
Girls Shot Put
Boys Discus
Girls High Jump
Boys/Girls Long Jump (open pit)
Boys Pole Vault
Section 2 -6:45pm
Boys Shot Put
Girls Discus
Boys High Jump
Boys/Girls Triple Jump (open pit)
Girls Pole Vault
Running Event will follow standard order starting at 6 pm.
We personally THANK YOU for your support and look forward to seeing everyone!
Tim Bailey, Elizabeth Adams, John Gibson, our Boosters and everyone involved!